Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

No matter where you look to find the definition of supernatural, the placebo effect definitely fits the definition. It is outside scientific understanding or the "laws of nature". Or should I say outside the current scientific understanding or the "laws of nature". Once the "laws of nature" were that man cannot fly, but technology changed that law. We are using the LHC to see if there are other dimensions. What if there are and it is possible to cross over to them? Could this not explain things like ghosts or UFOs, or even totally unexplained disappearances? Like flying once was, don't you think that scientific understanding and the "laws of nature" can change to encompass what is now the supernatural? Quackery aside, science must keep an open mind and constantly challenge the status quo, there is no place in modern science for another Galen!
But the placebo effect is known about through repeated observation. We know of ways to increase and decrease the placebo, and even the nocebo, which most people don't know about. I would classify these as natural phenomena.
There is no strong evidence for ghosts and UFOs can be literally anything. There are no examples that cannot be explained through natural means, though.
I do think things that are currently considered supernatural could be determined to be natural through scientific inquiry. Science is open-minded by definition, despite what it's detractors suggest. Evidence is what changes that open mind.
I poured vodka into Gatorade. It's truly mind-altering. I'm going to get more...

A sip of this never felt as good
As it did when you were in the nude
Take a seat, enjoy the drink
And never stop to have a think

Or something like that...
That sounds pretty good.
*ignores the medicine talk

*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves sangria

*serves tequila

*serves tea
@pharphis I'd love to argue this further but the powers that be have decided that intellectual discussions are not welcome in the bar. We better go back to "your mom" insults.
@pharphis I'd love to argue this further but the powers that be have decided that intellectual discussions are not welcome in the bar. We better go back to "your mom" insults.

I wouldn't have intervened if it was an intellectual discussion.

I intervened because:
- the topic wasn't rising above the level of "your mom" insults
- "discussion" implies an exchange of ideas and certain posts were an entrenched position creating a circular argument
- the argumentative tone within certain posts

For those who wish to continue their circularity, I have copied the relevant posts to a new thread.

For those who wish to drink in peace, they may.
*fires kamap into space*

Over the last few days I finished MOOC 8 and 9, but I started 10 and 11, and 12 starts next week. I think I'm addicted!!
MOOC = Massive Online Open Course

I've never taken any, but I've been tempted. AFAIK they are an extension of the distance-education format most Colleges/Universities already use, and consist typically of filmed lectures and readings of college/university-level material. Some have varying levels of participation/problem sets etc etc. I don't know much about them, so hopefully someone who has taken some comes by to give you actual information.
MOOC = Massive Online Open Course

I've never taken any, but I've been tempted. AFAIK they are an extension of the distance-education format most Colleges/Universities already use, and consist typically of filmed lectures and readings of college/university-level material. Some have varying levels of participation/problem sets etc etc. I don't know much about them, so hopefully someone who has taken some comes by to give you actual information.

^ this.

They are great fun for someone stuck at home a lot; beats playing D2 all the time or watching, um, adult content. So far I've done a course on forensic science and another on forensic microbiology, a food science and nutrition course, one on chemicals and health, 2 introductory chemistry courses and 2 advanced chemistry courses, and one call origins which covered everything from the formation of the universe to the evolution of specific biological traits that led to us.

There are two different types of assessment; online quizzes/exams and peer reviewed assignments. After one experience with the later, I refuse to do ones with peer review. I'm allergic to stupidity.

Here is a list of some of the available courses, and not all of them are in English. The good thing is that most of them can be taken for free and you still get a certificate of completion, but you can pay for a "verified" certificate that can be used (in some cases) as credit or RPL for proper university/college courses.

Edit: Here is an article that explains it better than I can and has more links.

Edit2: Wont let be embed two links so:
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