Mass Effect Mystery Box Mafia Game

I mean, you still haven't told me why Drixx would pretend to be a SK cop when he could claim all sorts of nonsense given the box effects we've seen...being an SK cop feels like the worst cover for being a serial killer, because it instantly draws suspicion.

The best lies in mafia games have an element of truth to them, claiming SK cop wouldn't be completely untruthful because there is in fact a SK in the game, he just neglected to claim that it was him.

The SK's claim is about the long haul and the claim of being a SK cop does multiple things:
- Its an ability that is not a threat to mafia, and if he actually is the SK cop then its actually a benefit to them to keep him alive making him less likely to fall victim to a mafia kill (This is the most important part)
- Its an ability that cannot be confirmed and is unlikely to be counterclaimed, but believable because even though there has been a ton of nonsense in this game, it doesn't make us any more adjusted to this nonsense and we would probably be more likely to question it (granted that my ability also falls under this)
- Investigative roles by nature build confidence and support from the people that are investigated by them, it gives them the "Hey! he investigated me and his investigation was totally right!" effect
- It alerts the town to the presence of another killing role, but by being the person that alerted the town to that presence and if you are good enough at talking your way through the first battery of questions they are more likely to be believed when its proven to exist (which is essentially something that is undoubtedly going to happen in the case of a SK, this would have been helpful if Drixx determined that he needed to kill at some point earlier or if someone else had discovered the possible existence of a SK he could try to point back and say he was the first one that made the town aware.)
- He initially claimed to have investigated you but did not reveal his number of shots until later on which would have allowed him to adjust the number remaining if felt he would need one more "confirmed" person if you happened to be lynched.
Addressing your last 3 points in post #921

You say that being the SK and alerting the town to the possibility of an SK is great cover, as long as I'm good enough to talk my way through the questions ... but you forget that in the mid game I self-voted becuase I felt it would be better for the game to know my claims were true than for it to continue to remain in doubt. Any one of a number of people could have locked me. I had given up convincing people short of my death flip confirming what I said.

You argue that not revealing my amount of shots is a scum move, except it's what all x-shot town roles do. The only people who benefit from a certainty on how many shots of an ability someone has are the ones threatened by the ability. There is never a case where a town player with an x-shot investigative role should reveal how many shots they have before said shots are expended, and even then they can help the town by claiming to have more shots and trying to get themselves killed.

Finally, I'd like to poke holes all over the place in your entire "If I were the SK, I would have done X, Y and Z" arguments. Numbers and I both got abilities and they were x-shot. If you got x-shot SK kills, then you would not have been free to kill at will, but rather would have needed to survive until the numbers were low enough so that your shots could win the game. You have to have a shot left when it comes down to 3 or 2 people left alive, or else you cannot win.

I have another post that I had ready before I saw your point by point, so I'll post that in a separate post next.
There's way too much "I would have played it X way" in that wall of quote replies, especially when it gets down to the parts where you talk about lynching Bad Ash and Noodle. How many trains could you really have driven against townies before you got yourself killed?

I'm also not sure how "I would have played the role differently" and other hypothetical arguments could help either of us. The game unfolded the way the game unfolded.

This is what I know, for sure:

1.) Everyone but goryani opened a box on night 1, so I know that Numbers opened a box on night 1.
1a.) Everyone was limited to opening 2 boxes maximum
2.) Numbers claimed with a very long post so fast after Laarz died that he must have had a priori knowledge of the 2nd kill. The only possibilities for this would be if he was on the mafia team and they got a 2nd kill from a box and had him claim a kill he didn't make or he actually opened the vig box.
2a.) If he actually opened a vig box, then he could not have become SK after I investigated him
2b.) If he claimed the kill on Laarz but didn't make it, his kill flavor would be incinerate
3.) I know that I've told the truth all game.

So with that knowledge there are only a very few possibilities:

1.) You (Pyrotechnician) are the SK and you killed Zokar last night
2.) Zokar did something that caused his own death last night
3.) Numbers somehow became an SK after I investigated him

I think that the probability of #3 is negligible at best. Because we are in LYLO if there is someone who can kill left, I cannot afford to read the death as Zokar doing it to himself and the only play open to me is to believe that you are the SK.

So ... if Numbers fooled the both of us, then he earned the win because neither of us is going to vote him.

If something odd happened and we're all townies, then I can imagine how frustrating this day phase has been (Best of WIFOA game was awful for me ... made my play to get lynched and got stuck in the game all the way to the end with no chance to win).

