Faithless – PvP Hammerdin


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2020
Faithless is very old character, dating back to 2009 without any future prospects. I've always enjoyed the play style of Hammerdins in CS. Simple and very effective. Back before the removal or Iron Maiden from CS I've leveled this guy to 96 which was pretty big deal for me back in the day, and then he was subsequently retired. Fast forward to introduction of respec tokens, I decided to give him future in PvP, and I changed him into Mage Paladin (FoH + Hammer) based of Tienje's guide. The result was absolute disaster. Mages are notoriously difficult to play. Conviction aura takes long time to activate, and only way to reliably apply it is for you to charge next to a target and then FoH when aura is activate. By the time it's active you are already on the wrong side of Barbarian's axe. Add in the usual hotkey hell of Paladins, and generally unfavorable matchups at the time, I retired this guy and moved on to another projects once again.

Recently I've been watching videos of some of best battle net PvP players and their Hammerdins were absolutely terrifying. Faithless was half hammer, but reading the comment section of one of best PvP players out there I found a quote that stuck with me. Paraphrasing, „Screw all your templars, mages and whateverdins. Once you played enough, you realize that best pvp paladin is hammerdin, pure and simple. Any hybridization just detracts from its strength.“ It stuck with me because I've seen how they played and it was honestly insane. That gave me new appreciation of the build and after couple attempts to build this guy, I think I got to the point where I feel that I understand build well enough that I can share how to build and play Hammerdin properly.
Hopefully this thread will help future PvPers to build and play their Hammerdins, and make what is in my opinion one of cheapest and most effective PvP builds out there, with massive ways to improve and grow as a player, adapted to SPF PvP environment.

Hammerdin doesn't need much explanation. Blessed Hammer is absolutely broken no matter how you look at it, both in PvM and PvP. The fact that it does so much unresistible magic damage lies at the core of why Hammerdins are so strong. Holy Shield is insane, giving you option to go for maxblock with Spirit which is already in high resistances Paladin only shields making this one of the builds with highest overall resistances. You can focus on being tanky, stacking resistances, reaching high breakpoints, while at the same time having one of strongest attacks out there. Paladins in general are well equipped to live and kill in PvP with high stats, good breakpoints, natural maxblock and this build takes full advantage of the class kit.

LCS and basic stats
Skills are maxed earlier than 96 which was convenient for me. Standard - max out Blessed Hammer and its synergies, but there's couple twists that I stole from – one point FoH and one point Fanaticism.
Hammer synergies max out fairly early on so remaining points were put into Resist Lightning (10 skills for passive 5 max LR) and rest is dumped into Holy Shield for additional defense.
Fanaticism allows me to use have faster Smite. Hoto Smite isn't scary, but it's very good in case Wind Druid decides to stomp you and you just smite him out in the hammer path. It got me kills more than just once and not only in that matchup. It can also be used to smite someone out of hammer blindspots.
FoH is used in smite/foh chainlock combo. In theory at least, you can smite your opponent, throw FoH, cancel FoH delay by switching to throw/unsummon and then teleport on top of your opponent and do whatever you want (Hammer). Because you can cancel delay after FoH which also puts your teleport on cooldown, FoH damage, even with just 1 point will keep the target from moving until it's too late for them to do anything. Video of foh chainlock tech in spoiler since it's kinda difficult to explain properly.
It's worth noting that this is possible only on ping 70 and above, so on your own host, or in single player this is impossible to do. To my knowledge no one has managed to master this trick on any even remotely consistent basis in SPF, but it would open some nice opportunities against Druids, Amazons and trap Assassins which Hammerdins struggle quite a lot against. I tried to learn this trick but it wasn't meant to be. It requires slightly less than 20 inputs in the span of 3 GCDs which is as difficult as things go in Diablo II. Other than that, it's useful to finish opponent on 1 hp after OW/poison damage which would otherwise be difficult to land hammer against.

