Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I have better things to do then stare at a screen for 90+ minutes while 20 people run after a ball then kick it away again. towards a rectangle with some other dude posted in front of it that tries to stop the ball from going over a line in that rectangular shape, then only to kick it away again.
Throw in some weird rules and yeah that will surely get me excited. (mind the sarcasm)
Also the country with the more inhabitants have more chance on good players the clubs who throw the most money around have the best players so they have the best chance on winning.
Same goes for basketball / baseball / american football and so many other team sports.

I'll use those 90+ minutes to get the twisted panties of myself and my wife and make us sweat till we can sweat no more and then I'll push it some mo oh ore.
Why would you shave your beard off? I'm like legit disappointed and I don't even know you.
Why wouldn't you shave? Are people without beards not welcome here? Should I leave?
Why wouldn't you shave? Are people without beards not welcome here? Should I leave?
you're always welcome here skah-jold-ay
I am indeed
*serves celebratory Black and White Dew for San Antonio winning the NBA Finals over LEBrick and the Heat

*serves drinks
I'm late to my reintroduced beard party... poop.
Whatever, I'll join in like I'm not late.
I like to keep a bit of scruff on my face. Clean neck, but along the jawline and above, some beard lingers.
I don't know what a decent beard is like. Nor how to shave a decent beard. I get scruffy, then I shave. Sometimes I shave more often than others. I just don't know how a beard is meant to look on me (let alone leaving the right sections of beard), so I get rid of the lot.
I do like a couple days growth though. Something short, but not untidy. It doesn't stay that way for long...

Day 2/6 is done for this working week. :)
While we're on the subject of facial hair, I just spent a good 5 minutes on my eyebrows. I have another job interview today and it matters. Women notice these things. I can't count how many people I've wanted to get in a headlock and attack with tweezers. Bushy eyebrows are fine if you are a wizard. Otherwise clean that stuff up!
For the record, I am a wizard.

Good luck with the interview Gold! I'm on my way home after a week in my hometown.
The one. The only.
The everything?

My wifes likes my eyebrows the way they are except for the stray one out there.

I am fun at parties, just not soccer parties or any party that is related to any group sports thing, I'll also bust philosophical parties with my logic and stuff. You better not ask me if a falling tree in a forest with no one around to hear it makes sound or if the egg or the chicken was first let alone what sound a one clapping hand makes.
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