But I think that you are the SK, and so I do want to sincerely compliment you. Your play to get to today and your play today have been fantastic for an SK, especially if you had limited shots (which seems quite possible in this game and would easily explain why you didn't kill sooner as you claim you would have). Your posts have been so genuine as I read them that you've managed to put doubt into my mind about whether Numbers might have somehow become an SK after I investigated him or whether Zokar wasn't killed by someone else. No matter how the final reveal goes, nothing but respect and admiration for your play from me.
I see a lot of text from you pyro, but the majority of it could apply to either yourself or drixx. You spent a lot of time telling me why it was better for the sk to have killed , which we both agreed on...but you fail to tell me why the fact that the sk didn't kill makes it more likely that drixx is the sk than yourself.
Nah. In almost all our games, LYLO situations lock at 2 votes. That's why as a general rule we're all very careful about placing a vote at LYLO because if we're wrong, the scum votes with us and ends the game. This game is unusual in the respect that the usual 1/2 rounded up +1 rule is still enforced at LYLO, when in most games the moderator will make it simply 2 votes locks at LYLO. You can even see that I assumed we were in the usual LYLO situation until it occurred to me to ask. I went and re-read rule #7 and today's day start and there's no lock, so we're riding out the 23 hours or so left in the day I guess.

If you were hoping I would give in and lock myself then you are sadly mistaken, however I actually don’t remember any games recently where this has been the case. Lynch rules have never been changed for the last day as far as I’m aware, and day was usually only ended early if there was in fact a lock that occurred, or everyone remaining in the game agreed to the early end.

As far as your case on me goes:

1.) I didn't claim that not voting was my idea. I simply motioned that since Zokar and Numbers and I were not going to vote until another night kill happened, we should fast forward the game to that point and play it out. Once Zokar and Numbers were on the record that they wouldn't vote in a 4 man MYLO situation, and I agreed, we were effectively at the point where a withheld night kill would extend the game infinitely. You've tried a couple times to spin this into me "taking credit" for the idea, but please note that the day before when we had 5 people left, I actually told Zokar he looked really scummy for trying to stop the voting on the wrong day. Other people clearly thought out the logic of when to stop voting if the lack of night kills continued before I did, and nowhere in my post did I claim to have been the one to have the idea.

You specifically asked if Zokar and I agreed with you and Numbers. How is that not like saying Zokar had not been a main proponent of it in the first place, and the day before pretty much everyone told him that it made him look like scum, and by everyone I mean everyone.

2.) You're relying a lot on some past game that pre-dates my return to playing mafia. I wasn't there when Valhauros made his famous play, and even if I were ... I'm not him. Even if I were him, you already pointed out big differences in the games. Valhauros was apparently viewed as confirmed town and had no suspicion at all on him, while I was at a couple points within a vote or two of being locked and had suspicion on me throughout much of the game ... I'm quite sure Numbers had no way out of the WIFOM between you and I.

None of my case in which I actually responded to your original three main points against me had any reliance on that past game. I used the past game as an example regarding how you were showing complete and total confidence in Numbers not being scum and that it was similar to something I had experienced before. Not the facts are not exactly the same, but the unnecessary show of proving how he could not be scum reminded me of that game.

3.) You claim that if you really were the SK you would have killed me when I revealed SK-cop, but I claimed a level 1 box so you had to be fairly comfortable that I would have limited shots. By that time it was already established that the boxes were more powerful based upon their level. I intentionally didn't say it was 2-shot at first in hopes that the SK would kill me and reveal his existence. Since there was doubt about my claim, it makes more sense that you left me alive. The odds were pretty low that I would investigate you and having me alive and being able to say I claimed sk-cop to mask myself as SK at the end is much more valuable than turning small odds into 0% and revealing yourself in the process.

If I were the SK how would I have known how many shots you had? This is almost the same as saying that if I were scum, I would leave the alignment cop alive even if I didn’t know how many shots he had. As I said in my other post, it could have been 1, it could have been 3, it could have been 10. Even though their level supposedly determines their power, we had seen a drastically different array of shots and abilities. The doubt wouldn’t really make it have more sense that I would have left you alive because I probably by default would have assumed more than one, and why would I keep you alive if I could have put myself against Noodle or Bad Ash.

