Orange You Glad That Rune Dropped: Craft-Centric Tournament

Sweet rune drops @Norcim! Also that's probably pretty fun dealing with all those boss packs all at once; as long as they don't kill you, that is... Nice job!
Lugh has beaten A1 NM

and had to sort out his wardrobe and do some shopping (for crafting ingredients). I made sure to hit ilvl 51 for all my crafts in order to get a guaranteed 3 additional affixes.

So far, I used a plain Demonhide Sash, Demonhide Boots, Demonhide Armor, Demonhide Gloves and no amulet. Then the Akara reward ring from NM and the Ormus Ring from Normal as well as the Anya reward as headgear. As a weapon I used my up'd Shael'd Bonesnap.

My merc used a Malice Partizan and the imbued Circlet and a plain Demonide Armor.

Now this is my curernt equipment after cubing
- 2 Blood Plate Mails
- 1 Blood Mesh Belt
- 1 Blood Light Plated Boots
- 1 Blood Heavy Gloves
- 1 Caster Amulet
- 1 Safety Lance

Dread Cloak.jpgDread Visage.jpgWraith Stake.jpg

Grim Heart.jpgHailstone Circlet.jpgHailstone Jack.jpgHavoc Hand.jpgSkull Stalker.jpgSpirit Harness.jpg

I am pretty happy about the rolls. I wish I had some IAS on my gloves, but at least the CB is decent, plus it has Fire Resist. It is overall the worst of the crafted items IMO. The Belt isn't the best either, but 10% OW is great. Another Resist than Poison on my boots would have been awesome.

But the imbues are great and now I feel very well equipped for the rest of NM.

That leaves me with these crafting materials:
4 PSapphire
0 PRuby
5 PAmethyst
1 PEmerald

51 Jewels


Playstyle-wise going pure Berserk/War Cry seems less safe than Concentrate/War Cry, esp. because you can't leech with Berserk and you need to pay more attention on FHR (which is bascially meaningless if you only use Conentrate). So I will probably go War Cry/Concentrate with Berserk as a backup for PIs. Whirlwind seems to risky.

Regarding my items:
Future PRubies will probably be spent to craft gloves in search of IAS. I might wait for ilvl71 though for the guaranteed 4 affixes. We will see how it goes.

Destroyer Lugh, level 53 Barbarian, NM Lut Gholein next


Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     67    A5 NM
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    64    A4 NM
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    53    A2 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     35    A4 N
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     34    A5 N
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N


Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
Act 5 started off easy since we didn't get burning archers, but then in Abaddon we got Horror Archers, Dolls, and Witches which was a tough roll. Kasim had several deaths, and the Valk also took quite a beating in here. Valryka had to be extra careful since we spent most of the time amped, and her life can go down quickly with just a few hits.

Forgot to mule in my blood belt before we went to rescue Anya so of course we got gloams... This guy took forever to bring down:

We picked up a Tal's Mask in the Frigid Highlands. In almost any other tournament this would be an awesome find, but it's very unlikely to see any use in this one. Anya decided that our valiant effort of rescuing her was worthy of a bow. I put it on our weapon switch just in-case it has a use later since I didn't have anything there before. This will become important later in the update.

We found a blue Hyperion Spear in Pindle's garden! At the next muling spot I was going to Safety craft it for Kasim. We then found a Riphook in the Halls of Anguish, which is one of my all-time favorite bows. I'm kicking around the idea of upgrading it and putting some spare points into strafe for a way to take out LIs.

We found another of Tal's set in the Halls of Vaught in the form of Tal's Orb. I'm not sure the game knows Valryka is not a sorceress... Nihlathak wasn't a problem, Valryka caught a few CEs during the battle but they didn't hurt that much. We took a break post-Nihlathak and crafted the the Hyperion Spear. It actually rolled pretty decently, and just about doubled Kasim's damage! Plus it's way faster than the lance was.

I had thought Kasim's new weapon would pay immediate dividends in our next session, which started in the Ancient's Way. Around the first corner we ran into an LI Hell Lord boss and I was all excited to see what Kasim could do. Turns out what he could do was get stomped on by Snot Skull.

I couldn't keep him alive without burning all of my Full Rejuvs and I wanted to save these for the Ancients fight, so we let Kasim die and Valryka and the Valk took him on by themselves. Valryka can't do much with her puny jab damage (still using the Maiden Javs from Normal Anya), but I had crafted her a new blood belt before this session so she was able to trigger OW, which does way more damage than her physical jabs. Took a while to trigger since we only have a 7% chance for it and our chance to hit isn't great, but casting IS seemed to help. The Valk tanked Snot Skull with no issues and did most of the damage, but it still took a while. Snot Skull dropped only potions for our trouble... Also, we ran into 3 other "Snot" named bosses in the Ancient's Way, as well as one "Puke". It was kind of a gross area to go through.

We rolled gloams again in the Icy Cellar, but with Kasim's new spear this was much less painful than the Frozen River. I haven't talked about Slow Missiles yet but I've been using it against every ranged monster in Act 5 and I love it! It makes fights against them so much easier! Gloams have a tendency to just sit there and do nothing once it hits them. Snapchip and gang were no trouble. My technique against heavy hitting groups is to just keep re-casting decoy every few seconds in between 1 or 2 CS hits. This keeps most of the pack occupied and off our our team. CS is still powerful enough to take these guys out quickly, so we can work our way through the pack without getting into any trouble.

I was worried about the Ancients, even though we'd be facing them on P1. I dumped a ton of pots on the ground and hoped to avoid them rolling LI and cursed. Mostly I was worried about FE though; even though they've nerfed the FE bug some I've lost several characters to one of the NM ancients FE death explosions. We ended up with Spectral Hit, Cursed, and something else that I don't remember. I thought I took some screenshots but I can't find them so I must have missed the hotkey. I decided not to re-roll even though we had one cursed. Valryka used 3 full rejuvs because of that when we caught whirlwinds; pretty sure if we weren't amped we wouldn't have needed any.

