HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

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Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I apologise if this has been asked before, I tried the search function but all I came up with is me asking the question in a different thread lol:

I'm currently using GoMule V R03.

Is the old Azurewrath fixed in the Flavie report of GoMule (maybe I should update my version of GoMule?)

Also, I was wondering where the 'Unused Stat Points' were listed (if they are ...) because I couldn't find it?
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I apologise if this has been asked before, I tried the search function but all I came up with is me asking the question in a different thread lol:

I'm currently using GoMule V R03.

Is the old Azurewrath fixed in the Flavie report of GoMule (maybe I should update my version of GoMule?)

Also, I was wondering where the 'Unused Stat Points' were listed (if they are ...) because I couldn't find it?

I....don't think it's been fixed yet. Sorry :)

Unused stat points are not shown, thanks for pointing it out. I'll find a place for it in the next release!

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I have a question for Silo, although if anyone else knows feel free to chime in... I've been considering installing and trying out D2 under Snow Leopard, since it's about 95% of my gaming time and would save the hassle of having to boot into Windows each time. On Windows I use CRM which I know doesn't work on Mac due to the way in which it's deployed, however, would it not be possible to take the expansionstrings.tbl and patchstrings.tbl files from a CRM patched Win install and copy them over to a Mac install?

I have no idea about developing on Mac, I'm sorry! If the mac uses expansionstring.tbl and patchstrings.tbl, then sure, it can use CRM just fine. But a better solution may be to find a tbl editor (phrozenkeep) and do it yourself. It's super easy and I think one exists for the Mac :)

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I....don't think it's been fixed yet. Sorry :)

Unused stat points are not shown, thanks for pointing it out. I'll find a place for it in the next release!

Ok cool thanks - honestly I can't believe I was the one that brought the unused stat point thing to your attention!

EDIT: I echo Smips' sentiments about your hard work below! But I guess you are on your honeymoon by now! Hope it's a blast!

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Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Not sure if it's been brought up yet, but the newest GoMule doesn't allow you to put extra gold on it. In other words, my level 1 character can still only hold 50k or whatever it is. Just thought I bring that up :)

And thanks for all your work Silo! Your dedication is greatly valued :)
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Not sure if it's been brought up yet, but the newest GoMule doesn't allow you to put extra gold on it. In other words, my level 1 character can still only hold 50k or whatever it is. Just thought I bring that up :)
This is a tricky issue which has been brought up in the last couple of pages of this thread. The problem is that there is no way to differentiate a 1.13 .d2s file from a 1.12 .d2s file. I did some testing of this by saving a character repeatedly while alternating game versions. I could not find a single bit in the file which could reliably indicate which version of the game saved it.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I have no idea about developing on Mac, I'm sorry! If the mac uses expansionstring.tbl and patchstrings.tbl, then sure, it can use CRM just fine. But a better solution may be to find a tbl editor (phrozenkeep) and do it yourself. It's super easy and I think one exists for the Mac :)

Thanks silo, I'm gonna sit down and install it in SL today, so I will advise if it does in fact use those files, or if they have to be edited. Appreciate the feedback! :)

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

This is a tricky issue which has been brought up in the last couple of pages of this thread. The problem is that there is no way to differentiate a 1.13 .d2s file from a 1.12 .d2s file. I did some testing of this by saving a character repeatedly while alternating game versions. I could not find a single bit in the file which could reliably indicate which version of the game saved it.

Righto. Something that just popped into my head was that I remember that omgwtfbbq said he was able to load a 1.13 character in 1.12a(I believe that was the case). This would imply that Blizzard has yet to differentiate between the to versions in the save file, right? So I'd imagine this would be fixed by the time the final version was released.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

This would imply that Blizzard has yet to differentiate between the to versions in the save file, right? So I'd imagine this would be fixed by the time the final version was released.

