Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Do you want me to fill up the space that kegs left? Is that an invitation to spam? He always liked my spam... now I'm going to cry into my tequila. DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!

Jcakes, have you read War Horse? Or just about any WWI novel? Or seen just about any WWI movie? Gallipoli comes to mind, watch that with a ton of tissues if you must. Funny picture, but WWI was not funny at all. My great grandfather fought in it and apparently never spoke of it at all, whereas my grandfather fought in WWII and apparently wouldn't shut up about it.

One personal crisis down, another one heading at me next week. Vivi, you are correct - the grandchild plus probable impending death on their parts makes it impossible for me to say "no, you can't come spend your 70th birthday with us". I'm just not that awful a person.

Gosh, tequila makes me dark.
Boring day at work today. And i mean really boring. Nothing to do and not even a co-worker to talk to. Unfortunately there's about two weeks more of that to come. I may have to watch out so i don't die of boredom.

I'm just not that awful a person.

All it takes is some practise. You can do it! I believe in you!
Yes, it's a genre called "mommy porn".

I must go take a shower now.

Ah. I'm no mother. I don't have what it takes.

Do you want me to fill up the space that kegs left? Is that an invitation to spam? He always liked my spam... now I'm going to cry into my tequila. DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!

Jcakes, have you read War Horse? Or just about any WWI novel? Or seen just about any WWI movie? Gallipoli comes to mind, watch that with a ton of tissues if you must. Funny picture, but WWI was not funny at all. My great grandfather fought in it and apparently never spoke of it at all, whereas my grandfather fought in WWII and apparently wouldn't shut up about it.

One personal crisis down, another one heading at me next week. Vivi, you are correct - the grandchild plus probable impending death on their parts makes it impossible for me to say "no, you can't come spend your 70th birthday with us". I'm just not that awful a person.

Gosh, tequila makes me dark.

Hm. I may be that awful a person. Mother's been predicting her own impending death for 20 years now, each time something different, so if I now get a phonecall telling me she's died the only reason I'd come over is to verify that it's true this time. Father has reoccuring skincancer, appearantly you can grow quite old with it.
We're wading in the same deep waters, but I'm divided - a big part of me thinks it's best for my health I don't talk to them and don't see them, a big part of me is feeling sorry for these pathetic unpleasant creatures.

I've been told I'm too nice.
I fail to believe that. I always think I'm horrible.
Strategies on how to cope with visiting parents (and other relatives):

Tell everybody that everybody is very welcome to visit. You would just love to have them over! Then proceed with saying that you will try, but will likely not get off work, sadly. Believe me, those 9-10 hours away from them will do you very good. Best get your boss into this, so they will know what to say if you ever meet them accidentaly in the town, with your parents in tow. And make sure to actually get one day off to show them how long you went to spend time with them.

Come home stressed with the grocery shopping. Continue being stressed while you prepare dinner. Make sure dinner tastes average. Then proceed to say sorry a thousand times that your cooking was so bad and how much you love her cooking. Stress that you are very very unhappy with serving her such a bad meal. Get hubby in on that one.

The result of those stragtegies is that you will be allowed to go to bed early (since you have to go to work), have 9-10 hours without them every day, your mother will do the cooking and if you are really good they will also do the grocery shopping.

*wine please*

*cuddles Cyrax*
Strategies on how to cope with visiting parents (and other relatives):

Tell everybody that everybody is very welcome to visit. You would just love to have them over! Then proceed with saying that you will try, but will likely not get off work, sadly. Believe me, those 9-10 hours away from them will do you very good. Best get your boss into this, so they will know what to say if you ever meet them accidentaly in the town, with your parents in tow. And make sure to actually get one day off to show them how long you went to spend time with them.

Come home stressed with the grocery shopping. Continue being stressed while you prepare dinner. Make sure dinner tastes average. Then proceed to say sorry a thousand times that your cooking was so bad and how much you love her cooking. Stress that you are very very unhappy with serving her such a bad meal. Get hubby in on that one.