We found a 34MF Chance Guards in the WSK level 2, quickly followed by a 4 socket blade bow. I still don't know what I want to do with the Anya personalization, but I now have the option of Harmony in the blade bow or upgrading the Riphook to a blade bow if Valryka wants to get a bow skill backup or hire a Rouge merc. WSK 3 had OKs, but they weren't actually that many of them that spawned on the map so it was pretty easy. We didn't get gloams or anything LI, so I'll take that roll any day.

We picked up our second skiller of the playthrough in the Throne room, this time a cursing GC. The waves were actually not that bad. Wave 2 and 3 were definitely the hardest, requiring 2 resurrections each and some trips to town to get rid of poison and decrep. We lured Lister out of decrep range and without intending to ended up in a position where the minions pinned the Valk into a corner. That let Valryka and Kasim pick them off one by one from the edges, with Decoy being cast near the Valk to keep the minions in place.

Baal on P3 was a cake walk. He never cloned himself, just made the fight annoying by using mana burn a bunch. Nothing good from the drop.

We're heading out for a BBQ, then I'll take a short break and re-assess our gear before starting Hell. I have some decisions to make, especially with the 10 skill points we have saved at the moment...

Cows were straightforward, until we lured the King out. Magic Resistant, LI, Stone Skin. We setup and started jabbing, and his life wasn't moving at all. Finally got OW to trigger which did bring his life down a bit, but then it expired and by the time it re-triggered the King had regenerated back to full. We bailed and finished clearing the level hoping we'd find a charm with poison damage since we didn't have one in the inventory, which was dumb since I'm pretty sure I had saved a few of these just in case but they aren't helping us from GoMule...

After the full clear was done and nothing helpful had dropped, we re-assessed what we had that could bring him down since we are still on a full clear and I didn't want to lose it yet. I was thinking the only option I had was to recast Valks until one spawned Amp and hope that with OW it would be enough. This likely would have worked but would have been very un-fun, but then I remembered I had stashed the bow from Anya and took a look to see what it could offer. 150 poison damage? We'll take it!

We then proceeded to slowly whittle the King down by shooting arrows with normal attack, and it actually wasn't that bad. I didn't get a Valk with amp but she must have rolled with some elemental damage since I was able to see the Kings life bar going down consistently, if slowly. 169 arrows later he was dead, and the full clear was preserved! I probably could have put a single point into MA for this fight to help out, but once I saw that the king would go down I held off on spending the point.

Nightmare is now completed but Valryka is only level 74, which might be the lowest I've finished NM before in a tourney. If I remember correctly I'm usually 75 and sometimes even 76. We must have had bad luck with spawns since we've done a full clear at P8 so far, except for a few act bosses. Also, and this is a complete shock to me, but we found 0 magic maiden/ceremonial/matriach javelins the entire play through. I kept thinking one would drop and it just didn't happen, which just seems absurd. I'm thinking I'll use our normal imbue on the highest ilvl white ceremonial jav we have stashed just so we have something a little more powerful for LIs when we start Hell. I've been saving those for merc weapons/circlets, but I think using one is justified at this point. I fully expect to find all the crafting javelins as soon as I do that.

Here's what I'm considering for the personalization:
Upgraded Riphook

I can make these right now, and with the 10 saved skill points (plus the one we'll get from the Den and another once we hit 75), we could get a decent backup strafe/MA going. Upgraded Riphook just has style, but Harmony might be better for fights like the Cow King where we need the extra elemental damage. Plus we'd get Vigor and a more powerful Valk. I had stashed a 3 socket cuirass in case we wanted Treachery but we could make a Duress in it and give it to Kasim for a nice boost since his damage is going to be difficult to substantially improve.

We can hold off and potentially make these:
Crescent Moon - I have the runes, just no base. This could be for Kasim or Valryka could put it in an Amazon Spear if we found one with skills.
Obediance - Missing Fal and the base.
Insight - We haven't found a single 4 socket polearm at this point. There were a few I could have rolled in the cube but no eth exceptionals so I didn't do it.

We'll craft Kasim a new Blood Helm and probably a new Blood Armor/Safety Armor. Valryka will craft a few Blood Gloves and Belts, and maybe a Safety Helm. I'm thinking about socketing Valryka's current body armor; it's pretty good and I'm not sure how much better we can get. If I use the Riphook I'll probably hold off on the socket since I'll use one for that and I want one available just in case we craft something awesome.

For now I'm thinking I might start Act 1 Hell without using the skill points or personalization and see how we do with the early LIs using our new imbued ceremonial jav (once we make it). Plus we might luck into a sweet unique polearm or a good socketed one and have more options.

Conqueror Valryka, Level 74 CS/LS javazon, Act 1 Hell


Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    64    A4 NM
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    53    A2 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     35    A4 N
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     34    A5 N
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N


Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
@Norcim, I've got your Fal for Obedience right here buddy!

Trade you for a better ring from Ormus?

We also picked up Grisu's helmet in act 3 NM by mistake...

A rather uneventful act 3 NM, or midpoint of the journey (I hope). We found a few more S/U, including Hexfire (which would have come in handy before GaranDarkslayer respecced out of Holy Fire) and Baezil's Vortex, and a 11% res all jewel. We faced Mephisto at /P1 because why bother at a higher level?

Good work Norcim, good to see your success with plenty of good options available for your second personalization reward.

GaranDarkslayer, level 64, Pandemonium Fortress
Great progress, indeed. Lest I be responsible for bad advice, I think letting it ride at least to see how a few LIs are managed might be worth it before making the decisions. I’m already thinking through the same choices and still only in A2 NM :) and will probably hold off on deciding long enough to deeds her :rolleyes: So definitely grain of salt on my feedback!
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I'd love to post some awesome progress stories like you guys, but the truth is, ColdFevers journey to Hell was pretty unevetful.

Anyas reward was crap:

I did craft quite sick templar coat for my merc though (first try) - Im tempted to put a hole in this one for jewel of fervor or ort in it, we will see:

Most of ActV CI monsters were replaced by the non-CI guest mosters, which was nice.
Otherwise, not much to report here. Lister was CI obviously, so I finally had a reason to test my fully armed and operational hydra. It ... kinda works ... for the two-ish mandatory CI monsters I have to kill in Hell it will be enough.