It will most likely not be changed, I don't think there's been any difference in the save game files or item versions since 1.10.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

It will most likely not be changed, I don't think there's been any difference in the save game files or item versions since 1.10.

Yeah, I don't see them changing the save file for the final release, I mean that would be a major change and it would kind of defeat the purpose of a test realm and beta testing if they implemented it after testing finished!

It's almost like they know how lazy I am and don't want to disturb me :thumbup:

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

The latest patch R0.3 has my kickersin's AR as 100000304/100000475. That would be great but I think there's something wrong somewhere.

I suppose I should tell you that I'm playing 1.13beta. :p
Help with multiple instances

Using the modified DLL (found at for mulit instances/ ), I have been able to run multiple instances of 1.12a for a long time.

I also play 1.09b (multiple installs, not the version switcher). I recently tried to open up a second instance of the program, but nothing happened. I downloaded the modified DLL for 1.09b, backed up the original DLL, and replaced it with the modified version. It still didn't work.

With 1.12a, if I use the standard DLL it gives me an error message when I try to open a second instance ("Only one copy can be run at a time"). If I use the modified DLL, I successfully open the second instance. With 1.09b, though, I do not get an error message no matter which DLL I use, and in neither case does a second instance open.

What am I doing wrong? :dontknow:

(I use WinXP)
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I recently thought I'd start playing a bit of D2 again, and decided to give GoMule a try. The promise of much faster stash loading seemed nice, but there is just one problem: GoMule cannot load any of my ATMA stashes. Every time I try to load a stash, it says it is disconnected. I have read the suggestion to ensure the project allows all stashes (it does), and no luck. I made a new stash in ATMA, and transferred a single full rejuvenation potion over, and GoMule could not load it. My next test was to run D2 (v1.12, RRM/RWM), create a new sorceress, and transfer her starting gear (staff, potions, etc) over to a newly-created stash in ATMA. GoMule could not load it, yet by this last test, I have presumably eliminated any concerns about items from previous game versions, etc, that may be causing a problem.

I'd like to give GoMule a try, but I'm not going to start from scratch to do so. Any ideas on what the problem could be? Are the stash formats incompatible between the two programs, and if so, is there a conversion utility available?

[edit] Forgot to specify my versions here: ATMA is v5.04c, and GoMule is v0.3. [/edit]
1.13 ATMA info

Ok so I just successfully downloaded the patch, and am quite excited to play it with them tasty rune drop rates....

Questions though about my use of ATMA, which is quite extensive.
Is it compatiable with my 1.13 characters, items, and stashes? Will I corrupt the stashes and chars if I get a, say, vex in LK from 1.13 and put it in my 1.12 ATMA stash?

Maybe there is an update out for ATMA and I missed the memo, but any help to these questions will be much appreciated!
Re: 1.13 ATMA info

Silo fixed only known crash (stickies for dl? prolly) here, and that was the new bossdropped items. If you wont pick them, you prolly dont even need to patch yet.

But backup, ok? :D
Re: 1.13 ATMA info

ATMA V with Silo's files seem to work for everyone except me. :D Weird thing happened to me: I could transfer and move 1.13 Essences/Tokens around, but after I close the character/stash, characters would be corrupted and un-openable the next time I tried to access them, and my stashes would not display the Essences/Tokens.

I think it's because I'm a bit daft, so ATMA should work perfectly fine once you download the files. If not, get GoMule.
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I recently thought I'd start playing a bit of D2 again, and decided to give GoMule a try. The promise of much faster stash loading seemed nice, but there is just one problem: GoMule cannot load any of my ATMA stashes. Every time I try to load a stash, it says it is disconnected. I have read the suggestion to ensure the project allows all stashes (it does), and no luck. I made a new stash in ATMA, and transferred a single full rejuvenation potion over, and GoMule could not load it. My next test was to run D2 (v1.12, RRM/RWM), create a new sorceress, and transfer her starting gear (staff, potions, etc) over to a newly-created stash in ATMA. GoMule could not load it, yet by this last test, I have presumably eliminated any concerns about items from previous game versions, etc, that may be causing a problem.

