Adria - Inventory Management System

Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Can't spot anything strange in the image, looks correct. I'm wondering if it's not something about the symbol library ...

Make a backup of items.mdb that is in the adria install folder and place it in a different folder. Clear single/multi and see if scan works.
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

I had a problem with adding items when I ran D2 in campatibility mode. Maybe this is the case too?
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

[highlight]New version up[/highlight], a lot of improvements and it's highly recommended that everyone updates. Visit the googlecode page and get the 5.0.0 Beta installer.

Some improvements:

  • Increased scanning precision left/right
  • Increased scanning precision top/bottom
  • Increased scanning speed (probably :whistling:)
  • Scanning feedback now in color: red = failed, green = success
  • Reduced needed symbol identifications (both false and correct requests)
  • Symbol library overview now available ingame (Item tab: [F3])
  • More OCR options to boggle your mind with! (see tooltips of the controls in the settings form)
  • Added "reset ladder" to account panels menu to quickly change all characters to NL.
  • Tradelist mod abbreviations fixed to be not case sensitive.
  • ... Just stop reading and go get it already, I need feedback.
  • Better line color recognition, now uses the closest matching color when the normal selection method fails instead of defaulting to gray.
  • A critical error fixed in regards to saving items, aka possible crash reason killed.
  • Screenshot and info scans (F6 and F7) can now be used without having a character selected.
  • Slow startup fixed (Space used on character calculations made in a less dumb fashion)
  • Ability to close message balloons using F1 added.
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

OK, so I installed V5.0.0.

I get a couple of "subscript out of range" errors when doing a text scan with F8. The item (Ginther's Rift) shows up properly in the Adria window after clicking through them, but I feel a bit uncomfortable with it :).

I have Xtreme Suite Pro V13.0.0 installed.

Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Alright, thanks for the report, I can indeed see that happening in the code. Your txt data files ("OCRLevenFix.txt", "TradelistStyles.txt" etc) are most likely remains from a previous version and I did a change in their section headers to make them all use the same one.

  1. Backup your data using application=>backup.
  2. Delete old data folder
  3. Resore data using application=>Restore
The restore process will inspect the compability of your old files with the new ones and let you choice which one to use or possibly merge the info of the new and old versions. In this case almost all will be incompatible so I'd suggest to simply use the new ones.

You could also simply delete those files and let the program get the default ones from the mdb. The restore backup method is more if you've added many things yourself and don't wish to loose those.
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Where is that data folder? I found a few which are related to Adria, but none of them get restored when doing that and their file date isn't from today, so I'm probably looking at the wrong places.
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Normally the datafolder is where it should be, but on win7 users may wish to check:

c: \users\<user name>\appdata\local\virtualstore\programfiles (x68)\adria\<comp name>.<user name>

(thanks for checking up on it krischan)
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

I fixed my typos in your posting which you copied into there :)

Thanks for the help!
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Hello, thanks for the great software.

Can someone help me in getting it to work? I watched the video and in the video, the user presses F12 to have the little window open in the top left corner and then the user can interact with the window by entering account and character names. After I press F12, the window pops up but I can't interact with it at all.
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Are you sure? If F12 works then the other keys should also be working, try pressing F9 to go to the item tab and then press F1 for a list of commands.

If it really isn't working I'll need more info before I can guess what the issue could be. Screenshots are useful, and the contents of "Adria.log" in your datafolder might help.

PS: I'm to leave for my grandmothers summer house today, don't know if I'll have any internet access there. My reply might take a while if I don't ...
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

nvm, got it working now. Had to run as administrator.

Though now I have another problem, When I hit f5 on a character to scan I get the following message:

Unsupported game window resolution. Your window is 1280x1024, but only 800x600 and 640x480 are supported.

I am currently running the game full screen on a 1280x1024 LCD, does the message mean I have to run the game windowed?
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

nvm, got it working now. Had to run as administrator.

Though now I have another problem, When I hit f5 on a character to scan I get the following message:

Unsupported game window resolution. Your window is 1280x1024, but only 800x600 and 640x480 are supported.

I am currently running the game full screen on a 1280x1024 LCD, does the message mean I have to run the game windowed?
Adria cannot handle a stretched image when it tries to do the OCR functions, it's important that the pixel distances/sizes are correct.

If your screen cannot be set to 800x600 then yeah, windowed mode will be needed. Otherwise you might be able to change something in your graphic card/glide wrapper settings so that it doesn't stretch the image but instead changes the screen resolution. If you use the glide wrapper then the setting I'd look at is desktopresolution.

Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Hello again, I'm having some more issues with Adria.

I can't get multiscan to activate when I am in windowed mode, I hit f5 and nothing happens, when I check the log this is what I see


14. 2011-07-20 00:31:35
D2 window found (Class = 'Diablo II', Caption = 'Diablo II')

When I change the setting to full screen, multiscan will activate, but it doesn't seem to be functioning properly. When I press f5, the Symbol image being shown is random stuff, like the horizontal or vertical gridlines between inventory spaces or the artwork of the lock in the stash (right below the actual inventory space)

The multiscan video only shows scanning of 1x1 items, how does scanning of a larger items work? Should I hover my mouse over the item to show the stats of the item and then press f5?

Help would be appreciated, thanks
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

What version? 5.0.0 or one of the older? Also please provide a screenshot of how it looks just before you scan (press printscreen then paste into paint).
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Sorry for digging this up, but i have a small question. If I play on a private sever, where we can have MORE than 8 character in one account, how to add the others character to the same account? The in-game overlay only allows 8 chars for one account, and i've try adding more characters from the main interface manipulation but no matter what i've added, the in-game overlay just ... don't show it. Also i've tried the "add to view" button with no success. So could you solve this problem for me. Any help would be much appreciated. Thks :thumbsup:
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

The interface is locked to 8 chars max, and it cannot show a higher number of characters per account without code changes. Adria is meant for bnet use after all, so designing the interface around this limitation makes both sense and simplifies some coding tasks.

That said your adria database does not have to be an exact representation of your accounts/characters. Just make as many accounts as you need and name them in a way so that you know which ones are the same. As long as you yourself understand your structure/naming patterns ...
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Gee thanks, i was thinking of doing that way. Nice program btw :thumbsup:
Now i got a new problem about backing up/restoring. The backup stage was no problem, but it seems like i couldnt restore those backup zip files. Maybe you could check this problem? :D
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Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Gee thanks, i was thinking of doing that way. Nice program btw :thumbsup:
Now i got a new problem about backing up/restoring. The backup stage was no problem, but it seems like i couldnt restore those backup zip files. Maybe you could check this problem? :D
Windows 7 has a different folder structure then XP. Since I don't own a computer new enough for win7, I cannot bugtest for 7 while I'm programming without relying on others ... which is a pain.

At least I bet the folder structure is the problem ... anyway just open the zip, find your datafolder, and place the backup files into it manually for now.

Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

Oops, nevermind, I've just realize how to restore. Sorry for bothering you
Re: Adria - Inventory Management System

I have installed Adria, then Codejack. Then I try to open Adria, it makes an "error" sound, close before it opens. I then "registered" Codejack, now it doesn't make any error sound, but still doesn't open. Any idea? (Running WinXp32-bit)
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