Ball put up a good fight though. I was feeling cocky after lame ancients fight and decide to took him on /p8. Yeah. He cloned the very frame he spotted me and stayed cloned the whole fight, I tried to go to town to let him cool down, but he would clone again and again and he then unleashed total destruction. I dont remember seeing NM Baal fight so hard possibly ever. About ~12 merc resurrects. Rot in peace, crab!

At least I had some nice time at moomoofarm after that, no eth exceptional polearms though :(

Oh! Yeah, and the best find of this session obviously goes to:

So, the full clears /p8 part of the game is over for me. Now the only thing that remains is to try craft some more, load up on resist charms and teleport through the rest of the game. Hopefully, I wont get trapped at some dangerous place.


* * *

Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    74    A1 H
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    53    A2 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     35    A4 N
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     34    A5 N
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N


Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
@Norcim: Great writeup and nice progress! I have to hurry to catch up with you! :)

@OldSoldier: Nice Coronet! I don't know if the +1 Barb skills makes such a huge difference in SP play, but I'd definitely pick +1 Barb Skills over my +14 Max Stamina on my imbued Circlet 😅

@skiffcz: Wow, really nice progress, too! Seems like I have to ignore my kids the next few days to keep up with you and Norcim!

Some notes on my build: Concentrate with War Cry really works nice - War Cry's level isn't too high right now, but with over 2k life and 200 mana, NM is very safe so far. I really prefer Concetrate over Berserk, because it lets me keep fighting even if monsters aren't stunned. The life leech is enough to almost never need potions (well, except for my merc) and I can simply ignore FHR (for the most part) which is a HUGE bonus in my perspective.

I have to stick to BA merc though, although I'd love to have a Might one (which would be awesome for Bonesnap!). But Hit Ratings of <50% are no fun and I really do lack some AR...I am even thinking about putting some hard points in Dex to overcome this. Or I have to craft some rings to try to get hard points in AR. We'll see. So far, around 80% CtH are enough (still...that Might merc...:unsure:😅)
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Ouki doki. Here we go. After much deliberation, ColdFever crafted herself some new toys:




Her resist are now 75/73/75/23, she hits 7 frame hit recovery with 87 FHR and starts her mad dash through hell as of creating this post, and when I update it, this will be over in any case. Wish her luck!

Start hell at - 15:48
Andariel dead at - 16:19
Duriel dead at - 16:49
Mehisto dead at - 17:28
Diablo dead at - 17:48
Ancients defeated at - 18:10
Baal dead at - 19:08

Last edited:
Great progress everyone! I have to get my butt in gear to keep up with you guys...


Elding is super overpowered right now, so the trip through Act 5 was simple and quick. He cruised through to Anya, got the reward, and promptly sold it right back to her as it's worse than the simple grey paladin shield he's using right now.

I did a full clear of all areas and side areas to try to gather as many crafting materials (and gain as much XP) as possible for his upcoming gear bonanza in NM. Still, other than a Sol, there is not that much to talk about.

Nihl was easy, The ancients were taken without issue.


The WSK and waves were a yawn, and the Baal fight was simple (albeit annoying with all the tleporting!)


No harm no foul, Elding is officially a Destroyer at level 48!


Elding the Tesladin, lvl 48 - NM Rogue Encampment

* * *

Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    74    A1 H
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    53    A2 NM
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     48    A1 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     35    A4 N
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N


Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N


Act I started very nice, easy, smooth, safe. I did clean Den, but it was unnecessary. Underground passage was short, I had no problem finding exits in the catacombs, only Andariel took a little while, untwinked blizzard is not exactly th fastest Andy killer. No NDE's here

Act II was similar, except for a few spots - notably teleporting through serpents and extra fast beetles was not fun but still, just about two NDE's total. Duriel was easy, after Andy I have put 1 point in static and that was a sound investment.

Act III was where the insanity started. Hordes of CI flayers, extrafast doll packs, those foul crow things poisoning me all the time. Council was almost an eye of the storm, I was really worried, but it was one of the easier parts. I then geared down for durance 3, cleaned the moat area well and cheezed Mephisto. The first of the Evils was no more.


Act IV was by far the easiest stretch. I did not stop for anything, monsters here are slow to react and predictable, souls in Plains were few and far between and easily dodgable. I then had to restart Chaos Sanctuary, for some reason the de Seis seal could not be broken. For a second time, he spawned CI only, Infector was FI/LI, so that was done quickly and it was soon time to face Diablo himself. I had one hairy moment where I misclicked and teleported right on top of him, instead of casting Blizz - I had only about thrid of the lifebulb and he fired his lightning hose immediately. I though I was goner for sure, but furtunately the hose flew right over ColdFevers head. If I did not stay still and moved, that would be it, but ColdFever hapened to be in the safe spot right in his face. One near death experience for ColdFever, one far death experience for Diablo.


Act V started with great hope. Fast, no obstacles, I teleported through everything like a lightning and it was time to face Ancients. I decided to reroll just once. Korlic was isolated and dropped like a sack of bricks. Madawc had some cold resist gear, he took a long time and lot of potions to defeat. However, I noticed he focused on ColdFever, rather than her buddy, so at some point I tuned into his rythm and just danced around, while Razan mosquito-stung him to death. Talic got stuck on some relief and was cheezed with Hydras.


And then, ladies and gentelmen, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! The last stretch took me almost an hour! Yes, partly because I slowed down, knowing too well how dangerous WSK is. I did not want to throw it away this close to finish. But everything was just wrog, too. The maps were absurdly huge, covnicted souls with horadrim ancients raising them, fanatic frenzytaurs, extra fast fetishes, extra strong snakes, cursed witches, I had EVERYTHING. And then, in the Throne - souls, CI witches and CI oblivion knights. :/ I painfully cleared the whole map, in case something needs to be parked. Fortunately, waves were uneventful. And then - THE SAME DARN THING as previously - Baal was FURIOUS, cloning, CI tentacles almost deeded frozen ColdFever multiple times, manaburned all the time, and - thats when she run out of full juves. But in the end, the big bad crab was slain on the last difficulty as well.