Charge and Vigor are obviously stapple of any PvP Paladin, allowing you to build desynch, escape stunlocks and outrun projectiles like Bone Spirits on your tail. I realized that it's pretty bad offensively because it's both slower than teleport (especially c/t teleport) and you tend to take more damage if your opponent can aim their spells properly. Also no one likes desynching Paladins and tend to play very defensively when you charge around a lot.

Helm: 1.07 Shako Ber'd / Jah'd
Amulet: 2/20 Paladin
Weapon: 39 Hoto
Armor: Enigma BP
Shield: 35 fcr Spirit 45 allress ST
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: 10 fcr rare
Ring 2: +2 skils BKWB
Belt: 40/15 Verdungo / 1.07 Crafted belt
Boots: 65 life Waterwalks

Weapon 2: 15 BO beta CtA in 3 HS Scepter
Shield 2: 35 fcr Spirit 45 allress ST

Paladin Combat - 36, 37, 38, 40
life/allr - 39/20, 40/18, 19/5, 17/5, 18/4, 17/4
life/fr - 19/11, 19/11, 19/11
life/lr - 20/10
life/mana - 20/16, 20/15, 20/14, 19/17, 19/16, 19/15, 19/15, 19/14, 19/14, 18/17, 18/15, 18/15, 17/17, 17/17
Mana charms are just QoL and not important at all. Honestly, build has far more mana with just Spirit shield than it would ever need, but it's nice to have some extra. They can always be swapped for single resist small charms with life to cover negative resistance. Switching mana charms for cold resistance charms would get me to ~370 CR, stacking almost everything cold sorcs can throw at me.

Early on while doing some theory crafting with Grip we realized that Ber'd 1.07 Shako is optimal for Paladins. BerBer or even Ber/Req CoA takes a lot more strength to use, and would require additional 50 - 70 strength investment to use. As it is right now, this setup highest str requirement is Verdungo with 106. So I use *only* 31% damage reduction total (Ber'd 1.07 Shako (8%), Enigma(8%) and Verdungo (15%) but it turns out to be optimal for both physical damage and elemental attacks because of Shako's insane 40% to max life and Paladins generally high life/lvl and life/vit. I will admit that I prefer Light Plate + CoA looks on Paladins but math had the final word.

I decided to use 4 x Paladin Combat charms for no apparent reason. Mostly because I had 4 good ones and decided to stick with it. I don't think this has any practical impact on build however. Hammer damage changes from 1800 to 1600; it will still kill any standard character in same number of hits.
This is why Hammerdins are so powerful. They can use pretty basic setup without any skill charms and fill their inventory with life/resistance charms without sacrificing anything in return. On top of it, you don't use ring slot for Oak charges because you have Hoto, allowing you to use +2 beta BKWB or any flexible ring in there. The fact that you don't rely on CBF means you aren't locked on to Ravenfrost either, and the fact that you use caster weapon like Hoto means you aren't sacrificing cast rate breakpoint that Grief based Paladins all have to do. Hoto also provides you with huge resistances which regular weapons usually don't provide at all. Because of that, and Spirit 80 all resistance, Hammerdins have highest resistances of any PvP build out there, even on a fairly budget setup. That automatically makes items with very high life (such as 1.07 Shako or Waterwalks) very easy to implement without care in the world.

As a result of all this, if needed I can have 80 FR and 80 LR, maxblock with 31% damage reduction on extremely high life setup, stacked ~40 LR for any Griffon's shenanigans, and fully stacked cold resistance from a 1 point CM Cold sorc with 20% Ravenfrost absorb and CBF AT THE SAME TIME. It is so insanely versatile that you will never take have FFA where something might hard counter you for any reason if you choose to do so. It is possible to go to 85max fire/lightning resistance which SPF rules allow, but I found it completely unnecessary considering the power of this build.
Only gear switching I usually do is to swap damage reduction items for items with high life (swapping Verdungo for 1.07 crafted belt and Ber'd Shako for Jah'd Shako.

