Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Yeah... subtly saying I suspect Uraj. People get it when you or Zhao do it. I'll stop trying to be fancy :(
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Preview Edit II:
Leo posted a book. Seriously?!

i wish. that'd be so awesome. then again, it IS Novel November. been thinking about posting some crap in the Compound. speaking of...


and speaking of... are you catching up? you've been SO quiet!!

Welcome back Uraj.

Sorry Amanda, I did not see that post.

I think you should roleclaim. A slip up would give me more reason to target you.


my thoughts exactly. what???

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I'm busy on weekends doing crap for my Nazi Parents. SOOO glad to be leaving :cloud9: and I'm over on the payed internet on my phone, so I couldn't use that either. Sorry :\
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I think we should follow one of two courses of action:

1. Lynch the role stealer. This will prevent anyone from getting out of an anti town role, as there is no way to trust a current role stealer not to steal.

2. See what happens with "Amanda" and possible lynch Uraj. If he is Amanda, we're down one more anti town.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Uraj. Please role-claim. The rest of us are vulnerable, and you can pick any name you can think of now! Clever to wait till the end.

im so confused.... and some of you know why. :p

Because you're female? :D

Kidding, easy girl, easy... Heres a carrot.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

I might be able to force TC into giving up some information by threatening him with a lemon.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

You're all sick.

*Eats popcorn

EDIT: (Don't try this at home, I'm a professional) Anyone mentioning the following: Lemons, Occam's Razor and Gamblers fallacy shall be modkilled instantly in my games.
Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

You're all sick.

*Eats popcorn

EDIT: (Don't try this at home, I'm a professional) Anyone mentioning the following: Lemons, Occam's Razor and Gamblers fallacy shall be modkilled instantly in my games.

you need to modkill yourself then...you just said it, and comitted a Gambler's Razor Occam's Fallacy. Classic blunder sort of like being in a land war in Asia.

On topic:

There's also a possibility, however far fetched:

Trionth might actually be Amanda and is trying to frame Uraj....

Re: Halloween Saw themed Mafia game.

Sorry. Who's flip and McKay?

@Leo, she is Horse-woman, and that is the second best website I've ever seen. The first I'll post in the Compound.
Estimated market value