Name:       ColdFever
Class:      Sorceress
Experience: 560192158
Level:      77

Strength:   62/70
Dexterity:  25/25
Vitality:   348/370
Energy:     35/46
HP:         852/1026
Mana:       187/333
Stamina:    488/496
Defense:    6/275
AR:         75/187

Fire:       177/137/77
Cold:       173/133/73
Lightning:  178/138/78
Poison:     123/83/23

MF:         0       Block:      1
GF:         54       FR/W:       0
FHR:        87       IAS:        0
FCR:        43

Fire Bolt: 1/3
Warmth: 1/3
Inferno: 0/0
Blaze: 0/0
Fire Ball: 1/3
Fire Wall: 0/0
Enchant: 1/3
Meteor: 0/0
Fire Mastery: 3/5
Hydra: 20/22

Charged Bolt: 0/0
Static Field: 1/3
Telekinesis: 1/3
Nova: 0/0
Lightning: 0/0
Chain Lightning: 0/0
Teleport: 1/3
Thunder Storm: 0/0
Energy Shield: 0/0
Lightning Mastery: 1/3

Ice Bolt: 1/3
Frozen Armor: 1/3
Frost Nova: 1/3
Ice Blast: 20/22
Shiver Armor: 0/0
Glacial Spike: 1/3
Blizzard: 20/22
Chilling Armor: 0/0
Frozen Orb: 0/0
Cold Mastery: 10/12

Dread Grasp
Required Level: 16
Fingerprint: 0xb96a2d32
Item Level: 21
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+51 to Attack Rating
+7 to Energy
+10 to Life
Cold Resist +24%
Half Freeze Duration

Eagle Loop
Required Level: 24
Fingerprint: 0x726057dd
Item Level: 30
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+61 to Attack Rating
+5 to Life
+4 to Mana
Lightning Resist +13%
Level 1 Ice Blast (22/22 Charges)

Fiend Shell
Field Plate
Defense: 101
Durability: 47 of 48
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0x2f4ed12d
Item Level: 54
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+22% Faster Hit Recovery
+5 to Mana
Cold Resist +30%
Lightning Resist +30%
Attacker Takes Damage of 5
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Ort Rune

Havoc Clutches
Defense: 18
Durability: 23 of 24
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0x9cce20ab
Item Level: 53
Version: Expansion 1.10+
14% Chance to cast level 5 Nova when struck
+14% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +5%
Fire Resist +30%
Damage Reduced by 2
Magic Damage Reduced by 1
54% Extra Gold from Monsters

Carrion Cowl
Defense: 54
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0xbd6ea3a0
Item Level: 46
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+19% Enhanced Defense
+4 to Energy
Lightning Resist +10%
Fire Resist +18%
Damage Reduced by 2
Magic Damage Reduced by 1
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds

Loath Shank
Defense: 30
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0xb0eb76e6
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+78% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +13%
Fire Resist +20%
Damage Reduced by 4
Magic Damage Reduced by 2

Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0x65ef3d2f
Item Level: 37
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Life

Small Charm of Balance
Small Charm
Required Level: 29
Fingerprint: 0x93e9b4d0
Item Level: 53
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5% Faster Hit Recovery

Rugged Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0x1389c338
Item Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+11 to Life
+8 Maximum Stamina

Ocher Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0xe3f4e8db
Item Level: 58
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+11 to Life
Lightning Resist +6%

Lapis Small Charm of Burning
Small Charm
Required Level: 24
Fingerprint: 0xa14a1c9b
Item Level: 48
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 3 - 8 Fire Damage
Cold Resist +6%

Crimson Large Charm of Anthrax
Large Charm
Required Level: 25
Fingerprint: 0x23cc7958
Item Level: 47
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 50 Poison Damage Over 6 Secs (150 Frames)
Fire Resist +7%

Beryl Large Charm of Strength
Large Charm
Required Level: 13
Fingerprint: 0x4249f2ea
Item Level: 28
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5 to Strength
Poison Resist +7%

Large Charm of Sustenance
Large Charm
Required Level: 34
Fingerprint: 0x335c9fdd
Item Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+24 to Life

Viper Eye
Required Level: 56
Fingerprint: 0x1a99aaed
Item Level: 67
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
+8% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 1 - 16 Lightning Damage
+19 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 4%
All Resistances +19

Crimson Small Charm of Shock
Small Charm
Required Level: 9
Fingerprint: 0x2ecade3f
Item Level: 64
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 1 - 5 Lightning Damage
Fire Resist +4%

Tangerine Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 1
Fingerprint: 0x1132b2f1
Item Level: 5
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +5%

Small Charm of Life
Small Charm
Required Level: 14
Fingerprint: 0xe0ad6e58
Item Level: 1
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+8 to Life

Ocher Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0xb7d1805
Item Level: 21
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +7%

Small Charm of Balance
Small Charm
Required Level: 29
Fingerprint: 0xe65b8218
Item Level: 64
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5% Faster Hit Recovery

Jade Small Charm of Life
Small Charm
Required Level: 20
Fingerprint: 0xb4420144
Item Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5 to Life
Poison Resist +9%

Azure Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 1
Fingerprint: 0x91cd41b7
Item Level: 42
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Cold Resist +5%

Small Charm of Life
Small Charm
Required Level: 14
Fingerprint: 0x61c3f044
Item Level: 22
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10 to Life

Beryl Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 1
Fingerprint: 0x80b3831e
Item Level: 41
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Poison Resist +5%

Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0xdfffd57
Item Level: 64
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+13 to Life

Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0x3afe4505
Item Level: 38
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Life

Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0xbc10b0aa
Item Level: 37
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+13 to Life

Small Charm of Life
Small Charm
Required Level: 14
Fingerprint: 0x1122d542
Item Level: 22
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+9 to Life

Lapis Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0x691c985c
Item Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Cold Resist +7%

