1.07 News, Info and Gossip

Love that forum name :D
5) Yes. I believe resistances modify damage before ES in 1.07, so that would be a good idea.
Forgot to emphasize that although I always use ES, this fact makes it way way more powerful, especially with mdr as well!
I didn't know that. I thought ES always applied only after resistances. Well that's good to say the least, maybe an ES sorc build with Lanceguard would be great. Anyone tried it?
I didn't know that. I thought ES always applied only after resistances. Well that's good to say the least, maybe an ES sorc build with Lanceguard would be great. Anyone tried it?
1.10+ at least, only blocking and defense is counted before ES. Which makes mana, mana regen, mdr and pdr the only stats you need for defense, as long as there's enough of it. In 1.10+ that is.
I can imagine that the mana boost from Lance Guard would be nice, but unless I'm missing something, Damage Taken Goes to Mana is almost worthless.
The stat is hurt a lot by the fact that it only applies to damage taken by melee attacks. Besides, the mana that you receive is a percentage of damage taken, so this means that with every bit of extra damage reduction that you equip, DTGTM becomes less valuable.
In most cases it's probably also a con that DTGTM "heals" mana after energy shield and mana burn subtracts points, since you will lose the ES when mana reaches 0.

As for ES itself, it doesn't help that telekinesis doesn't act as a synergy to lower the mana subtraction, it's always 2 mana per absorbed damage point. At least, I'm fairly sure that nothing lowers the mana loss, MDR definitely doesn't do it.
And a sidenote is that ES does not lower mana damage, so physical Mana Burn uniques will empty your bubble very rapidly. You can expect hits on Hell to take away a few hundred points at the very least. (MDR does apply to mana damage, though, so there's another reason to stack it :p)

ES is still a nice skill, but I see it more as a one point wonder (although it kinda takes 4 in most cases..).
A little bonus is that the healing portion of % absorb is calculated before ES, while the damage portion is calculated after. So with ES, you get a bit more out of the % absorb that you have.
For example, if a hit of 50 lightning damage comes in while you have 50% lightning absorb equipped and a 40% ES active, you will first heal for (50*0.5=)25 damage, and then only take (25*0.6=)15 damage afterwards. Assuming 0 lightning resistance. A small but nice bonus if you happen to have % absorb equipped.
Fun fact is that ES applies to the initial tick of poison damage, at least that of Spectral Hit. Might save you a couple of hitpoints :p

Also, I had a question for those with a Barbarian: Do you land critical strikes? Like, at all?
I ask, because I don't.
My mastery does not seem to add any chance to land a critical strike. At first I hoped it was just a visual bug where the overlay just wasn't displayed, but even with 20% chance (according to the description), I have still not seen a single attack that did double damage. The mastery does increase my damage, so it's not like I've skilled the wrong thing.
Maybe this was already known, and I've just missed the information about it? (It would be very Blizzard-like to try and fix this bug and then end up with the 100% chance bug in 1.09.. :D)
Hmm. Hate to be annoying, but has it been tested in 07 specifically? :/
When I go from mastery level 0 to mastery level 1, I am very clearly not doing double damage. I still hope you're correct, because I'd rather have bugs working in my favor than against, but it just doesn't look like there's ever a critical hit.
To test, I've set up a 1000 health target, while I do ~98 damage per hit without a mastery, but when I put one point into a mastery, I just go from 11 hits to 10 hits to kill the target. I've only checked one-handed weapons, but I doubt that's the issue?

Any suggestions helvete, or someone else?
Thanks for the reply regardless :)

Edit: For sake of ruling out, I checked some two-handed swords, but results were no different. Damage of around 98 gets boosted to about 106, and in turn I need one hit less to kill the target. The damage part is obviously working, but I still haven't seen double damage.
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Tyvm for your info so far :)

E: Do u guys use a merc ? I am NM A2 atm and im sticking to the barbarian right now, cause drag/drop-potting the A2 merc all the time was too annoying.
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Took another look, and I'm convinced that none of the barbarian masteries give any chance of applying a critical strike. I've seen a fair amount of assumptions in this thread about 1.07 that were based on the theory that the patch is similar to 1.08 or 1.09, but most assumptions were never tested I suppose.