You have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at me, including claiming that Zokar was "weary" of me because I prodded the two of you after nearly 24 hours went by and nobody said anything in the game. You rightly pointed out at some post along the way that once the town players decided not to vote with 4 people left, the last remaining anti-town would have no choice but to go along with it, so why are you then dogging me when I simply pointed out that reality and asked everyone to agree with each other to get the game to the end day?

I mean ... the game has rules, and if the last killer wanted to sit there and just not kill forever, hoping we would change our minds, that is a viable (if annoying) strategy, isn't it? But if all remaining players agreed to the premise that either a night kill was performed or town won, and asked the game moderator to enact that agreement, then we finish and the dead folks get to be involved in the next game and we stop sitting around doing nothing. But somehow I'm a bad guy for prodding you and Zokar to respond after nearly a day of silence?

I’ve built my case against you and you’ve built your case against me, and we have both argued about those cases. Since its pretty much down to you or me, you should expect that yeah, I’m going to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you to ensure the town win. I’m saying that he was weary of you because he specifically asked, “what are you smoking” or something to that effect. Almost as if he couldn’t believe that you just made that statement. I’m only continuing to discuss it because you initially brought it up as a point against me and Zokar, and our back and forth is continuing to include it.

Yes, the game does have rules but technically the rules don’t say that scum have to kill, and that townies have to lynch. The enactment of the agreement strong armed you into making a kill that you did not want to have to make as you probably would have been perfectly happy if I lead the mislynch on numbers last day phase.
I see a lot of text from you pyro, but the majority of it could apply to either yourself or drixx. You spent a lot of time telling me why it was better for the sk to have killed , which we both agreed on...but you fail to tell me why the fact that the sk didn't kill makes it more likely that drixx is the sk than yourself.

In short (If you want the long version go back to post 918 and reread the second part) since I'm getting really tired of typing walls:

Its because I would have had the incentive to kill, where Drixx did not. The way the lynches worked out after CG was lynched lead Drixx to the ideal LYLO situation. Himself, One "confirmed" person, and one unconfirmed person. There was no reason for him to alter this by revealing himself earlier.

I however in any case, any way you want to spin it, could have ended up in a much better situation and it would have taken a minimum of two kills to make it happen, and I could have been left with going up against either an inactive or scummy player in LYLO.
Also, it's valid for me to use the whole anti-loop argument against you because you're the one using that particular piece of flawed logic, not Drixx.

Huh, that's funny because the only reason I even made a comment regarding you still being left alive was because of this post by Drixx:

That leaves just you and me, and he's stuck deciding. If he votes for me, I have no doubt you will swoop in and lock me for the SK victory, because I've been honest all game long. I tested my read on Numbers and he came up clean, and that leaves only you Pyro. I do have to congratulate you on an interesting strategy that got you to LYLO; however, I would probably have killed Numbers last night if I were in your shoes.

I didn't have anything close to the amount of reasons to trust Zokar that I have to trust Numbers, so I would not have dared to play the opening of the day the way I did.

And I responded with this:

If I was the SK, and I had the ability to leave Zokar alive instead of Numbers, I would have done so in a heartbeat, but I didn’t, you did. There is no amount of WIFOM that can offset the fact that Numbers being alive instead of Zokar didn’t give you a significantly smaller chance of being lynched. Zokar was already weary of you when you made the claim that both he and I refused to fast forward the game so it probably wouldn’t have taken much effort to convince him that you are in fact the SK. Numbers on the other hand has pretty much believed you to be town for the past few day phases and changing that opinion was going to be unlikely at best. Since you couldn’t win by having a mislynch yesterday, you went for the next best thing.

Saying you didn’t have anything close to the reasons to trust Zokar that you did to trust Numbers doesn’t make any logical sense since in order to say that you didn’t have as much trust in Zokar meant that you had to have doubt in the results of your “investigationâ€. Why would you doubt the results of one investigation more than the other? This further impacts why Numbers is still left alive today rather than Zokar.

His initial comment regarding not keeping you alive was the only reason I made a comment regarding which one of you was left. There was really no other response I could make to his comment that wouldn't revolve around WIFOM.

So yeah, I'm glad I'm the only one using that piece of flawed logic.
Addressing your last 3 points in post #921

You say that being the SK and alerting the town to the possibility of an SK is great cover, as long as I'm good enough to talk my way through the questions ... but you forget that in the mid game I self-voted becuase I felt it would be better for the game to know my claims were true than for it to continue to remain in doubt. Any one of a number of people could have locked me. I had given up convincing people short of my death flip confirming what I said.