Ocher Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0x4bc17b12
Item Level: 56
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +7%

Crimson Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 1
Fingerprint: 0x95e2c47d
Item Level: 21
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +4%

Small Charm of Life
Small Charm
Required Level: 14
Fingerprint: 0x5407dbaf
Item Level: 19
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+8 to Life

Shimmering Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0xc9d9a45c
Item Level: 26
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +10

Viridian Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0x6a33be8d
Item Level: 19
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Poison Resist +7%

Horadric Cube
Fingerprint: 0x949e47ee
Item Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Large Charm of Sustenance
Large Charm
Required Level: 19
Fingerprint: 0x5b3640f7
Item Level: 35
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+17 to Life

Bitter Buckle
Sharkskin Belt
Defense: 33
Durability: 13 of 14
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 20
Fingerprint: 0xb92d4fff
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+9% Faster Cast Rate
+11 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 5%
Cold Resist +28%
Lightning Resist +5%
Fire Resist +26%

Viridian Large Charm of Strength
Large Charm
Required Level: 12
Fingerprint: 0xfe11347
Item Level: 25
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Strength
Poison Resist +8%

ColdFever's Spirit
Crystal Sword
One Hand Damage: 5 - 15
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Level: 25
Required Strength: 43
Fingerprint: 0x661d9eac
Item Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+26% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 1 - 50 Lightning Damage
Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
7% Life stolen per hit
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+22 to Vitality
+107 to Mana
+8 Magic Absorb
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Socketed: Ort Rune
Socketed: Amn Rune

Doom Emblem
Kite Shield
Defense: 33
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 33
Required Strength: 47
Fingerprint: 0xf882f2ca
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+68% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resist +5%
All Resistances +19
Lightning Resist +14%
Poison Resist +19%
Damage Reduced by 4
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Perfect Diamond


Name:       Razan
Race:       Desert Mercenary
Type:       Comb-Normal
Experience: 50884340
Level:      77
Dead?:      false

Strength:   176/181
Dexterity:  142/147
HP:         1510/1539
Defense:    1118/1628
AR:         1880/357200

Fire:       174/134/74
Cold:       156/116/56
Lightning:  144/104/44
Poison:    144/104/44

Dire Veil
Defense: 29
Durability: 16 of 24
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 26
Fingerprint: 0xbce59b22
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
3% Life stolen per hit
8% Deadly Strike
+56% Enhanced Defense
+13 to Life
Cold Resist +12%
Poison Length Reduced by 25%

Cruel Mantle
Templar Coat
Defense: 481
Durability: 56 of 60
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 118
Fingerprint: 0xc81d7922
Item Level: 68
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+17% Faster Hit Recovery
3% Life stolen per hit
+75% Enhanced Defense
+16 to Life
Fire Resist +30%
+1 Life after each Demon Kill

ColdFever's Insight
Two Hand Damage: 122 - 250
Durability: 65 of 65
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 113
Required Dexterity: 67
Fingerprint: 0x9f9c9aef
Item Level: 38
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Level 17 Meditation Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
234% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
189% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
+6 to Critical Strike
All Stats +5
+2 to Mana after each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Sol Rune

Blood Strap
Sharkskin Belt
Defense: 59
Durability: 10 of 14
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 20
Fingerprint: 0x66b2fc2
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+9% Faster Cast Rate
+61% Enhanced Defense
+7 to Strength
+34 to Life
+21 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 7%

Blood Suit
Field Plate
Defense: 132
Durability: 43 of 48
Required Level: 40
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0x31858a0d
Item Level: 46
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+18% Faster Hit Recovery
+25% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 4

Blood Talisman
Required Level: 31
Fingerprint: 0x6f4897c3
Item Level: 50
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Summoning Skills (Druid Only)
+7% Faster Cast Rate
+18 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 8%
+19 Maximum Stamina

Cruel Casque
Defense: 22
Durability: 12 of 24
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 26
Fingerprint: 0x289c8806
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
3% Life stolen per hit
8% Deadly Strike
+16% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Energy
+23 to Life

Dread Visor
Defense: 17
Durability: 22 of 24
Required Level: 25
Required Strength: 26
Fingerprint: 0x9661f75f
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
1% Life stolen per hit
9% Deadly Strike
+22 to Life
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds

Gale Touch
Defense: 20
Durability: 20 of 24
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0xa129c5ea
Item Level: 54
Version: Expansion 1.10+
3% Mana stolen per hit
+28% Enhanced Defense
+5 Maximum Stamina
Cold Resist +26%
Damage Reduced by 1
Magic Damage Reduced by 2

Hailstone Badge
Kite Shield
Defense: 40
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 26 of 30
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 47
Fingerprint: 0xf82a014e
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+17% Faster Hit Recovery
+101% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resist +8%
Damage Reduced by 3
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
Half Freeze Duration

Hailstone Touch
Defense: 23
Durability: 18 of 24
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0x9eefd3e8
Item Level: 52
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+38% Enhanced Defense
+3 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +6%
Poison Resist +15%
Damage Reduced by 2
Magic Damage Reduced by 2

Plague Guard
Kite Shield
Defense: 41
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 27 of 30
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 47
Fingerprint: 0x17b35a56
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+106% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resist +7%
Lightning Resist +7%
Fire Resist +5%
Damage Reduced by 3
Magic Damage Reduced by 1

Rune Cloak
Field Plate
Defense: 104
Durability: 45 of 48
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0x451ddaef
Item Level: 47
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+16% Faster Hit Recovery
+19 to Life
Damage Reduced by 1
Attacker Takes Damage of 4

Rune Coat
Field Plate
Defense: 326
Durability: 38 of 48
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 44
Fingerprint: 0xe6fcb72c
Item Level: 50
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+19% Faster Hit Recovery
+225 Defense (Based on Character Level)
Poison Length Reduced by 50%
Attacker Takes Damage of 15
Requirements -20%

Spirit Guard
Kite Shield
Defense: 21
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 47
Fingerprint: 0x7ce15ad5
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Defensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
+11% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resist +10%
Damage Reduced by 1
Magic Damage Reduced by 4
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds

Stone Torc
Required Level: 46
Fingerprint: 0xe23265d0
Item Level: 52
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
+18% Faster Cast Rate
+3 to Dexterity
+19 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 6%

Rune Jack
Plate Mail
Defense: 110
Durability: 58 of 60
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 65
Fingerprint: 0x5d367d8e
Item Level: 37
Version: Expansion 1.10+
1% Life stolen per hit
+19 to Life
+5 to Mana
Lightning Resist +30%
+3 Life after each Demon Kill
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Ort Rune

Ort Rune
Required Level: 21
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 1 - 50 Lightning Damage
Armor: Lightning Resist +30%
Shields: Lightning Resist +35%

Pain Track
Defense: 31
Durability: 18 of 24
Required Level: 59
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0x185db44
Item Level: 74
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 1 - 13 Lightning Damage
+84% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +9%
Damage Reduced by 2
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
Half Freeze Duration

Bone Brogues
War Boots
Defense: 68
Durability: 18 of 24
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 125
Fingerprint: 0xe9e3336c
Item Level: 73
Version: Expansion 1.10+
14% Chance to cast level 5 Charged Bolt when struck
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+26% Enhanced Defense
+21 Maximum Stamina
Fire Resist +5%
Damage Reduced by 4
Magic Damage Reduced by 1
Half Freeze Duration

Pain Stalker
Defense: 26
Durability: 12 of 24
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0xc238009a
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
10% Chance to cast level 3 Charged Bolt when struck
+53% Enhanced Defense
+36 to Mana
Lightning Resist +29%
Fire Resist +8%
Damage Reduced by 3
Magic Damage Reduced by 1

Death Stalker
Defense: 18
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 51
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0xc6578dba
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+30% Faster Run/Walk
+18% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +40%
Fire Resist +9%
Damage Reduced by 3
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
+1 to Light Radius
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds

Beast Emblem
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xe65fa6ab
Item Level: 68
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
+8% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to Maximum Damage
+15 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 9%
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Corruption Wing
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x69e83649
Item Level: 67
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+9% Faster Cast Rate
+20 to Energy
+17 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 10%
All Resistances +10
Damage Reduced by 1

Death Collar
Required Level: 34
Fingerprint: 0xd60924ee
Item Level: 54
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+6% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to Maximum Damage
+4 to Strength
+11 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 6%
All Resistances +9

Grim Talisman
Required Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x5b379e94
Item Level: 66
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels
+10% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 1 - 17 Lightning Damage
6% Mana stolen per hit
+20 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 6%

Skull Collar
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x282ec792
Item Level: 69
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+6% Faster Cast Rate
+14 to Attack Rating
+1 to Life
+19 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 10%
Cold Resist +27%
All Resistances +10

Skull Noose
Required Level: 38
Fingerprint: 0x226bcc12
Item Level: 65
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+19 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 5%
All Resistances +8
Lightning Resist +40%
Magic Damage Reduced by 3

Best of luck to all of you! I look forward reading actual real tournament updates, this was one huge cheese fondue :) But for me, it is special, as this is in fact my first Guardian in a long time. Probably 10 years or so :D

Thanks @PhineasB for hosting this and you all for being awesome! My enjoyment meter went through the roof.


Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    77    Guardian
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    53    A2 NM
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     48    A1 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     35    A4 N
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N


Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
Congrats on the Guardian, @skiffcz! I'm glad to see you made it through all those close calls.

Oh crap, @Pb_pal posted another update and I don't have one ready! I blame it on the Class-specific set MP group. After leveling one barb to 76 to equip the IK set, I...decided to do it again so that I could actually play it for a bit! I'm back at it now though, and Rowena has just killed Nihlathak, so I should have an update soon.
@skiffcz you are a maniac! Seems like you didn't have too many issues with blind teleporting thanks to good FCR/FHR.

I went ahead and used our Normal imbue on a white ceremonial jav. I didn't get a ton of affixes but the ones that did show up are sweet for a CS/LS javazon! (Note that I didn't actually grab a screenshot until posting this, so Valryka has made some progress since the last update but I'll save that for another day).

This will be our shiny new toy, but probably isn't going to help much against LIs. I also used the Normal socket reward on our original caster armor and popped a Ral into it. The Ral is helping to offset the loss of FR from the caster gloves, which we'll keep around if we need that boost during the Act. So that completes all the quest rewards from Normal; we still have our NM imbue, socket, and personalization remaining.

I then crafted:
Blood Helm - Replaced Kasim's helm
Safety Helm - Terrible, sold
Safety amulet - Terrible, sold
Blood amulet - Replaced the previous blood craft amulet, this one also rolled +1 to Amazon! We're 2/2 on blood amulets now!
Blood belt - OK but not as good as the current one, sold
Blood gloves - Using now because in conjunction with the new javelins and the new blood amulet this gets us to skill level 25 CS, which gets us to 8 bolts!
Blood ring - Replaced the Hit Power ring
Safety ring - Not a good ring and somehow came out with a level req of 82, sold

We currently have 23 saved stat points. I was trying to keep these available in case we crafted a Mat jav, but I think it will be tough to beat the current imbue. I'll likely keep these around until I figure out what I'm doing for LIs, then they'll either go into Dex/Vit. In the meantime I'm just putting a point or two each level in dex to keep block at 50% and saving the rest.

We also currently have 10 skill points saved. If we went for Strafe this would get us to a level 6 strafe since I'd put a single point into Pierce as well for the slight chance of that working. I'd probably leave strafe at level 7 and put the rest of the points into CS/LS synergies, Valk/Decoy, or penetrate.