Claw Mastery also does not give a chance to apply a critical strike, but I don't think it's a bug since the description doesn't mention anything about it. CM does have the bug where it applies the listed +%AR bonus to +%damage. This is not the case for barbarian masteries.

Critical Strike (the amazon skill) seems to work as intended.
(And Deadly Strike from gear works just fine on assassin and barbarian.)

Tyvm for your info so far :)

E: Do u guys use a merc ? I am NM A2 atm and im sticking to the barbarian right now, cause drag/drop-potting the A2 merc all the time was too annoying.

Most of the time I do, they can be decent body guards. But until they have got some gear or/and are high level, they'll barely be helpful.
They'll definitely always be squishy and some areas/situations will just eat'em up in 2 seconds, so sometimes you're better off not reviving them because you'd just burn through your cash for no reason.

You could consider shopping for an item with Life Tap, they'll make your mercenary leech and it often keeps them alive for much longer. Well, if they have a decent weapon, that is. :) These charges can spawn on knives, wands, axes, and shrunken heads, on both magic and rare items.

And for necromancers, Bone Armor is a decent skill because it comes after %reduction and integer reduction, and it also works on physical ranged attacks like those from the quills and corrupted ladies. So if you really don't know what to do with your skills, it's a consideration :p
@Fruit oh, that would be quite the news if masteries didn't work like we always thought.

Thumbs up for getting your hands dirty and doing all the testing work!
@Grape oh I can't help myself :p The questions just come up as I explore viability of skills or combinations. But I'm very glad to read the info is appreciated. Cheers! :D

@helvete good question, but no. All points were hard points to make sure that that would not be a/the problem.
But your comment does bring up whether or not there's another factor in play, rather than the skill being bugged outright. I've been going through my skills, stats and equipment, but I can't see or find anything that seems to be related at all. I've tried to use the most basic setup, as well as play around with everything to see if anything changes the outcome. So far, all I've found is that in every situation, there's no critical hit.
I'd be happy to hear of more stuff I could take a look at, for all I know there is in fact something that is "blocking" the critical strikes from happening.
Thanks! :)
Most of the time I do, they can be decent body guards. But until they have got some gear or/and are high level, they'll barely be helpful.

Okay t4i. Which merc do u use ? I read that Holy Freeze does not work in 1.07...

I just rushed my slaves to NM and i was positively surprised, that you can rush through almost every act directly by killing the Actboss (w/o doing Travi/Ancients etc.). I remember using a Gatechar back in the days, who had a Horadrim Staff and opened a game after Andarielkill, so you just could teleport to summoner, get the symbol and kill Duri. That should work in 1.07 also, i think.
A5 merc is best for most purposes, though A2 can be useful and A1 can be useful as well, depending on goals. A5 is a good all-purpose merc, though
Okay t4i. Which merc do u use ? I read that Holy Freeze does not work in 1.07...

Holy Freeze works, but.. "works".
The merc will switch between Defiance and HF, while Defiance has a higher chance of getting activated. Only the Defense merc from normal gets HF, and only after he reaches level 55. HF should be slvl15 when the merc reaches lvl98, but I don't know for sure.
In my opinion the merc is not worth it for the HF, as you can expect him to have Defiance up for most of the time. Act 2 mercenaries also do not regenerate health, something small to keep in mind.

Small info dump:
I took a look at Deadly Strike and amazon, and surprisingly, Critical Strike and DS stack in the sense that they quadruple damage. This applies to melee attacks, but not thrown javelins (see below). I haven't yet checked how things work with bows.

Bad news: +%Damage and +Damage that are on your javelin do not apply if you throw it. Deadly Strike also does not apply to thrown javelins (but Critical Strike does). So for Lightning Fury, it's pointless to have +%Damage or +Damage on your javelin. The base damage is used, so using a Matriarchal Javelin is still a good idea.
Strength increases the damage of thrown javelins, but dexterity does not.

(Or was this already known? It's a bit of a shame that we don't have an updated guide/thread :( Information is quite scattered, and sometimes even lost because of dead links.)

But yea.. I've seen some very nice javelins in this thread for LF amazons, but it turns out they are not as great as I thought. :x

And something regarding racking..
Not sure if this was known, I could not find info on this specific thing.
A bit of a wall, so spoiler tags:
The orange circles below are points where you can cast a summon, but it can not spawn there. In stead, it will spawn at a near "valid" point.
The blue circle is just a regular point, nothing special about it.

