Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I'm thinking about catching a movie tonight. Anyone have any sugguestions?

Barkeep, Root Beer and keep it comin!
Ravenforce3 said:
I'm thinking about catching a movie tonight. Anyone have any sugguestions?

Barkeep, Root Beer and keep it comin!

Coming from a 16 year old perspective, Perfect Score, Miracle, maybe a few others that im forgetin at the moment.

*dart flies past* HARLEY!!!!!
I was thinking about going to see Butterfly Effect...that movie looks creepy from the trailers I've seen. Other than that, most of the other movies look like crap.
Whoever mans the bar tonight: Gimme some oblivion, please. Canned, mixed, bottled, I don't care, as long as I don't have to snort or smoke it.

Sometimes, some weeks, computers SUCK! It's been one of those weeks....

Also, indications are I lose my job sometime late June. Aaaah, whatever.

Durf, I won't blame you for this one, just get me a decent drink on your card. If not, well then I'll... Have to foot the bill myself. Hefty one, I think...
*le sigh*

Okay, it seems my dearest cousin got a new system, and hasn't messed it up yet, so I'm posting tonight while sig. other is taking a nap.

It's a miracle--took on Duriel, never drank a pot, only had to res merc once. (Died twice, but the second time, Duriel only had a smidgeon of his health left, so I said "oh, to **** with it" and capped 'im.) Moving on through Act III...merry little cruise, until we got to Travincal. Three Hierophants and an oversized gaggle of followers decided to chill with the Council and have a chat session, so the killing of the Council was done in two bits. Got Toorc Icefist, grabbed the flail, made the 'Will, came back, went into the tower, (discovered why it was so quiet,) capped everything in sight and toastied the Compelling Orb.

Long story short? "Mephisto was 0wnz0rzd by Alexandra. Your Deeds of Malice will be Forgotten. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. You are the weakest link. Goodbye!" And, of course, he had a crap drop. However, with 90% FCR cumulative, she can dish it faster than most can take it.

I was starting to get a good start on the Outer Steppes, but then we had to go. :hanky: When I get home, Diablo is SO mine! I'll make that little Flesh Pup wish he'd never been SPAWNED!

BTW...beat Duriel at 25. Beat Mephi at 27. Only reason I'm making a big deal out of beating the demons in Normal, since it's a well-known fact that Normal is for Wimps. (first week of boot camp, if you will.)

In the, I'll just go with some green tea for now, if I could? Danks.

Hello all.

I just wanted to thank those of you who sent me some of those beautiful Breast Plates and to apologize for not reasponding in my thread a couple (two I believe) weeks back. RL got crazy. Anyway ... The original thread now doesn't exist so I can't resurrect it. So thanks!

* sides a Cuba Libre Low Lander and drinks one myself *

Yep computers suck. And I went through that fear of losing a job a couple of months ago. Survived all the cuts. Good luck.
LowLander said:
Whoever mans the bar tonight: Gimme some oblivion, please...

Also, indications are I lose my job sometime late June. Aaaah, whatever.

Barkeep, make it 2. And make them strong.

I know the feeling. My funding is supposed to run out in either February or March (depending on which manager I talk to). After that it's anybody's game. First one to lose his job buys the other a drink with Durf's card. ;)
I need something hard, anything really. My day was really bad, couldn't weld anything and I feel like I have glasses on even if I don't wear glasses. But of course, the glasses are for security, but now I'm at home in the comfort of my room and I hate having the feeling of having glasses. :rant:

Also my friend pursued her porn story with me in it. God where is the world coming too?!?!

Oh that reminds me, still have at least another 500ml of Vodka in my PC desk.... :idea:
Ti-Ben said:
Also my friend pursued her porn story with me in it. God where is the world coming too?!?!

We all have our challenges in life, Ti-Ben. If you want to trade, let me know. :p
tragor said:
We all have our challenges in life, Ti-Ben. If you want to trade, let me know. :p

Nah I'm ok. But she's already at part 2 at her story, it's getting quite. |-|4rdc0r3. But I'll survived... plus it's getting interesting. :rolleyes: :lol:
Wound up going to see Return of the King again instead of The Butterfly Effect. I REALLY didn't want to wait until 9 for the next showing (I got there around 7:30.)
I personally thought that lotr did not look good...

Any ways i have some sad news, I will have a level 20 sorc by the time i rescue cain or go past the dark wood....the way im playin it most likely will end up like that:(
'Kay, Dutch version of "pop idols" is up. Family time!
(*Gods, D2 monsters will suffer for this some 90 mins. from now....*)
I'm not surprised (and a little saddened) to find that I hardly know any of you; in here, lone_wolf, Butzull and Sssith I recognise, but that is all. And I have seen Stargaze and Tenshi posting, and of course Stony is still telling stories, and I don't believe the SPF would be complete without Durf hanging around. Sunbearie's posts have surprised me (how have you managed to stay around so long?), and there are other names I see in the "Who's Online" list, a few of whom I recognise. Mostly you're strangers. And very glad I am to see that Etdlahq is still remembered.

It's nice to see the SPF is still around, and with quite a showing, from the looks of things (not that that's anything unusual, mind you).
<Jumps on top of a table and does a little dance>
I just gave Diablo a bit of killage. Yeah, it was only in Nightmare, but considering before Marduk the Fishymancer was born the furthest one of my Chars had gotten unaided was Mephisto in normal. Now I'm gonna go and gloat to the bouncer that I just kicked him square in the jaxie, then I'm going to ask him if he knows what the hell a jaxie is.
Vireyar, welcome back.
Pull up a bar stool and have a *insert favourite drink*
What was your old name? Maybe I will recognise it. I've been around for a while, though I don't post much.
Barkeep, my usual, please. What? You don't KNOW! Eeehrm actually, neither do I. :scratch: Make it a pint of Grolsch, then.
*Wanders in looking lost*

Hmmm, this doesn't look like my Linux training course. :scratch:
Must have clicked the wrong bookmark. Then followed the wrong thread. All completely subconscious, I'm sure.

Oh well, as long as I'm here I'll take a Shiner Bock. The only decent beer Texas ever produced.

*Walks to the claw machine and gets a Demon Imp. Said Imp promptly starts teleporting around the room flinging little fireballs*

Damn! Sorry. Don't worry, I'll get it. :embarrass

*Chases madly after the Imp trying to smack it with Seryant's rubber maul*
Estimated market value