- Jan 3, 2007
- 9,188
- 992
- 113
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished I deleted the double posts of the original thread (anyone remember the squid?)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @Wolron on Feb 24, 2006. The last post was made Jul 15, 2006.
(link to original thread 1 on diabloii.net)
(link to original thread 2 on diabloii.net)
(link to original thread 3 on diabloii.net)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @Wolron on Feb 24, 2006. The last post was made Jul 15, 2006.
(link to original thread 1 on diabloii.net)
(link to original thread 2 on diabloii.net)
(link to original thread 3 on diabloii.net)
Tournament of the Scavenger
Tournament of the Scavenger
In the beginning, your character did not have an easy life. He was born in a time of poverty and his sole objective in life was survival. He learned from an early age to be on the lookout for implements to support that singular quest for survival. Over the years he had developed his keen eyes and his instincts to the point where simple survival was an objective that only lived in his memory. Now he is wealthy beyond the dreams of his peers.
But the need to search, the need to find, the need to utilize still burns at a fever pitch. Like an addict who cannot deny the needle or the pill, he pursues his pleasures in spite of all logic and common sense. For him this means traveling back to those days of poverty and survival. It means scrimping and saving and finding and using what is found to prevail against all odds! And then, when it appears that the time of need is again behind him, he repeats the denial and discards the newly found riches so that he can again bask in the pleasure of the hunt.
Of course, every now and then there is that special find. The sword or the belt that leaves him breathless, the boots with a feel and fit so pleasurable that they simply cannot be removed. The armor that not only protects, but also displays and augments the aura of power that its owner possesses. And so, he will not part with it...ever!
Welcome to the Tournament of the Scavenger.
The rules:
1. HC untwinked only.
2. No Multiplayer.
3. Version 1.10 or 1.11 allowed.
4. RWM is allowed, but no other mods.
5. Full clears are not required. However, since you are not allowed to repeat areas, it may be a good idea to visit all areas and clear them as much as possible. After all, you never know where that unresistible item may be hiding.
6. All Way Points must be activated.
7. All quests must be completed before you leave the Act. Imbue and socket quests cannot be saved for later, they must be used in their Act.
8. The Cow level must be completed at the end of each act. It should be considered as the last thing that you do in Act 5. This is an important consideration because you can use all the items that you have collected in Act 5 while you are slaughtering cows.
9. Choose any character type, use any skills.
10. Any Players setting may be used and it can be changed at any time.
11. Any mercenary may be used.
12. You may use any equipment that you find in the field.
13. You may use the equipment that you are given at the start as long as you want in Act 1.
14. ATMA cannot be used to expand your usable stash of equipment. However, ATMA can (and should) be used in two ways. First, you can establish an ATMA socket filler stash (look at it as a gem/rune/jewel bag). Your socket filler stash can be used to transfer socket fillers to and from the game. Second, you can mule off any items that you like for your own personal collection. But you cannot mule any items onto your character.
15. If you die, you may restart with a new character. However, you must try a different character class. That means that you can only enter seven times. In addition, each time you enter you get a two point penalty. That means that someone who dies once and reenters will begin with a score of -2.
Use of shops:
You are not allowed to sell anything at the shops except socket fillers (Jewels, gems of all types, runes). That means that you cannot scavenge expensive staves and accumulate wealth that way. In fact, you cannot even sell the spare potions that accumulate in your belt or backpack. After all, the scavenger has already done that and he is independently wealthy as a result. Now the pleasure is in the hunt!
You may gamble to your heart's content, and you can buy anything that you want. But where will you get enough gold? Your only source of gold is what you find in the field or the proceeds from those socket filler sales. It may be more sensible to use that gold for potions, scrolls and repairs. We have all experienced paying for mercenary resurrections at high levels (50,000 gold is a ballpark). It might be good to think about that early in this tournament!
Find, buy or gamble anything that you can. Develop yourself into a prime fighting machine on the strength of your keen eye and your luck. But, at the end of each act you must throw it all away!!! Well, almost all. At the end of each act, you must select an item (call it a souvenir) that you will treasure for the rest of the tournament from either your own equipment or your mercenary's equipment. That item must be worn proudly in the same slot, and never discarded: it must remain equipped for as long as your character lives. {NOTE: For the mercenary, this could be embarrassing if you fall in love with an Act 1 mercenary's bow (and make it your first souvenir) and then decide to hire an Act 3 mercenary later. That bow cannot be used and the Act 3 mercenary would have to go weaponless.}
You will perform this ritual in the following way: as your last action before moving to the next ACT, you will discard all items except the souvenirs that you have collected and the one new souvenir that you choose to keep from this Act. You can do this in one of two ways. You could just drop them on the ground and then "save and exit" and then return to the game in the new Act. Or, you could "save and exit", go to ATMA, stash all of your items (the gloves/belt/boots/helm/armor/rings/ amulet/weapon(s)/shield) except the souvenirs that you have accumulated . In any case, do not forget to also get rid of all extra items that you may have been holding in your stash and your backpack. NOTE: This does not include socket-fillers, charms, potions, scrolls/tomes, Horadric Cube, quest items. Finally, you may go to the next act and start scavenging again (or buying or gambling if you have been able to keep some of that hard sought gold and don't mind parting with it). Once you move on to the next act, you may never return to a completed act. {Since quest items can be taken with you, you may use Wirt's leg as a backup weapon at the start of each act!}
Depending upon your build, and what type of mercenary you use, you can have a maximum of 16 souvenir items. A mercenary may have as many as four (in the case of an Act 3 merc), and you may have as many as twelve (counting the weapon switch slots, if you use a one-handed weapon and shield in each). As you progress through the game, you will gain these souvenir treasures at a rate of one per Act.