For the longest time Paladins in SPF were played mostly like chargers. You charge around, build desynch and surprise opponent by killing him while invisible. After watching proper Hammerdin play I realized that approach was flawed. For one, while you charge around you have much less control over your character and eat much more damage that way. Teleporting on the other hand is faster, more precise and gives you far more opportunities to kill someone. Once you teleport your Oak stacks on top of you and can eat Bone Spirit or hammer for you. Building desynch takes time and you can't either recast stuff nor build hammer fields. You are actually fairly exposed. Charge isn't without its uses however. After unsuccessful engagement you are very open to counter and you can do short Charge that puts you out of retaliation range, be it Bone Spear, Fireball, Guided Arrow or any similar projectile. You can just teleport out, recast Oak and reset the engagement. You can also escape trap locks because Charge is uninterruptible. You should always use Vigor as charging aura, because why not.

What about hammer based hybrids? Remember intro story of my Mage experience? I just don't think Mages are good. Aside from the fact that you need entire inventory of skillers to get your skills to do respectable damage, FoH just isn't good skill. It has delay which hinders you a lot when relying in its autotargeting. Off a namelock it can be much better but like I said before, that is extremely difficult to pull off in any real dueling situation, let alone chaos of FFA. FoH just doesn't do enough damage without negative resistances or Conviction aura active and you lose your inventory flexibility.

What about charge? Unlike FoH, Charge requires just 20 skill points to be effective, and you can just use leftover skills and slightly higher level to max it out. Concentration also helps Charge damage a lot and Charge itself scales very well with points invested. You would need Ravenfrost for both attack rating and CBF and you need to use Oak charges ring because of no Hoto. That's -5 all skills and fcr breakpoint down. That's very notable. I do believe this is much better option overall, but I think it's still a crutch. It does help with bow Amazon, ES Sorcs and Wind Druids to extent, but it's nothing you can't play around in the first place. You can still fall in bad habits by charging around mindlessly and losing opportunities. You also nerf yourself quite a lot vs some other characters, fcr drop is especially notable. Having played both builds, I must say that I prefer pure Hammerdin, but both builds are viable and extremely strong.

Perhaps in future for archive purposes, but I will have to disappoint you for now :)

I've been playing Faithless rather often since we restarted PvP late in 2021. and got much, MUCH better at it than I expected going in. When I started I had to think heavily on my next move, but nowdays I can at a glance recognize the situation I'm in and rarely overextend myself. Hammerdins can work really well with little skill, but can grow a lot. I like that particular thing about them. I managed to incorporate Smite into his standard patterns, but FoH chainlocks and the more advanced strategies are limited both by me being host and by me being scrub.
I do believe that Hammerdin is one of best starting characters for PvP, and I do believe that this way of building and playing them is the right way. If we go full circle to that quote from the beginning, I now firmly agree with it. Hammerdin is without a shred of doubt best PvP Paladin and among the best PvP builds, period. I hope that you will find this thread and some ideas I came along with useful when you decide to pilot your own Paladin into PvP.
Inventory and especially 2/20 amulet are fairly difficult to get, but I believe that majority of other gear can either be forced to drop or are simply Meph items. I find the idea of optimizing characters extremely important part of RPG experience and Faithless is obviously extremely well built character. Aside from some fine tuning and stacking resistances, you can make character with similar practical strength on fairly budget setup, especially when it comes to inventory. That's just how Hammerdins work.
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Very nice write-up, great read.

Not exactly shocking, but my PvP Hammerdin uses the same options in every single gear slot :) and same number of skillers. Except of course I use modern patch versions of CtA, Shako and BKWB... which may make a tiny bit of a difference of some 2k HP. :D

Also, very nice charms indeed.

Keep 'em coming, would love to read more about your PvP characters!
So that I can figure out their weaknesses and beat them. :p
Very strong hammer, nicely written.

Hammerdin holds keys to every duel out there, especially as strong as this one. There is simply no point in attacking him because he kills with 2 to 3 hits, is fast at stomping and at times is impossible to tell where he really is nor where hammers are. Countless of times I've seen hammers going through my character on my screen, but in reality they were somewhere else, who knows where.