The result of those stragtegies is that you will be allowed to go to bed early (since you have to go to work), have 9-10 hours without them every day, your mother will do the cooking and if you are really good they will also do the grocery shopping.

*wine please*

*cuddles Cyrax*

That doesn't work. It needs the ability to pick anything up from the other side. My mother is like Hyacinth Bucket.

"Coffee at 10 Elisabeth"
"No really Hyacinth, I can't!"
"That's very nice dear. See you 10 o'clock then"

Bad cooking or rushing doesn't affect her. They just take over your home - mother makes sure the kitchen is done her way, so all the things you care about are suddenly scratched or dirty because that's not what she uses. She'll yap at you that you're doing things wrong since you're not doing the household her way. And scould you for not waxing the floor (don't even ask!) not every month, and that not having the time is no excuse, she'll come over and gladly do it for you. Making sure your other possessions get contaminated too.
Dad will have eaten half your food, especially the stuff you told him that was expensive and you were saving for a special occassion and not the stuff you said you were fine with him to eat, knowing he can't keep his hands from candy anyways.

I also don't have a hubby. That can't be helped but tonight that makes me feel very lonely.
OK, the tequila is kicking in. Yay!

Moar - excellent advice! This has worked in the past. Unfortunately my parents are so USELESS that they won't make dinner, they won't get groceries, they won't even walk the very elderly dog. It's like having 2 extra kids around. Last time they came, they camped out with us for almost a month and showed up at the end with a bunch of flowers, saying "It's the least we can do," and I had to bite my lip so hard not to say, "Yes, you are correct, that's the absolute least you could do."

It will be fine. Just keep telling me that. Someone give me a shoulder to cry on stat! I promise to cry very prettily.:yes:
That doesn't work. It needs the ability to pick anything up from the other side. My mother is like Hyacinth Bucket.

"Coffee at 10 Elisabeth"
"No really Hyacinth, I can't!"
"That's very nice dear. See you 10 o'clock then"

Bad cooking or rushing doesn't affect her. They just take over your home - mother makes sure the kitchen is done her way, so all the things you care about are suddenly scratched or dirty because that's not what she uses. She'll yap at you that you're doing things wrong since you're not doing the household her way. And scould you for not waxing the floor (don't even ask!) not every month, and that not having the time is no excuse, she'll come over and gladly do it for you. Making sure your other possessions get contaminated too.
Dad will have eaten half your food, especially the stuff you told him that was expensive and you were saving for a special occassion and not the stuff you said you were fine with him to eat, knowing he can't keep his hands from candy anyways.

I also don't have a hubby. That can't be helped but tonight that makes me feel very lonely.

You really have a problem there! I wouldn't want to have those people ever visiting me. I have an aunt like that and I really don't like her. Nobody does. She might come visiting next year. Can't say no since she just dished out some money to the nieces. Parents will come with her and I'll use work strategy and let my parents suffer her. I am a partially mean person. I did tell my parents exactly that tough.

My mother would never do such a thing as you say your mother does. She's letting my house be my house and does not move a single thing. Typical kitchen talk is more like "you got some flour?", "sure, the packet I bought last time you were here!", "ok, I can make do without flour". I will of course then buy a new packet the next day which will stay unopened until the next time she visits when above conversation will repeat. I'm sure she thinks a lot of "my daughter is a real bad homekeeper" thoughts, but she keeps them inside herself luckily. ;)

I'm really ok with my parents. They are decent people. I enjoy having them visiting, but I also love to have some personal time so I always have to work at least half of the time they are here.
Aye, money. At the end of each visit they now hand me an envelop with money which, they claim, is always the same amount they've given my sister over the time since they last saw me. But it feels like buying me. And that' nasty. I usually refuse but they then force it on. They know I'm low on money, having trouble to make my salary last the month. This month being really bad - with the bills paid I had 300 euros left to live on for over 3 weeks till my next salary. That'll be lots of rice and broccolli again then.
Whenever I tell them I am not that keen on meeting up etc. they sneer "ah but you do want our money!". I've told them plenty of times I rather they disinherited me.
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