To the rack, for some reason, there's a difference. If I'd cast a Decoy at blue, the rack will tick 1X, but if I'd cast a Decoy at orange, the rack will tick 1Y. For this particular rack, this means it changes from a Maul to a Throwing Axe, or from a Maul to a Military Pick.

As for the Hydra, since it spawns three separate "entities" or whatever, it will tick the rack three times.
If I would have casted the Hydra at blue, the rack would've ticked 3X, but since I casted in the corner, two of the heads were pushed from "invalid" to "valid" spawn points, which ticked the rack for 2Y. One head was able to spawn where it was "meant to spawn", so 1X from that one.

And for example casting a Golem at the spot where your current Golem is, will tick the rack for 1Y, and not 1X. This probably counts for all summons, except for..
Hydra seems to be an exception to this, I suppose because they have no collision.

Edit: Forgot to mention that you yourself are of course also an entity with a collision, meaning casting a Golem or whatever on your own location will tick the rack 1Y.

Note that the order does not matter: 1Y + 1X is the same as 1X + 1Y. While this limits possibilities, it does tell us a little bit more about what's going on.

This can open up quite a few extra possibilities, depending on your class/skills.


Below's a list of skills that I've tested that will tick racks. Blade Sentinel always ticks the rack 1Y for whatever reason, perhaps because it spawns on your own location.
Bone Wall specifically is awkward because it spawns between 5, 7 or 9 segments depending on slvl and, I guess because of how their spawns are handled, it's not very reliable from my experience.
I haven't tested summons that require a corpse :p

clay golem
blood golem
iron golem
fire golem
bone wall (each segment)
hydra (each head)
blade sentinel (always invalid)
shadow master
shadow warrior
traps from assassin
traps from shadow warrior / master
all druid summons
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I'm going to hold off on working the 1.07 guide for a while longer. Too much going on in RL (especially band) and too much new info being discovered.

What I'm really hoping for is some clarity as to the affix calculation, and why some crafts spawn as ilvl 99. Possibly higher than 99 which then gets cut by ilvl ceiling.
I didn't know anyone had had that planned, that's good to hear!

I've been wondering about the bug with high ilvl crafts as well, I think I've seen reports of ilvl98 and 8x, as well as 99.
Has anyone checked the ilvl in something other than ATMA? It crossed my mind that ATMA might not be correct on it. It's worth getting a second opinion, if possible.
Other than that, it could be the "other way around". As in, the stats are not spawned based on the ilvl, but the ilvl is "buggedly" set after the stats were spawned. (Were there stats on the ilvl99 items higher than what is possible to spawn on ilvl65 items..?)

Item generation unfortunately is above my level for the most part. To me it's wizardry that they were able to find (out) the magic find formula, for example. All I can pride myself on is figuring out the poison damage calculation of Spectral Hit :p (And I might not even be correct about it.) I did quickly look at ways to get deeper into the code, but I would need months to get anywhere.
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+3 skilltab has been reported on Vampirebone Gloves, IIRC. Also, who even bother to check the ilvl of crafts which spawn with menial affixes? The ilvl 99 thing could be a lot more common than we think. Could be anything, tho... using perfect gem, crafting in a alvl 99+ area, having an offwhite volvo parked outside in the full moon.....
Not really sure what causes the ilvl bug. If I had to guess, the RNG defaults to generating a number over 99, which is then capped. As for clvl 99+, this is caused by two affixes:
                      lvl      lvlreq
of Freezing Arrows     94      86
of Lightning Strike    90      82
I haven't seen anything over level 99 except on gloves. I fixed this bug years ago in my 1.09 mod. Here's an example--
Hehe :D

Yeah it certainly doesn't help that it could be anything at this point. Best thing for now I think is just to rule stuff out where we can. When it comes to this bug we barely have a choice but to throw all data onto a pile and look for gaps and connections. And there's a chance the answer is worthless.
I wouldn't mind chasing this craft bug for a bit, but to start I'll have to go through the thread and find >65 items. It will certainly be nice to have WoRG's guide as a reference.
Maybe the item rolls an affix that's disabled and it messes up the ilvl. But that's just one of a million guesses. And probably incorrect. :D

And I had never even seen that clvl bug. This patch just doesn't stop throwing weird stuff at you.
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