I'd like to give GoMule a try, but I'm not going to start from scratch to do so. Any ideas on what the problem could be? Are the stash formats incompatible between the two programs, and if so, is there a conversion utility available?

[edit] Forgot to specify my versions here: ATMA is v5.04c, and GoMule is v0.3. [/edit]

Nope, they're entirely backwards compatible, you should have no problems. What version of Windows/Mac/Linux are you using? Can you open a command prompt, go to the folder with the GoMule.jar file in it and run the command java -jar GoMule.jar

...and post any error messages you can see.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

silospen said:
Nope, they're entirely backwards compatible, you should have no problems.
Hmm. Odd, then.
silospen said:
What version of Windows/Mac/Linux are you using? Can you open a command prompt, go to the folder with the GoMule.jar file in it and run the command java -jar GoMule.jar

...and post any error messages you can see.
I've tried it on two machines. One is an Acer netbook (Atom 1.6GHz, 1.5gig RAM), and the other is a Compaq notebook (Sempron 2GHz, 1 gig RAM). Both are running WinXP Pro, SP3.

I've tried running it normally, and through a command prompt, and neither works. GoMule can open my characters just fine; it's just interacting with ATMA stashes that is a problem. No error messages are present with either method of running the program. The program loads and runs okay, but just can't seem to parse the stash contents.

My version of ATMA is 5.04c, and apparently there is a v5.05 that I have not bothered to install. Is there perhaps a header in the stash file with a version stamp that might cause problems, particularly if GoMule is set to look for a fixed sequence in validating the header? I suppose I can download the newer version and see if that helps.

Failing that, my next step will be to pop over to Sun's site and check for a newer JRE, but I'm pretty sure I've got the latest version. If that doesn't work, then I guess I'll just stick with ATMA, unless you heave some other suggestions.
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I've got the same problem pharaoh, so it's not just you, characters open fine but stashes open as 'disconnected' with no items in them. I thought it might have something to do with the ATMA stashes being from 1.10 or with using GoMule in a Mac, seems it doesn't though :scratchchin: Silo, if you want to check one of the stashes to see if there's something wrong you just need to ask :)
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

pharaoh said:
My version of ATMA is 5.04c, and apparently there is a v5.05 that I have not bothered to install. Is there perhaps a header in the stash file with a version stamp that might cause problems, particularly if GoMule is set to look for a fixed sequence in validating the header? I suppose I can download the newer version and see if that helps.
Apparently this was the issue. There seems to be some minor difference between the stashes as saved by v5.04c and v5.05 of ATMA. GoMule seems to open the test stash fine now. I'll let you know if I run into any other issues, but it looks promising so far. Cheers, silo and Randall.
Ragnarod said:
I've got the same problem pharaoh, so it's not just you, characters open fine but stashes open as 'disconnected' with no items in them.
Yeah, that's exactly what was happening with me.
Ragnarod said:
I thought it might have something to do with the ATMA stashes being from 1.10 or with using GoMule in a Mac, seems it doesn't though :scratchchin: Silo, if you want to check one of the stashes to see if there's something wrong you just need to ask :)
The item format (indeed, save file format in general) has remained unchanged since v1.10 final, though they did add a few new items in v1.11 (those reagents for the 'uber quest', and the Hellfire Torch quest reward). It seems to be a difference in the stash files themselves.

If you're on a Mac (poor you) but can run ATMA now (emulator, access to Windows box, etc), then try grabbing the latest ATMA here, load and save a stash in it, and then see if GoMule will read it.

I expect that a utility to update stash files would be trivial to write, but I have no idea how the format is laid out. If it's more than a header issue, it could be more work than it appears to be, and since I've already got it sorted, there's really no point unless a large number of people are having the same problem.
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