Yes, you did self vote, and even if it wasn’t the most graceful of ways to do it, the other players backed off, effectively allowing you to live longer. Have you employed the self voting strategy before? I can’t remember. (Please note that I do not at all find this method approvable and I find it ironic that the other two players remaining are both players that self voted).

You argue that not revealing my amount of shots is a scum move, except it's what all x-shot town roles do. The only people who benefit from a certainty on how many shots of an ability someone has are the ones threatened by the ability. There is never a case where a town player with an x-shot investigative role should reveal how many shots they have before said shots are expended, and even then they can help the town by claiming to have more shots and trying to get themselves killed.

I’m not saying that revealing the amount of shots you had is a scum move. Any person with x-shots that’s worth his salt won’t reveal how many he has, however in your specific case it would have also allowed you the wriggle room if you had needed it, and when you did claim how many shots you had you claimed you were out, something based on your own post an investigative role shouldn’t do.

Finally, I'd like to poke holes all over the place in your entire "If I were the SK, I would have done X, Y and Z" arguments. Numbers and I both got abilities and they were x-shot. If you got x-shot SK kills, then you would not have been free to kill at will, but rather would have needed to survive until the numbers were low enough so that your shots could win the game. You have to have a shot left when it comes down to 3 or 2 people left alive, or else you cannot win.

Ok fine, lets say the SK only has x-shots (I mean you would know right?), even in the minimum scenario I would have needed two shots to setup an ideal situation for myself. I mean, even the vigilante had two shots, so I would hope that the SK would at an absolute minimum had 2 shots.

I also find it interesting that this is the very first time that you have even approached the X-shot SK subject and its only when you are trying to poke holes in my case. Zokar, Numbers, and Myself all actively participated in this discussion on the day that Bad Ash was lynched, why didn’t you?
Drixx didn't have any way to be certain that the lynches would work out in the fashion you described, creating the "ideal" scenario for him, and his risk would not have been notably increased vs your own by killing. The consensus would have still been that there was a sk around, and I can't really say how town would have acted had the sk been killing actively. Would we have been pressured to kill drixx and "confirm" two people? I really can't say, but I think it's a fairly negligible point to make, this difference between the incentive to kill you would have had vs the incentive he would have had.

Regarding the flawed logic: You're the only one using it as a reason to vote for the other party. Drixx just said he would have shot zokar for reasons xyz. You're saying because zokar was shot, drixx must be the sk. It's not the same.
My comment about Zokar and you agreeing with Numbers and I was about the proposition to agree to force the game into its final day. Only with all remaining players agreeing could we ask the moderator to take such action. I proposed that we all agree to ask Sathoris to force any remaining night killer to do a kill or else town wins and asked the rest of you to agree. Numbers seconded it and then nobody posted for nearly 24 hours. When I posted and asked why you and Zokar hadn't commented on what I had proposed ... it wasn't the whole "no vote" idea ... it was the "let's force the last day to happen" idea. I suppose there could be a legitimate ambiguity there, but there were two things in play ... the "we won't vote" thing which Zokar and Numbers clearly proposed before me, and the proposal I made. Why on earth would I ask you guys why you didn't respond to my proposal if I didn't mean my proposal?

Further, you say that you can't recall any games where rules were changed for LYLO, but it is objectively the case that locks have happened with 3 player LYLO situations, including the Best of WIFOA game. That can only happen if the 1/2 rounded up + 1 rule is changed to simple majority for 3 man LYLO. Also, why would we have in our meta an ingrained inhibition against voting quickly in LYLO if voting did not normally open the door for scum to swoop in if the townie placed vote is wrong?

Also, you keep saying things like "... you should expect me to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you to ensure the town win." which is super LAMIST and also doesn't allow for any of the less likely scenarios which are, while unlikely, possible.

Finally, I would like to address self-voting, because you and others have had a broad range to say against it (from tame to sometimes fairly strong negative reactions). A town player's job is to help the town win. If a town player's truthfulness will clarify other things for the town, and that town player is a distraction or a strong lynch candidate, it can be a strong play for that townie to self-vote and ensure the town has clarity.

