Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  28  |22/14 |  15   |  79   |ILikeRocks       |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	    |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |Dogwhip          |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Finally found the time to finish act 5 and cows with Storm. Two Amn runes dropped in act 5 solidifying my choice to make an Insight. I used an eth bill I found, I had a 4so Partizan but it was only regular and a little slower, so I went with the eth bill. My merc is also toting a Rockstopper that I collected, along with his dingy blood-crafted tunic. My runeword rolls were fantastic; a level 16 Meditation. I used the extra amn rune to make a spirit as well, perfect stats (!!!). So hopefully I'll be able to make some progress in hell. If I find the time that is :crazyeyes:

Notable NM NDE: Multishot Fanaticism aura Gloam guest boss pack with champion minotaurs in the ice caverns. I can safely say without teleport this would have been my end. The minotaur champions were hard enough to kill once I dragged them from the gloams. Just sooooo fast o.o

Cheers and good luck to all entrants!
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  31  |31/21 |  15   |  98   |ILikeRocks       |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	  |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |Dogwhip          |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Wow Max got through all of act 4 not full clears for act 4 because i find it boring! but he only gained one level from when he left act 3. I almost killed myself when i was Doin the CS thing and i got cursed with my Zeal, i thought i was dead but i hit the right number at the right time (my full juvie saved me!).
I had to res my merc a couple times while fighting diablo... he would always get hit with the lightning thing. But i made him a malice in a Poleaxe... which is working... neither Meph nor Diablo dropped me anything really useful... Cleglaws claw/ Arctic gloves... but i did find a Bloodravens Claw from Lord de Seis... that was okay.

I am gonna do full clears of act 5, it is my favorite act, and I like the exp. Well, good luck all!

edit: just found this!

It is good enough for me! also just found a very nice Sparking Mail!
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Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

as i stated before i got random rolls for a summoning druid so that exactly what im gonna start.
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  45  |49/33 |  15   |  142   |ILikeRocks       |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	  |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |Dogwhip          |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Max has achieved Destroyer!

Max is only lvl 45 but he just got past NM Act 1.
Found a decent pair of Venom Grip Gloves, and also got Shael and Sol from the shiny chest in the mausoleum! that was good news!
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

My friend doesnt have an account here and he only plays d2 at my house so im gonna add him to this tourney for him.
he is using a summoning necro

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  45  |49/33 |  15   |  142   |ILikeRocks       |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |Dogwhip          |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  |5/4   |   5   |   30  |Dlav             | 
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  45  |49/33 |  15   |  142   |ILikeRocks       |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  34  |30/19 |  12   |  95   |Dogwhip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  |5/4   |   5   |   30  |Dlav             | 
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Im At the ROF wp so i will be killing Big D soon which i'm kinda looking forward to but will be challenging (thinks of d's LIGHTING HOSE ATTACK)*gulp*

i could have gotten to this point a hell of a long time ago but because i hate act 3 so so much due to it being mind numbingly boring i stopped playing the game for ages to recover >_>

The forge was interesting seeing as EVERY gem that dropped decided to be an emerald (i didn't think that was possible) the rune was a nef or something similar. On a side note The Chieftain battle axe + wolf + fury + feral rage = an unstoppable life stealing, damage dealing, speed of light hitting machine lol (so far anyway).

edit: big d was easy and i conquered him on p8 settings woot! woot! He decided to drop riphook and some random rares. Onward to Baal!
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Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175   |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  34  |30/19 |  12   |  95   |Dogwhip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  |5/4   |   5   |   30  |Dlav             | 
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Teh Sadness:
You will be missed!

that is sad, but i am gonna do one more char and if it dies i think i might be done with this tournament, i rolled and got a light sorc... so hopefully it will work out for me better than my Pally. I did have a lot of fun with this char! but i think i would have been a lot happier if i could have used fanat :)

Wish me luck, I haven't decided on a name for her yet, but i will post prolly after i finish act 1.
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

RIP Max Hardcore
Im kinda disapointed about MaxHardcore because i thought he would die in act 4 nm.(no offense)

Any way the latest update on my summoning Druid LIl_Wayne

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175   |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  34  |30/19 |  12   |  95   |Dogwhip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    |Dru/Sum     |  17  |6/4   |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  |5/4   |   5   |   30  |Dlav             | 
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

I also thought he would make it to the CS and die there, but i ran out of purples, and was surrounded when i actually died. my merc kinda pissed me off also, he was running the other way when i died... but oh well, one more try at it, and if it doesn't work, then i am done.
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

im srry tha you died 2 times but you definitly got farther then me.
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           | 
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  34  |30/19 |  12   |  95   |Dogwhip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  22  |12/5  |  15   |  54   |Nermind          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Thundara     | S/Light    |  19  |10/6  |  15   |  50   |ILikeRocks       |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    |Dru/Sum     |  17  |6/4   |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  |5/4   |   5   |   30  |Dlav             | 
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz(RIP)| S/Fire    |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |  
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Like i said i would update after i got past Act 1 and i did. Thundara has reached lvl 19, i was hopin' to hit 20, but i skipped a couple caves, which prolly would have helped.