Name: Valryka
Class: Amazon
Experience: 437771548
Level: 74

Strength: 75/94
Dexterity: 123/123
Vitality: 219/219
Energy: 15/27
HP: 833/1007
Mana: 124/339
Stamina: 356/378
Defense: 30/348
AR: 585/655

Fire: 111/71/11
Cold: 112/72/12
Lightning: 128/88/28
Poison: 140/100/40

MF: 25 Block: 50
GF: 55
FR/W: 18
FHR: 12
IAS: 20
FCR: 10

Inner Sight: 1/4
Critical Strike: 1/4
Dodge: 1/4
Slow Missiles: 1/4
Avoid: 1/4
Penetrate: 1/4
Decoy: 1/4
Evade: 1/4
Valkyrie: 16/19
Pierce: 0/0

Jab: 1/6
Power Strike: 4/9
Poison Javelin: 1/6
Impale: 0/0
Lightning Bolt: 1/6
Charged Strike: 20/25
Plague Javelin: 0/0
Fend: 0/0
Lightning Strike: 20/25
Lightning Fury: 0/0

Stone Spur (Safety Craft)
Defense: 26
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0x199d368d
Item Level: 71
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Run/Walk
+53% Enhanced Defense
+40 to Mana
Lightning Resist +20%
Fire Resist +10%
Damage Reduced by 4
Magic Damage Reduced by 1

Soul Strap (Blood Craft)
Mesh Belt
Defense: 35
Durability: 16 of 16
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 58
Fingerprint: 0x3fe2f4b1
Item Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
3% Life stolen per hit
7% Chance of Open Wounds
+19 to Life
+5 to Mana
+22 Maximum Stamina
Cold Resist +27%

Rune Grip (Caster Craft)
Required Level: 69
Fingerprint: 0x859b9396
Item Level: 71
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+70 to Attack Rating
+11 to Strength
+2 to Energy
+21 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 9%
Poison Resist +16%

Glyph Veil (Blood Craft)
Defense: 17
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 26
Fingerprint: 0x9322ed1e
Item Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
14% Chance to cast level 5 Charged Bolt when struck
2% Life stolen per hit
6% Deadly Strike
+14 to Life
Cold Resist +6%
Fire Resist +16%
Poison Resist +17%

Eagle Noose (Blood Craft)
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x32a8d893
Item Level: 74
Version: Expansion 1.10+
10% Chance to cast level 3 Charged Bolt when struck
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
+8% Faster Run/Walk
+10% Faster Cast Rate
3% Life stolen per hit
+10 to Energy
+11 to Life

Spirit Clutches (Caster Craft, kept in stash in-case FR is needed)
Demonhide Gloves
Defense: 45
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 20
Fingerprint: 0xfdc15f2e
Item Level: 57
Version: Expansion 1.10+
3% Life stolen per hit
+25% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 5%
Fire Resist +28%
+2 to Mana after each Kill

Glyph Fist (Blood craft)
Sharkskin Gloves
Defense: 45
Durability: 14 of 14
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 20
Fingerprint: 0xa4ee0f79
Item Level: 71
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
4% Life stolen per hit
6% Chance of Crushing Blow
+13% Enhanced Defense
+12 to Life
+32 to Mana

Bramble Carapace (Caster Craft, socket reward used)
Light Plate
Defense: 170
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Level: 40
Required Strength: 41
Fingerprint: 0xefe04da8
Item Level: 50
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+58% Enhanced Defense
+26 to Life
+11 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 7%
Cold Resist +10%
Lightning Resist +30%
Fire Resist +30%
+3 to Mana after each Kill
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Ral Rune

Havoc Knot (Blood Craft)
Required Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x86a714b
Item Level: 72
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 1 - 20 Lightning Damage
3% Life stolen per hit
+6 to Strength
+19 to Life
Poison Resist +19%
Damage Reduced by 1

Hailstone Quill (NM Anya Reward)
Ceremonial Bow
Two Hand Damage: 30 - 82
Durability: 38 of 55
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 110
Fingerprint: 0xe8a62723
Item Level: 69
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
58% Enhanced Damage
+18 to Maximum Damage
+86 to Attack Rating
Adds 150 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
5% Life stolen per hit

Corpse Wood (Imbued)
Ceremonial Javelin
Throw Damage: 18 - 54
One Hand Damage: 18 - 35
Quantity: 80
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 109
Fingerprint: 0xe74ae265
Item Level: 78
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 3 Fire Bolt on attack
+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Poison Resist +9%

Valryka's Rhyme
Tower Shield
Defense: 25
Chance to Block: 44
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 75
Fingerprint: 0xc5312f18
Item Level: 33
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
Regenerate Mana 15%
All Resistances +25
Cannot Be Frozen
50% Extra Gold from Monsters
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
2 Sockets (2 used)
Socketed: Shael Rune
Socketed: Eth Rune

Name: Kasim
Race: Desert Mercenary
Type: Def-Nightmare
Experience: 49313354
Level: 74
Dead?: false

Strength: 167/167
Dexterity: 133/133
HP: 1342/1433
Defense: 999/1128
AR: 1108/1123

Fire: 153/113/53
Cold: 137/97/37
Lightning: 137/97/37
Poison: 160/120/60

Wraith Suit (Blood Craft)
Plate Mail
Defense: 113
Durability: 31 of 60
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 65
Fingerprint: 0x5e3adeb9
Item Level: 52
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Attack Rating
1% Life stolen per hit
+56 to Life
Damage Reduced by 3
+1 Life after each Demon Kill
+1 to Light Radius

Ghoul Visor (Blood Craft)
Defense: 16
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 26
Fingerprint: 0x4e2dc719
Item Level: 72
Version: Expansion 1.10+
3% Life stolen per hit
6% Deadly Strike
+35 to Life
Fire Resist +9%
Poison Resist +23%
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds

Havoc Spike (Safety Craft)
Hyperion Spear
Two Hand Damage: 64 - 217
Durability: 25 of 30
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 155
Required Dexterity: 120
Fingerprint: 0xfd6a58f6
Item Level: 67
Version: Expansion 1.10+
83% Enhanced Damage
+59% Damage to Undead
+74 to Attack Rating against Undead
+6% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +7%
Damage Reduced by 4
Magic Damage Reduced by 1

The current plan is to head out into Hell and see how we handle early LIs. Probably going to start on P3, and maybe go up to P5 in areas with no LIs and down to P1 when LIs are around. I'll re-assess the skill points and personalization as we proceed or if we really start to bog down.
Nice progress everyone!