And this is exactly the potential issue from a dueling perspective, it is simply not profitable to do anything against such hammer except turtling and running away. Namelock is too dangerous to do (I got killed nearly every time I tried to namelock him). So, duels are spamfest and random projectiles hoping to hit him, or camping in the trap field because, as a trap player, I don't know what else to do. If going out of traps I just risk getting killed quickly while hammer can take hundreds of blows and still survive. Or with necro, just spam random spirits and run the moment hammer enters screen, what else? With barb it is only random whirling in hoping to kill. With windy you can't really stomp and should wait for hammer to attack you instead, or risk going for him.

Overall, strongest character no doubt, but he turns duels into turtle spamfest pretty much if opponent actually wants to win. It isn't hammer's fault, it is simply the flaw in dueling balance. Every hammer paladin is the same in that regard. Good connection = run and hide from hammer all duel. Another option is to run quickly and walk in random directions with firing missiles at hammer one at a time making his task to stomp very hard. Still, it takes too long to kill him while you are dead within 3 hammers.

And this is why I go ahead and stomp you at times even if it kills me. It is either that, or bye see ya the moment you come to my screen. :D
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Well I wanted a peek at Faithless’ setup, some impressive items there. The life on the belt is crazy. 2/20 amulet is nice too, I don’t have one of those yet.

Some interesting comments here that are also applicable to what I found with my Smiter on Friday and Saturday:

Even on a Liberator or Smiter, Ber Shako > CoA. I had a Grief Zerker and CoA setup Friday. Switching to Shako + PB gave me 1.5K more life.

Charging has a ceiling of effectiveness. When you start, surprising opponents with desync can get you kills. But it has a limit. I was attempting Telesmiting with very limited success on Saturday, but it seems to me to be the way to go.

Also agree with Grips comments, playing against the hammerdin in FFA changes the dynamic. Run away and leave it to the ranged character if you are melee.
This is how to play against hammer, a lot of walking and waiting for him. Walking makes his job harder to kill you. With only teleporting it is easier for him actually. He still needs 2-3 hammers to kill you, but at least it makes his job much harder and you do have a fighting chance without playing extreme turtle. This is something worth trying. If it doesn't work, then yeah, it is trap camping and turtling.

I've switched to 95/5 teleporting/charging when on offensive. When you need to break away from combat combination of charge and teleport is usually what gets me best results. Also a thing about charging Paladins - I hate them. I'm trying my best to use charge as little as possible because of that. Sometimes when I'm desperate I do it, but for the majority of fights I try not to use it. I know how bad it feels when I'm against charge so I'm trying not to make life miserable to others. Which is hard with hammerdin in the first place. In general for Paladins and Assassins it's never worth to go CoA route %life from Shako really stacks with their 3life/vit and such.

Walking strategy works really well vs hammer, but I don't think there's many builds that can use this properly. You actually need to deal solid enough damage otherwise you are just playing numbers game. You will probably die in one namelock if hammer gets you, so you need to deal very high damage to him. 125fcr bone necro and 163 fcr wind druid are only classes that come to my mind. Amazons are naturally good against hammer but they just lack the damage output to kill him reliably enough. Sure they can win duels here and there, but in general, the better the hammer is at prediction and advanced strategies the worse you odds are. You know Grip, after fighting your zon for a while I could read you pretty hard, from predicting your namelocks or running patterns so I can place hammer into your path. I still think that good bone necro can beat hammer 7:3 in 1v1s while they are both equals in FFAs.

It's very disruptive build so I'm going to stay away from him for a while.
Didn’t think anyone was using Smite/FoH chains for duels here, this brought me back. Can’t imagine playing against even a decent one with some of the items you have (6.9k HP is ridiculous). Druid and Nec still have advantage but your gear really makes it take a lot longer and it’s very easy to make a mistake and get 100-0’d compared to killing the Paladin. Great write up!

E: just read you guys’ rule set, Sin has advantage vs this too.
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I guess there is a reason why DenisKorean called his build 7v1….

@Jpy When are you joining us? :)
I guess there is a reason why DenisKorean called his build 7v1….