I do not think self-voting or suiciding out of the game by breaking the rules as a ragequit is good form; however, that's not what I did in this game. A ragequit, no matter how the player accomplishes it, is not cool. A townie willing to die to make sure the town knows the truth is entirely something else. Self votes should be used sparingly, imo, and only when the player's death will clarify important questions for the town.
Drixx didn't have any way to be certain that the lynches would work out in the fashion you described, creating the "ideal" scenario for him, and his risk would not have been notably increased vs your own by killing. The consensus would have still been that there was a sk around, and I can't really say how town would have acted had the sk been killing actively. Would we have been pressured to kill drixx and "confirm" two people? I really can't say, but I think it's a fairly negligible point to make, this difference between the incentive to kill you would have had vs the incentive he would have had.

Regarding the flawed logic: You're the only one using it as a reason to vote for the other party. Drixx just said he would have shot zokar for reasons xyz. You're saying because zokar was shot, drixx must be the sk. It's not the same.

You are right, Drixx had no way to be certain that they would work out that way, but it proves that he had no reason to intervene. You are looking for a reason why he would be benefited more by withholding and alerting us to the presence of a SK but in no way confirming that there was one is that reason. I disagree that his risk would not have been notably increased by killing, if the SK flavor based kills continued to occur, yet the SK cop was not eventually eliminated there would probably have been a substantial amount of doubt created.

I have to vote for the other party by default, I've given multiple other reasons for voting him but you for some reason are so focused on that one point. By him stating who he would have shot in my shoes my only option for a response is who I would have left alive. Is that not logical? And him giving his reasons (which is actually just one reason) was merely him stating that he didn't trust Zokar as much, that's one reason that's not even a valid reason because he would have had to believe his one investigation was less reliable than the other.
There's way too much "I would have played it X way" in that wall of quote replies, especially when it gets down to the parts where you talk about lynching Bad Ash and Noodle. How many trains could you really have driven against townies before you got yourself killed?

I'm also not sure how "I would have played the role differently" and other hypothetical arguments could help either of us. The game unfolded the way the game unfolded.

Well I don’t know, how many trains could you have driven Drixx? I mean, you were on the vote for bad ash, but you weren’t on the vote noodle, and I was on the vote for noodle, but not on the vote for bad ash.

Both of us voted for CG.

I voted for Ankeli but you did not.

And before that we had a series of no lynches.

Ah yes, but if I was the SK, I could have drastically changed the way that they unfolded.

This is what I know, for sure:

1.) Everyone but goryani opened a box on night 1, so I know that Numbers opened a box on night 1.
1a.) Everyone was limited to opening 2 boxes maximum
2.) Numbers claimed with a very long post so fast after Laarz died that he must have had a priori knowledge of the 2nd kill. The only possibilities for this would be if he was on the mafia team and they got a 2nd kill from a box and had him claim a kill he didn't make or he actually opened the vig box.
2a.) If he actually opened a vig box, then he could not have become SK after I investigated him
2b.) If he claimed the kill on Laarz but didn't make it, his kill flavor would be incinerate
3.) I know that I've told the truth all game.

1. Ok….?
1a. Ok…?
2. Ok…?
2a. “Investigated”
2b. Ok…?
3. Sure you have.

So with that knowledge there are only a very few possibilities:

1.) You (Pyrotechnician) are the SK and you killed Zokar last night
2.) Zokar did something that caused his own death last night
3.) Numbers somehow became an SK after I investigated him

I think that the probability of #3 is negligible at best. Because we are in LYLO if there is someone who can kill left, I cannot afford to read the death as Zokar doing it to himself and the only play open to me is to believe that you are the SK.

So ... if Numbers fooled the both of us, then he earned the win because neither of us is going to vote him.

If something odd happened and we're all townies, then I can imagine how frustrating this day phase has been (Best of WIFOA game was awful for me ... made my play to get lynched and got stuck in the game all the way to the end with no chance to win).

But I think that you are the SK, and so I do want to sincerely compliment you. Your play to get to today and your play today have been fantastic for an SK, especially if you had limited shots (which seems quite possible in this game and would easily explain why you didn't kill sooner as you claim you would have). Your posts have been so genuine as I read them that you've managed to put doubt into my mind about whether Numbers might have somehow become an SK after I investigated him or whether Zokar wasn't killed by someone else. No matter how the final reveal goes, nothing but respect and admiration for your play from me.