It took me a while to finally go through with getting all of Act 1 done, i was quite disappointed that MaxHardcore died and it was a bit harder to get motivated. but this will be my last char for this tourney, i thought Max was gonna make it further but he just got swarmed and died. Maybe i should have lowered the players with him, but i thought he was better than that.

Oh well, I hope i can make it as far as Stormbolter, but it is gonna be a rough long road. Good luck to anyone still in the tourney!
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Wow props ilikerocks i personally would have given up if my second character died lol!

good luck with Thundara!
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

after Lil_Wayne i will create on more character and then i will put all my struggles to te heptad team tournament.
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

woot woot! After what seemed like forever (actually took ~2 hours) baal and his evil minions are dead! yay! My general tactic for the minions was to use deathspade on them (blinds target :p) then whack away! Although lister and his gang can't get blinded so i had to run around for 10 mins trying to seperate them and fight each one one-on-one or two-on-one.

Baal himself wasn't too hard (although i did lose track of where he was and ended up attack his clone for a few minutes >_<.) I basically hid behind a pillar and attacked baal who was on the otherside. This gave me protection against the cold attack and the fire one from both baals (he cloned himself again). When he had a sliver of health left I res'd my merc and switched to my angelic set and other mf gear and let the merc (eventually) kill baal. After all that baal decided to drop sig's glove, razorswitch (damn wish i was a sorc), and a 2 soc rare armour that is bad but had potential :yes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes:
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Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Congrats on beating baal, I enjoy this tourney, it is still quite fun! but i just was sure that MaxHardcore would have gotten farther than he did. but good luck in Nightmare!
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

dog whip u know there is a glitch where u lead listers pack to the entrance of the worldstone keep 4 and then u sprint to the baal fighting place and u can fight baal.

Srry hard to explAIN
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Congrats on beating baal

Thank you! <3

dlav - I do know of that glitch but i decided not to use it because i was extremely close to lving when lister spawned and also i wanted to see if they dropped anything good (which they didn't). Then theres the challenge of beating them... :smug:

small update: found a eth woestave :cloud9: from a zombie boss which is making things so much faster! I'm in the outer cloister so im aiming for andy tomorrow. Just thought...i haven't been lower than /p8 with this dude!:scratchchin:

Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

kool, may u repost the table i want to see how many points u got and what lvl u are.
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  35  |31/20 |  15   |  101  |Nermind          |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  34  |30/19 |  12   |  95   |Dogwhip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	    |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Thundara     | S/Light    |  19  |10/6  |  15   |  50   |ILikeRocks       |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    |Dru/Sum     |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

They are falling one by one...)
Mephisto got moated in the best traditions of BowBarbs while Diablo most of the time was fought like this so i could only barely see his feet :p The last fight took almost an hour (i blame my "great" bow for that ^.^) and i chose these tactics because i didn`t see a way how to keep Elly alive - no matter how i position us Diablo would use that lightning attack on her, even if i stand tanking next to him while shes at the bottom of the screen. Once again no real danger except going for the last mercenary hit with full mf gear :)
As many said already act3 was easier than act2 most of the time, went through it without any significant improvement in gear, only once again improving Elly`s damage in act 4 by making this armor, that doesn't look like something great, but its almost 100 max dmg for her.
Hellforge gave me an ort, so now im only one ort away from an OrtOrtOrt Composite Bow (Zephyr runeword seems too weak to waste orts). Also a Sol rune dropped in act 4, which seems pretty useless after going through the runeword list.
Hard to tell the hardest fight/area so far but the most annoying was RoF with its maggots - takes time to kill them without high damage and any area spells.
A couple of uniques have finally dropped, best of them being Chanceguards - only 31% mf, but i like how much bigger the gold piles are now :)

Good luck with keeping up the progress!:)
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

nermind you are insane to do this with a bowbarb lol! How long did it take you to kill meph and D? I remember it took me quite a while to kill andy with a bowbarb.
Btw nice merc armour! :thumbup:

|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|StormBolter  | S/Light    |  75  |78/53 |  7    |  213  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  51  |46/31 |  3    |  131  |Dogwhip          |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  35  |31/20 |  15   |  101  |Nermind          |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  28  |19/11 |  15   |  73   |Norcim105        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  21  |12/7  |  15   |  55   |oneofakind       |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Thundara     | S/Light    |  19  |10/6  |  15   |  50   |ILikeRocks       |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    |Dru/Sum     |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       |Nec/Sum     |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Islandstone      |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |

Not too impressive D: still keeping to the single tree though so i can get +10

hehe i decided to go on a mf shopping spree and i now have 304mf. Still waiting for that 4soc armour which i can start getting in the area im in:wave: Spent an hour shopping lazuk in normal trying to find an artisans great luck so it's 2socs for me :banghead:
Estimated market value