@Jpy When are you joining us? :)
Well, at the rate I play D2 right now, it would probably take another 20 years to gear a character. LOL
I organized many tournaments through the years on US East NL and a popular pvp private server. Played with/against some of the most renowned players in the scene but that was a long time ago..
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@Jpy Do join the fun! Hmm don’t you still have a lot of stuff from your 99er and other projects or is that all gone? In any event, people can definitely help out with a lot of gear donations. Plus I’m sure a PvP veteran like you will wipe the floor with us with very basic gear. :)
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@ffs lost all of my sorc and barb :(
I was spoiled for years by equal access to perfect items etc, that was really a great pvp environment
Didn’t think anyone was using Smite/FoH chains for duels here, this brought me back. Can’t imagine playing against even a decent one with some of the items you have (6.9k HP is ridiculous). Druid and Nec still have advantage but your gear really makes it take a lot longer and it’s very easy to make a mistake and get 100-0’d compared to killing the Paladin. Great write up!

E: just read you guys’ rule set, Sin has advantage vs this too.

Trapper absolutely does have advantage, but our pvp is very different to what you had on private servers (for one, we don't have trapper players that would threaten this guy except grip who is memeing with WoF trappers >_>). The format is FFA for the most part, and hammer is probably best FFA build. Because of access to old patch items, no anni/torch and Anya bug still alive and well, resistances are much harder to come by. Also because you often face something like bowazon, bone necro and fire sorc on the playground, you kinda want to build in such a way that you have decent physical mitigation and resists. Only Paladins can have everything without cutting corners. Inventory is often sacrificed for extra resistances/mana for comfortable playing so our damage is much lower. On the other hand, meta has evolved around trifecta of 1.07 Shako, beta CtA and Oak charges. You end up with much lower TTK than on bnet and tank meta of sorts.

Trappers for example usually go with 65 fcr c/c setups for best all around approach (with 1.07 Shako and Oak ring) and there is much less use of cutting edge fcr breakpoints like 174 fcr or 63 fcr on a barb. You just won't live long enough to be alive at the end, and you want to tank yourself enough to the point where you can survive multiple encounters. Also because skill in general is lower, you don't really need those breakpoins like you would vs best players. It's very difficult to justify dropping that Shako and it's readily available.

If you want to tag along I'm sure we can think of something. Only real issue might be US East. We're mostly in EU atm.
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Diablo PvP is not meant to be played too competitively or there will be too many stalemates. For example, while BvC is 2-8 against necro, that assumes barb goes after him all the time. What if barb walks around and doesn't bother to chase necro too much and waits for necro to come instead for some fighting? What if trapper does the same?

That's the biggest difference, we simply don't play to win in a most profitable way imaginable. 200 fcr sorc who stays 2 screens away while spamming balls in your direction. Yeah, I'll totally chase her, alright. Come if you want to fight or kill devilkins alone. Traps are here, I'm behind, you come and we will fight :p

This is why our necros might not be 8-2 against barb, because we play for fun and not to win every time hence necro is relatively close and fights and gets killed more than if he would have played the best possible way. Anyway, I like how our PvP looks like because of that.
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@Gripphon there was definitely issues with defensive play for 1v1 tournaments when you have easy access to 40 rep (that was the limit we had for every rule set I could remember). I remember situations where I caught people with a whole a charm inventory on the ground or no BO trying to manipulate life rep and killed them lmfao. 2v2 was less problematic for that. Most people heavily favored FPK (barb, trap, nec, druid) only so a lot of the tournaments were based on that
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Haha that's funny, I can imagine your reaction seeing charms on the floor to abuse replenish :ROFLMAO:
We had limit on 50 but removed it recently because when Faithless stomps you, it doesn't matter! You are more than welcome to join our PvP crew for some fun. We will have exceedingly hard time accepting someone actually doesn't have perfect items, but we will greet you warmly and be killed by you mercilessly ;)

I mean, we will kill you mercilessly. That's what I wanted to say. Totally.
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Estimated market value