On my side, I am very slow but cleaning everything on session gives me difficulties to tell myself to really push, i have so many possibilities to be interrupted while i'm at home that... well. Hope I'll get enough time for RFL, even through small sessions. Anyway, still in Act 2!

Oh, and four more runes, Tir El El El...well, yeah.

I changed my routine of clearing all the tombs first and then going after Duriel and killed Duriel first to
a) get rid of the staff blocking my inventory
b) don't feel like I wasted 4 hours when Duriel kills me
(hidden c) for summoner Necromancer: you can always restock on corpses that way)

Nothing too spectacular, but I found one half of my Bonesnap upgrade to elite:

and another 1/9th of my elite upgrade for Bonesnap:

Now I have a really nice stock of runes and 3 more PRubies to do some more crafting once I hit ~clvl 70 (for the guaranteed 4 affixes). Until then, I have to be content with 20%IAS...

One thing I noticed is that Concentrate only offers 5% ED per level and 10% AR per level. The mastery offers 5% ED and 8%AR and some critical hit Concentrate is still only level 2 and berserk level 1, but this is totally enough (well, aside from an abysmal CtH from around 65%...)

Some interesting fights there:

against a double boss pack:

Leaping to safety in the claw viper temple and fighting the boss pack of one by one:

Running for my life and hitting "print" button blindly in order to not die:

Still have both my respecs, and if I do find that Pul rune I will probably pump my strength for that double up'd know, life is a somewhat easy skyrocketing high (2.2k) right now and with max resists for Fire/Lightning/Cold the game really isn't that hard. Especially with War Cry at higher skill level.

Single enemy attacks are soooooooooooo tedious literally took me 4 hours to clear all of Tal-Rasha's tomb and I am starting to warm towards @skiffcz's idea of simply skipping most of Hell just because of that...I mean, we aren't required to do full clears, are we?

Lugh, the level 60 Concentrate Bonensnap Barb, with a BA town guard, NM Act III next

Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    77    Guardian
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     48    A1 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     35    A4 N
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N

Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
Rowena has finished normal difficulty!



Progress was quite easy, with Phoenix Strike finally becoming powerful enough to use (and thank goodness, since charge 2 was very helpful against the demon imps). I switched over to the Steel Flail, and rather quickly found a Shael rune to make a Rhyme Bone Shield. This will very likely end up being my normal Anya personalization once Act I NM is finished. CBF is just too nice to not have on a melee build.

I'm looking forward to continue dropping meteors on the heads of enemies in NM, and soon will be dropping points in Claws of Thunder for the charge 2 synergy. I plan on running without a shadow master/warrior to try to boost all the elemental skills as high as I can. With Mind Blast and CoS, this shouldn't be an issue.

Our new rune count:
El          14
Eld          9
Tir          7
Nef          6
Eth          7
Ith          6
Tal          9
Ral          7
Ort          5
Amn          1
Sol          2
Shael        0 (used it!)
Dol          2

I also have 11 perfect gems of the craftable type, plus 4 of the others, so things are still looking good. I may craft an amulet straight away once I hit level 51 so that I at least have something in that slot. Until next time!

Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    77    Guardian
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     48    A1 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     48    A1 NM
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N

Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
Double update time!

Things started of dangerous in Act III with Cursed Extra Strong Tree Hulks,
but thanks to my enormous amounts of life (and War Cry) I managed to get the Golden Bird and later The Gidbinn (I always think its name is Gibdinn somehow...). The Ormus ring has less resist than my other one from him, but the AR ist badly needed, so I swapped them.
Also, it has pretty lightning effects 🤩

I'd rather use this ring though...but well, not in this tournament, I guess:

This shrine came in handy in the fight against Mephisto -
TP to town, WP to Travincal, run to Durance level 1, grab shrine, run back to WP, TP back to Mehisto, voilà!

And man, I had forgotten how HUGE the Durance level 2 is!!!

Took ages to clear everything!

In Act IV I had Maggots and Grotesques spawn in every place possible, which is not the thing you want to have when using Concetrate as your main attack, trust me...still, that meant pretty safe passage.

I frequently used Taunt to lure away minions from boss packs, which is pretty awesome.
In cases when it wasn't possible, I used War Cry to stun the minions and finished the boss first.

I am a bit in a predicament now:

Should I up my Bonesnap or wait for that 5os Thresher for Obedience 🤪

I mean, I wanted to find that Ko or that Pul, but both? Man, why does this game has to make it so hard for me to decide...Obedience in a Thresher would be faster than Bonesnap, more damage, more Resists, and more AR because of Enchant!

On the other hand: Bonesnap is safe, because I already personalised it. It is unsure if I ever find that Thresher...or another elite Polearm with 5 sockets.

BUT! Even if I decide to upgrade Bonesnap no - is it even worth it? It's 101 points I have to put in STR instead of VIT...that's like 800 less life or so...for a 50% damage increase or so.

What do you guys think Up Bonesnap? Rather more VIT? Wait for that Obedience base?

Runewise I have now every rune up to Pul, except for Lem. Most of them in multiples.
8 Amethysts
7 Emeralds
6 Rubies
6 Sapphires

Lugh, level 67 Concentrate Bonesnap Barb, with BA Town Gurad, HM Harrogath next.

Rich (BB code):
Forumite     Character         Class   Lvl   Progress
--------     ---------         -----   ---   --------
Skiff        ColdFever         Sorc    77    Guardian
Norcim       Valryka           Zon     74    A1 H
Grisu        Lugh              Barb    67    A5 NM
OldSoldier   GaranDarkslayer   Pal     60    A3 NM
PhineasB     Orange            Zon     53    A2 NM
Pb_pal       Elding            Pal     48    A1 NM
Vildecor     Rowena            Sin     48    A1 NM
Babyhell     ItsATrap          Sin     21    A2 N

Rich (BB code):
Forumite   Character   Class   Lvl   Progress
--------   ---------   -----   ---   --------
zemaj      OUGNecro    Nec     33    A3 N
Estimated market value