Example: An Amazon that uses an Act 2 mercenary and a Bow in both hands will have 13 possible equipment locations to fill. She will add one permanent item per act. This means that she will head into NM difficulty with five permanent items already accounted for. She will head into Hell difficulty with ten permanent items. The last three of her items will be found during the first three acts in Hell. At the end of Act 3 she will have no items to discard because she will have no empty spaces left. She will then be able to replace an item during Act 4 of Hell and during Act 5 of Hell. These "replaced" items should also be counted in the scoring as outlined below.
Your task will be to develop a strategy that allows you to develop your character in spite of this interesting quirk that you have. That may mean purposely using the first few treasures for your mercenary. It may mean selecting items that can later be upgraded with sockets or with cube recipes. In most cases it will lead to frustrations later in the game as you find that really great item that you have always wanted to use, but unfortunately, you have already committed yourself to another item. Feel free to mule such a find off into ATMA, but you cannot mule anything onto your character.
WPs are worth 1 point each. (All of them, even the rogue's camp)
Quests are worth 2 points each
Subtract 1 point for each level (start with -1 point for this and +1 for the Rogue WP, which is zero to start!)
Add your scavenging bonus. Using the following point assignments, multiply by the Act that you assign the item in. Acts are numbered 1 through 15 for these purposes.
Example: If you take souvenir gloves in the first act, multiply the "gloves number of 2" by the act number of 1 (2X1) and add 2 to your score. If you take souvenir armor in the second act, multiply the "armor numbe of 1" by the "act number of 2" 1X2 and add 2 to your score. If you take a souvenir ring in the third act, multiply 3X3 and add 9 to your score. This goes on, act by act. If you save a ring for the last act of Hell, you would multiply 3X15 and add 45 to your score!
This is intended to provide some gamesmanship. The really important items have a low value and saving their position (you cannot save the item itself!) until later acts (to optimize their power) will not give you much scavenging bonus. You have to decide whether to take the high score or to take the high power.
Helm - 1 points
Armor - 1 points
Gloves - 2 points
Boots - 2 points
Belt - 2 points
Rings - 3 points
Amulet - 3 points
Weapon - 1 points
Shield - 1 points
All mercenary items - 3 points
Start Date: Now!
End Date: July 1st, or until there is no further interest which ever occurs first.
To enter, leave a post using the following format:
Wolron will enter as an Assassin by the name of Kirby. Kirby will probably specialize in martial arts with a minor in traps.
Forum Character Class Level Act WP Score
Wolron Kirby Assassin 1 A1 Rogue Camp 0
Forum Character Class Level Act WP Score
I will enter the first post (unless someone beats me to it) and you should just be able to reply to it or which ever post has the most recent table. Add your score line and go to it!
Updates are required at the end of each Act. You may post your progress as often as you like, but since the end of the Act is such an important event in this tournament, you really need to provide a post at the end of each act using the following format:
Kirby has just killed Baal in normal difficulty and then cleared the secret Cow level. Her new souvenir is an Isenhart's case. Her current list of souvenirs includes:
Isenhart's case (scored 5 points at the end of act 5)
Isenhart's horn (scored 4 points at the end of act 4)
Scintillating Amulet with +14 to all resistances (scored 9 points at the end of act 3)
A mercenary circlet with +24 magic find. (scored 6 points at the end of act 2)
A mercenary armor of Splint mail with 3 sockets waiting to be filled. (scored 3 points at end of act 1)
Her total scavenger points (27 points)
Her level is 45 (-45 points)
Her WPs activated are 40 (+40 points)
Her Quests completed are 27 (+54 points)
Total score: +76
Forum Character Class Level Act WP Score
Wolron Kirby Assassin 45 A1NM Rogue Camp 76
Forum Character Class Level Act WP Score
Skunkbelly Poorsoul Druid 39 A5 Ancients 51 RIP
When you die, your last entry will go into the DEAD/RETIRED list and will include "RIP" or "RTRD" right behind your final score.
Happy Hunting!!!
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