The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

Sorry kestegs, it was me. I already own a time traveling machine, and I was in need of henchmen to go back in time to steal all the worlds most valuable artifacts. Strange what money will do to a person eh?

*jumps into his pool of treasures*
You have a time-travel machine, clone machine, and henchmen?

Didn't your mother ever teach you to share?
Re: The Noodle Compound

You can't remove me from the ABE society. i am infact the entire board of directors, besides an honourary position for chuck norris' beard.

The beard is still there, its just short. before it was crazy homeless long.

i'm one of the good henchmen, i have a name, so i die towards the end. i think it makes me more of a minion actually
Re: The Noodle Compound

You have a time-travel machine, clone machine, and henchmen?

Didn't your mother ever teach you to share?

Well the cloning machine isn't exactly mine, but I did manage to get it working (surprising what a bit of kicking can do). The henchmen are a result of the cloning machine working again.

As for the time travel machine, it's been in my family for generations. ;)

Now to set in motion my evul plan. :evil:

Re: The Noodle Compound

There's a cloning machine here?

Why have I not been shared this information?
Re: The Noodle Compound

This is of the upmost importance keggers!

Hmm... The name is familiar; we both have chosen "Sorceress" as our "Class," so, maybe during our time in training?

idk though, could have been in a dew infested stupor somewhere?

btw: What IS this place?
I've never really know what this place was, I don't even think I've ever even read the first page.
Re: The Noodle Compound

i'm pretty sure its a compound made by noodle, for noodles, out of noodles.

also it has rugs aplenty
Re: The Noodle Compound

This place is actually a living entity, or very close to it. No one's 100% sure about it's origin (except Gorny perhaps), but we do know this much. It attracts weird conversations, houses powerfull objects, and is capable of changing name to avoid being found by... "unfriendly" people.

@kestegs: I'd rather be known for stealing something like the Mona Lisa than robbing a bank. xD
Re: The Noodle Compound

Page one doesn't really explain much, but from what I can tell, here are the names it has had:

Red Alert! (Spring/Summer OT Thread)
Red Alert! Food Fight! (Winter 2009 OT Thread)
The Noodle Compound (Spring 2009 OT Thread)
The Noodle Compound

You are right, steeling the mona lisa would make you a bit cooler.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Be careful when poking around in the dark recesses of the Compound, Blood Thirsty Mermaids are lurking in a pool there:mua:
Re: The Noodle Compound

This place is actually a living entity, or very close to it. No one's 100% sure about it's origin

In the mid-2000s, Community was racking up a lot of off-topic threads that were constantly pushing the actual on-topic content off page one. We were reluctant to force posters to use the actual Off-Topic Forum - as back then, it was, at times, an admittedly intimidating place (particularly for newbies and our more soft-spoken members).

The first attempt at a solution was a two part rule:

1) Put "OT" in your thread title.

2) No more than 3 OT threads will be allowed to hover around page 1 at the same time.

This rule was a royal pain in the butt to enforce. Fortunately, there was another avenue to explore. Shaperla had been maintaining an OT sticky - just like this one - in the West Trade Forum for quite some time. I was a daily lurker and occasional poster. I used to read it for pleasure every morning over coffee, usually just after finishing my first mod chores of the day (at least until OT was discontinued there) and the regulars there were a great, fun-loving bunch of weirdos.

We decided to try the "OT sticky" idea here and it turned out to be just what the doctor ordered (most of our subforums have one of their own, so obviously it worked out very well for everybody in the end).

I don't remember if I had actually joined the staff yet when the first Community OT went up, but I do remember being its custodian for virtually my entire tenure here. The general practice was to put up a fresh thread seasonally (3000 page threads are untidy IMO) and dedicate it to whichever poster we felt like ribbing a bit. The purpose of these threads, as you all probably already realize, is to provide an informal, agenda-free spot for posters to mingle, bond, tease each other, let off some steam, plot shenanigans and just have fun. I'm happy to see that it's still fulfilling that function. :)

So there's a little forum history/trivia for you ladies and trolls. Yes, I'm bored this morning.

kestegs said:
Bloodthirsty mermaids, eh? Sounds kinda kinky!

You've obviously not met our dear mermaids. There's one in particular ya don't wanna be messin' with! :grin:

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