I’m really not sure what this post was trying to accomplish. Gee thanks, that would be a great compliment if I was the SK.
My comment about Zokar and you agreeing with Numbers and I was about the proposition to agree to force the game into its final day. Only with all remaining players agreeing could we ask the moderator to take such action. I proposed that we all agree to ask Sathoris to force any remaining night killer to do a kill or else town wins and asked the rest of you to agree. Numbers seconded it and then nobody posted for nearly 24 hours. When I posted and asked why you and Zokar hadn't commented on what I had proposed ... it wasn't the whole "no vote" idea ... it was the "let's force the last day to happen" idea. I suppose there could be a legitimate ambiguity there, but there were two things in play ... the "we won't vote" thing which Zokar and Numbers clearly proposed before me, and the proposal I made. Why on earth would I ask you guys why you didn't respond to my proposal if I didn't mean my proposal?

Well it took you a really long time to say this now didn’t it? However, I still argue that that’s definitely not how it was construed when you posted it. There was little to no clarification that the focus of your “why haven’t you agreed yet?” and the way it was worded definitely makes the no voting issue the focus of the post.

Further, you say that you can't recall any games where rules were changed for LYLO, but it is objectively the case that locks have happened with 3 player LYLO situations, including the Best of WIFOA game. That can only happen if the 1/2 rounded up + 1 rule is changed to simple majority for 3 man LYLO. Also, why would we have in our meta an ingrained inhibition against voting quickly in LYLO if voting did not normally open the door for scum to swoop in if the townie placed vote is wrong?

No, I don’t. But granted the last few times I haven’t made it to end game so I may not have been paying attention, but the few games I do remember off hand required the normal locking vote to happen (although we also had a number of games that lynch was lock, there was no inbetween, but that applied to the entire game, not just lylo). I didn’t see why this should be any different. Besides the point that if I was in fact lynched right then and there. I had one really short post, followed by my box claim, and two responses to you. Numbers then gave a few points and laid his vote down right there. If that were in fact the lynching and locking vote then he effectively would have given me no time to respond to his points, and that would require pretty much 100% certainty (which is impossible without an investigation) or someone that does not want listen to arguments. The first we definitely don’t have, and the second is not a town thing to do. Unless something else is going on here that I don’t know about (Like some secret brotherhood agreement to never lynch each other in a mafia game or something completely crazy like that) a town Numbers should not have put down that vote with the intention of ending the game.

Also, you keep saying things like "... you should expect me to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you to ensure the town win." which is super LAMIST and also doesn't allow for any of the less likely scenarios which are, while unlikely, possible.

Its been me vs. you the entire day phase. Or should I say me vs. Numbers because he apparently isn’t concerned with whatever you post. You could probably post absolutely nothing the entire day phase after you made your box claim and Numbers would still probably want to vote for me.

Finally, I would like to address self-voting, because you and others have had a broad range to say against it (from tame to sometimes fairly strong negative reactions). A town player's job is to help the town win. If a town player's truthfulness will clarify other things for the town, and that town player is a distraction or a strong lynch candidate, it can be a strong play for that townie to self-vote and ensure the town has clarity.

I do not think self-voting or suiciding out of the game by breaking the rules as a ragequit is good form; however, that's not what I did in this game. A ragequit, no matter how the player accomplishes it, is not cool. A townie willing to die to make sure the town knows the truth is entirely something else. Self votes should be used sparingly, imo, and only when the player's death will clarify important questions for the town.

Ok, so you are saying that self-voting is a viable strategy and you would employ it if you felt the situation warranted it. How would we know if you were self-voting to clarify important questions or to try and avoid lynch. I mean personally I have not seen a single person that has ever self-voted be lynched on that day, unless their self-vote was the locking vote on themselves.

Maybe this is a discussion more for post game, but I still stand on the fact that you would use it as a strategy if you felt you needed to.
Are you trying to suggest that I'm scum now pyro? A town numbers wouldn't do x or y? Really? What if I just value my own judgment more than I do any argument either you or drixx are presenting, and thus feel confident voting for you without any further discussion? I'm not ignoring drixx's posts, but I don't really have anything to say in response to what he's saying, since the essentially ideas behind his words are ones I agree with. Sometimes the exact words he chooses to use, or the precise phrasing he uses, doesn't quite express what he's saying, but it seems pretty obvious to me at least what his point is in his posts. For example, the post where you said he seems to be clearly questioning you and zokar about the not voting thing is pretty clearly to me about the idea of ending the day early and reaching a consensus on forcing a quick resolution to the game.
Are you trying to suggest that I'm scum now pyro? A town numbers wouldn't do x or y? Really? What if I just value my own judgment more than I do any argument either you or drixx are presenting, and thus feel confident voting for you without any further discussion? I'm not ignoring drixx's posts, but I don't really have anything to say in response to what he's saying, since the essentially ideas behind his words are ones I agree with. Sometimes the exact words he chooses to use, or the precise phrasing he uses, doesn't quite express what he's saying, but it seems pretty obvious to me at least what his point is in his posts. For example, the post where you said he seems to be clearly questioning you and zokar about the not voting thing is pretty clearly to me about the idea of ending the day early and reaching a consensus on forcing a quick resolution to the game.

