RFL When and Format?


Well-known member
Guide Author
Mar 14, 2020
It's that time of year! As shown here (scroll down a bit, although recent ones aren't updated yet), for the last few years we've had Rune Finding League in the spring. So I wanted to gauge interest and availability for RFL, if it starts in early April. For quick reference of what's involved, last year's opening post is here.

Last year reflected a format update, to only two rounds instead of three due to feedback about how challenging three rounds of three weeks (or 17 days more recently) is to sustain. We went with the first round as Areas, basically any part of the game (including Terror Zones for those in D2R), except Cows (which were the Round 2 target) and LK. The former Travincal round was effectively combined with Areas from prior three-round format. For those in D2R, Terror Zones can't be run for Round 1 if Terrorized zone is Cows or LK.

Participation was good for Round 1, but faded for Round 2. I thought it would be worth giving a two-round format one more shot before converting to a single-round RFO format. So I first wanted to see what participation might look like. As to timing, I was thinking of two 17-day rounds with a short break between, as follows:
  • Round 1: Friday, April 5 - Sunday, April 21
  • Round 2: Friday, April 26 - Sunday, May 12
We can definitely push back by a week or two, depending on availability across the SPF members interested in participating. I also hope that the shorter timeframe will leave time for a MF/RF tourney over the summer.

Hoping to get critical mass, so please share availability and if earlier or later time frame would allow you to join. Thanks!

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Count me in. I'm usually at the bottom or near it, so maybe this year will be better! I won't be able to play from 16 May to 25 May, but any other dates are good
I’ll probably sign up for the RFL this Spring. I’m not fussy about dates. I can find some playing time any time.
I have been thinking about levelling my WW barb in the Pits and also that I should join one of these events for once. So sounds like the stars have aligned. :)

I think I will struggle with getting a full 20h set but this is not due to the dates suggested.
I'd like to participate. How much of a disadvantage will I have by playing 1.14?
@Swamigoon - no disadvantage that I know of. Load times aren’t an issue, so depending on target, it can be an advantage of sorts.

@all - thanks for feedback for those who’ve weighed in. I’ll aim to get sign up thread posted tomorrow for the time frame suggested in the initial post.
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Besides the minor inconvenience of turning 40, i should be available during the proposed dates!
Besides the minor inconvenience of turning 40, i should be available during the proposed dates!
Congratulations in advance! Btw aging by decades is called decaying, right? ;)
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