2016 Summer MFO

While that guy is very cool, he only completed runs on his first and second day of speedrunning like 15 months ago and then kinda disappeared. Screw that guy.
Ahh, so Fabian didn't link us to that llama guy who plays a lot more.

What a relief.

Anyone trying to go for big amount of hours btw? I probably will keep it somewhat enjoyable and around 30h sounds good. But who knows if one ore another weekend is totally free.
Count me in as well. July works best for me, but I'll manage to get some runs done either way.
There was talk about merging alvl85 and Pindle categories last time. Should we do that?

I wouldn't be against it. Pindle is faster for many, but means giving up on chance to Tyrael's. Something to consider.

At least because it looks like Baal might be happening, and I feel like two categories is enough with already not that big player base. Opinions? :)
When I joined here, I thought that an MFO was just running whatever area or boss you want and get as many qualifiers as you can. So I was a bit surprised to find out you had to pick a target. In that respect, I'm fine with either.
I'll probably go for a big amount of hours. I will probably have a lot of free time on my hands. Also I'm on a major hunt for Death's Fathom atm.
When I joined here, I thought that an MFO was just running whatever area or boss you want and get as many qualifiers as you can. So I was a bit surprised to find out you had to pick a target. In that respect, I'm fine with either.


Would be fine with run whatever, get as much stuff as you can.
Magic Find Olympics was, iirc set up on a per target basis. This is similar to an event basis in the actual Olympics (i.e. curling, badminton, etc). Everyone trying curling will compare their curling scores to each other, but probably won't be competing against the badminton folks unless its drinks at the bar.
The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Level 85 areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including minion waves)

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests in the Pits/Ancient Tunnels, etc.

Basically you can choose where to run as long as your running target matches allowed areas. Basically all areas lvl 85 are allowed.

Its been like this since ever, except when Ancient Tunnels were separated category from lvl 85 areas.
Magic Find Olympics was, iirc set up on a per target basis. This is similar to an event basis in the actual Olympics (i.e. curling, badminton, etc). Everyone trying curling will compare their curling scores to each other, but probably won't be competing against the badminton folks unless its drinks at the bar.

It's also because scoring is different for different targets. Some items drop more for one target than for the other so it's possible that item X is a very good drop for AT's, but only mediocre for Pindle. The difference in droprate also makes it very difficult (if not impossible) to come up with a scoring system that gives equal chance to win between people running different targets. Add to that difference in runtime and differences in how much MF one can safely carry without losing killspeed and i think you can see the problem in getting to 1 scoring list that's the same for all targets.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up everyone. I don't see a reason to change that system then. I guess the mentioning of Baal ('is it time to have Baal back or should we keep him banished to the fiery pits of hell') got me confused, as I read the mfo rules when I first joined here, and I never saw any mentioning of not having Baal.
Baal is officially a separate category. Problem with the latest few MFO editions however was a lack of interest in running him. People in the MFO like to find lots of qualifiers. Targets like AT's, pits and Pindle are really good for that. One can run them quickly with high MF and drops are frequent, even with lesser gear. Baal on the other hand is much more difficult to run quickly with any decent amount of MF and his drops are significantly less compared to the other targets mentioned.

That's why the latest few editions there were less than a handful of people willing to run him. I think i was one of the few that did and that was mostly because i could combine running for 99 with the MFO. With that little people there was little reason to keep the category (what's the fun if you know you're gonna be top 3 even before you started?). But seeing as lots of people are now yelling that they are gonna run him that would mean the category would be present this time around (which i think is great despite the less impressive haulpics).
Sounds good. I don't have q chat capable of running Baal. My 88 blizz sorc can't beat the ancients...

But I've been warming her up in Pindle.

When do we start?

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If the MFO is in July, I should be able to play. I would be running the Pit.

Now to find that DWeb so I can play my new poisonmancer.
Any ideas when a general start date for this will be? I need to know how hard I have to push to get my sorc Baal-ready before this launches. :p

Also, just read through the past couple MFO threads and am feeling pretty excited about this one (though I doubt I'll be that competitive).
Just so I get this straight: in an MFO everyone picks their target from a list of targets, and then runs it ad infinitum, right? I mean, it's not like we all pick our favourite target to run, and then everyone runs the target which gets the most votes?

It's important for me, as I won't be getting my Sorc to Baal, so she'll be running AT, or (because it's safer and it's been a while) Pindle.
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