No, I’m not, but a town player without 100% certainty, would at least consider what a person is trying to say. If you were absolutely not going to change your mind period, you should have just said that and stopped posting rather than letting me continue wasting my time and others. I have put a lot of effort into trying to convince you otherwise but that was obviously pointless as you seem to have a perfect understanding of what Drixx is saying and nothing will change that.
If I wasn't considering what you're trying to say I wouldn't have wasted my own time responding, but you're right, after a certain point where I wasn't going to change my vote(which did happen sometime yesterday) I should have made that clear and saved you the effort. I apologize for not doing so.
I was under the (mistaken) impression that when I put a vote on you, Pyrotechnician, that I was betting the game's outcome on my read of Numbers. That read was based upon the totality of the game and he of course had the most verifiable claims throughout the game. I know my own alignment and boxes and so it was simply a matter of that logic and the read.

Numbers has a harder case. He's really only got his reads to go by. Neither of us can prove evidentially our claims throughout the game. I think it's safe to believe that you caused the global roleblock you claimed, but the retaliatory thing cannot be proven. It's simply your claim. You claimed the 1-shot retaliatory power and I claimed SK-cop, and here at the end of the game we appear to have an SK, which means I told the game a long time ago about the SK possibility.

I think what I'm getting from what Numbers has said is that any arguments you or I make are going to be WIFOM and we're going to present the logic from our viewpoint. Neither of us is going to just give up, and so at the end of the day he has only his read to go on. That kind of feels like a big part of what Sathoris wanted with this game, btw. I do not believe there was any legitimate investigation roole aside from my SK-Cop. The only other claimed investigation was a scum bussing a scum buddy, so I think we can safely assume that it wasn't really an investigative power.

In a game that comes down to personal read ... the whole totality of the game is the only way to decide how to play LYLO. I made my choice early in the day considering the totality of the game, and if Numbers snookered me (and you, since you also believe he's town) then he earned the win.
You know what, screw it. I may as well just come clean. I lied about what the first box was and what it did when I opened did. My first box was But the Prize! /Level 3. When I opened the box I had the option of changing my win-con to that of a neutral survivor, however it’s not a standard survivor role. In order to achieve my win con I had to survive up to and including LyLo whether or not there are any scum remaining. If there are any scum remaining then of course I would lose along with the town. If there are no scum remaining then I would have shared a victory with the town. The offset to this is I was given one vig shot that I could use during the day or night and I had been saving the vig shot on the chance that the town would happen to decide to lynch me before then. Last day phase however since the town had decided to continuously no lynch until there was a kill I was forced to use my kill because I was informed that until I used the shot, I had not done everything under my control to reach my win con. Obviously this made me fairly upset as the town had backed me into a corner that I was not expecting to be in and I argued that by town giving up the choice to lynch that I should also achieve my win-con but Sath did not agree with this which also attributed to my reluctance and delay to agree to the plan in the game thread. At this point it pretty much confirmed that there were no scum remaining at all, but claiming to be a neutral survivor that late in the game pretty much meant sudden death for me so I pushed Drixx as the SK and I pushed it hard because it was pretty much my only option. So Numbers, congratulations, you were right, Drixx is not the SK. And all the speculation about limited shots or a sole survivor were pretty spot on.

I was actually quite enjoying this role until the kills stopped. It seemed like a pretty neat balance to a neutral role for once. It encourages me to help the town find scum, but also deters the town from lynching me based solely on the “You are a neutral, you are a liability” argument. I really didn’t want to have to claim the role based solely on the fact than any neutral in any of our games are pretty much an auto lynch but at this point I guess it doesn’t really matter one way or the other.

So there you have it. Believe me or not, I don’t care. I did the best I could and that’s all there is to it. Congratulations on your victory.

Sath – I agree to an early day end if the other players would also like an early end.
Estimated market value