Banana members

Re: Banana members

Back and playing again!

Running a little meph runner while this ladder still lasts


See you in the channel!
Re: Banana members

Hay animage :D

just saw a thread from wedo, glad to hear y'all hit the 40's. I was thinking about times y'all are available for play (my druid has some catching up to do, but i have a nec that level, so i could jump in), im available Saturday evening 7pm pst through about Tuesday eve. Let me know!
Re: Banana members

We would have no problem helping your druid get up to our level. In fact, anime made sure we grabbed wps we needed so we could get you through the acts. Unless you want to switch to a diff character. Also, whenever you're on is a good time to play :crazyeyes:
Re: Banana members

Hey all. I've been a long time D2 vet, on and off since about 2005, but pretty constant from 2002 until then. I currently play exclusively single basically cuz i got bored of the {fill in chosen curse word here}s on SC, so i decided to join HC beggining with the new patch.

I'll be playing using the account Fallen_Angels, and my character will be called Draccius (necro) and Syrasia (sorc). I'd like to join banana asap, and get on the chat rooms and meet everyone. Be playin with ya'll next season!
Re: Banana members

Hey all. I've been a long time D2 vet, on and off since about 2005, but pretty constant from 2002 until then. I currently play exclusively single basically cuz i got bored of the {fill in chosen curse word here}s on SC, so i decided to join HC beggining with the new patch.

I'll be playing using the account Fallen_Angels, and my character will be called Draccius (necro) and Syrasia (sorc). I'd like to join banana asap, and get on the chat rooms and meet everyone. Be playin with ya'll next season!

No reason to not get in chan now when you want and start to get to know people. those who aren't afk that is

Re: Banana members

Ya do jump in! there's a few of us that are still playing, even with reset looming on the horizon (no official date yet, still fun stuff). Look us up if you do!

...was I afk? think i fell asleep at the comp last night...
Re: Banana members

Ya do jump in! there's a few of us that are still playing, even with reset looming on the horizon (no official date yet, still fun stuff). Look us up if you do!

...was I afk? think i fell asleep at the comp last night...

How many accounts do you have? Add me to your friends:
Lethalvaccine <-- acct name

I haven't seen you on. Send me a whisper :crazyeyes::wave:

Re: Banana members

I have finally re-installed (a not broken version of) the baal bot. So the .login .logout & .baal commands should work again for anyone who is interested.

You type .login and the bot will track your game.
if someone types .baal or .chaos in the channel it will announce your game name (but not your password). You have to actually be in the game (not idling in the channel) for this to work.

It's 230am and I am drunk, so my testing has been limited but it does seem to be working correctly. It isn't limited to game name like the old version was, so this will track any game... If you wanted to run a chant game for example, etc. I'm sure there are/will be bugs/problems, just point them out here and I will try and fix.

Currently it doesn't tell you when you .login, but you must add xbananax to your /f list by typing "/f a xbananax" in order for the plugin to track your games. Edit: I have adjusted the code so it tells you this when you login.

Have fun,
Don't die,
& gg
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Re: Banana members

I just went on the channel and no one was on. What gives?

When do people generally go on?

On average there are maybe 4-5 people that have one of their accounts just hangin out in the channel afk. Most people are probably playing games. Most active I've seen in the last few weeks were a dozen in there the other night. Most are waiting for the ladder to reset. Not many use the channel to just hang out and chit chat all night. It may have been like this before (and might be after the patch) but now it's just a few locals (and me!) that drop by between game making.

Re: Banana members

I am back, this game is truly crack.

I used to play with AgentMarth. I've left and come back so many times I cannot recall. I've even donated a decked out Pally + account to someone.

I'm not looking for handouts, just people to level with.

I am having my usual ADD with characters. Bowazon is my fav, but requires gear. So I've started a Sorc and a Necro to mf. I don't know which to play.

Hit me up. *Lumps
Re: Banana members

Also back after a few years off...looking for some helpful friendly folk to play the game with when im on.

Anyone who needs a lvling partner feel free to add *Beanjuiceboy

Im always down to help out with what ever im able.

Re: Banana members

Good to see more folks interested in getting back in game :D

hay Wedo, sry about that...haven't been playing last few days (week?) network had some lag issues present (resulted in my sorc biting the big one, fanat pack of ghosts in hell act2...why is it always the day you decide to go solo :p) any rate, waiting for latency on teh network to reside, but ill be back on, still have a nec, and my assassin (though her gear is thinned), but my nec is steadily gaining on her....there just so resilient. my accounts are:

Elyxthaxzus3 (this one mostly empty, just started it for my new bowazon)

My barb actually bit it earlier too ( i had assy in game with tho, saved his gear). that was just plain newbness....was in NM act 2 sewers, forgot that boss down there is fire enchanted, pops for some nasty damage ;P I remember now! hehe....note to self, next time let merc kill...
Re: Banana members

I've played softcore seriously for the past three ladder seasons. A month ago I tried out hardcore-I played seriously for a few weeks (just enough to reach the top of the steep learning curve...and to find out that ladder is resetting). I would like to play seriously once ladder resets...preferably with people who will not attempt to TPPK or PK me (which is why I am posting here). Please add account Akivasha !
Re: Banana members

I'm on USeast HC Ladder. Always looking for baal runz or to help someone out if they need it. Just contact me @ Rudeelse in bnet
Re: Banana members

I have been experimenting with HC since the announcement of the ladder reset. It's been a rather lonely experience so far, for fear of the infamous TPPK. I'd love to join a group to share a few games, although my stay will be rather brief, since I'm planning to take a break from DII as soon as the ladder resets.

USEast, HC Ladder
Re: Banana members

Alright, so I'm sure I'm missing something simple here, but I've tried joining the channel:


A dozen times and it's empty. What am I doing wrong? Is this not the channel? :(
Re: Banana members

Alright, so I'm sure I'm missing something simple here, but I've tried joining the channel:


A dozen times and it's empty. What am I doing wrong? Is this not the channel? :(

Points and laughs.

Bad M-1. Bad...

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