Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I disagree. That the meds work is no proof of him having that condition. Like when I tak a pill for headache it might also help with a pain somewhere else, my arm or shoulder for example which is stressed by work. He might very well have another condition and the meds he takes just helps with his symptoms.

It's about the same here. I got a nice old chap as my gp. He's fine for giving me a sick leave when I have the flue. Never asks too much, takes a bacteria test and fills out the one week sick leave thingy. Fine with me. I'd go somewhere else though if I felt really sick I guess. Not that you do have many choices. You can go to the ER, but that means 6 hours of waiting if you are not dying. Or you can go private. There you get a consultation imidiately, but it costs quite some money. So I would rather choose the ER. If you are sick enough they do prioritize you and ultimately get you to hospital.
I forgot to mention he has a related condition which is why it made sense to the gp - he just never thought of it.
I'm here for six months but there's a possibility I'll be asked to extend.

If I'm honest, although I am in Qatar, I'm not really in the Middle East. I won't elaborate but I am rarely in the local town, so it doesn't feel like I am abroad (other than the sunshine and the fact I live in a desert). In fact, I'm pretty sure I am living in The Village (the Jim Caviezel version of The Prisoner).

You should definitely try it but make sure you are thoroughly briefed on how to behave out here :yes:

Fair enough. I just got a couple of emails from recruiters in Saudi, not sure I really want to work there though ....

I lived in Geelong for a few years in the early 90s, it was quite nice but very bogany. The future of the Shell refinery in Geelong is still quite uncertain, take a good hard look at it before committing yourself.

Yep. The refinery is currently for sale and that is what I meant by saying I am not sure they are offering me enough (for the risk).

Symantec went crazy when I clicked that link. FWIW.

The problem is that you have Symantec as your AV :p
Fair enough. I just got a couple of emails from recruiters in Saudi, not sure I really want to work there though ....

Yep. The refinery is currently for sale and that is what I meant by saying I am not sure they are offering me enough (for the risk).

The problem is that you have Symantec as your AV :p
Microsoft Security Essentials is all one needs. and it's FREE
*Installs demolishion machines in bar*

Wall of text approaching!

TheNix said:
I'm an atheist except on Sundays.
Yes! XD Made me laugh so much.

kama said:
Drystan is a grass type pokemon. Just so you know. I believe you are a miltank or a tauros.
Why do you think I'm a grass-type? Also, aren't Miltank and Tauros normal types?

thefranklin said:
You got one thing right, I am an idiot
Oops :guilty: Sorry. I wasn't offended, but just don't like the skewed opinions and thoughts most people have on vegetarianism. As said, I, and other vegetarians, get asked these terribly stupid questions from people we meet, and there isn't any reason these questions should come up. Vegetarianism is a really simple concept, but there's so many misconceptions because (IMHO) people try to 'promote' themselves as vegetarians for varying reasons (one I have heard is from a 'pretend' vegetarian who thinks the vegetarian diet is much healthier than a diet with meat, so they limit their meat a little, and still call themself vegetarian because it makes them feel healthier.)

thefranklin said:
Secondly, I did not mean to offend you. It was meant as an American pun where males don't eat fish because it isn't "manly" enough.
I haven't heard that type of pun over here before. All sweet.

pharphis said:
Dry, why is it that you're vegetarian if you don't mind being asked that. You could PM if that's better
I don't mind. I don't have a solid/welfare/environmental/cultural/religious reason anymore. I was a kid, primary school, when I decided I didn't like the idea of animals being killed for food.
Now, that idea doesn't pass for me - animals will be killed regardless, and for less than food. But after 20+ years of being a vegetarian, I don't want to. I don't care for it, or need to. It's somewhat a habit now, and my mind doesn't tolerate meat. I still enjoy the smells of a barbeque, but my mouth doesn't water, my mind doesn't crave it. I have no desire to eat it. Think of eating rocks. Or bed sheets, maybe with a little chilli/barbeque sauce. Can't do it? Neither can I - same with meat.

I have had to eat some meat (no other options as I was at an aikido training camp, and they had pork something-er-other bits mixed in with the salad,) and I was very hungry. I only had a very small amount, but because I knew it was there, I was almost sick while eating it, and remained unwell for some time after. I was still hungry, so considered a little more, but each time I considered it, I almost threw up more.

Also, flavoured yoghurts and icey poles have gelatin in it. I used to eat yoghurt, but the day I found out gelatin was in the yoghurt I was eating, I couldn't finish it. I didn't want to waste the food, but when I tried eating it, it tasted like blood. I didn't want it, it didn't taste good, and I haven't considered it since.

That's why I said with my work trips, we have Chinese/Asian a lot (along with Indian, there's usually one or the other where we go.) And I know they frequently use oyster/fish sauce, I also assume in "vegetarian" meals (some may, some may not,) as they don't consider it meat - the "it's a sauce; it doesn't matter that it was an animal" idea - maybe it's a culture difference but I don't know which use oyster sauce on vegetarian meals and which don't. I could create a fuss, and not eat out with workmates, or create a bigger fuss by moving to another restaurant, but both of those are pretty inconsiderate. The other party would accept, but it's a lot of hastle for something that'll keep recurring wherever you go.
I just don't ask, or want to know, what type of sauce each restaurant uses.

Goldtru said:
The only issue I've ever had with food is when someone insists you do things their way. I have a friend who has gone completely off the deep end with the whole organic thing, to the point where she tried very hard to ban hot dogs and burgers from a picnic because "they weren't food". I have limitless respect for vegetarians and vegans who keep it to themselves and don't try to force everyone else to do it too. My horrible dairy allergy means vegan food is the safest thing to eat in airports and places like that, so I'm grateful the vegans are out there, but I'll still cry at the sight of mac and cheese.
Agree with you 100%. That's why if I eat out with people, I eat lightly beforehand. If it comes up, I ask them not to make a fuss, I had a light meal before, and they shouldn't go out of their way for me. They still do though, which is nice, but unneccesary.

The most amusing was at a birthday as a kid - they had pies, sausages and all meat, and when the parent asked why I wasn't eating, she immediately began apologising, and went to look for something for me to eat.

She came back with a carrot stick...

By now, I don't mind one way or another - I prepare for 95+% meat objects, and eat lightly beforehand. If there's something good vegetarian, great! If not, I've eaten so I'm usually fine anyway, I won't die of hunger, and will be happy with whatever there is - salad, cheese on biscuit snacks, tomato etc. I'd never take offence to it, as it's not something people think about, and very rarely comes up.
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That's why I said with my work trips, we have Chinese/Asian a lot (along with Indian, there's usually one or the other where we go.) And I know they frequently use oyster/fish sauce, I also assume in "vegetarian" meals (some may, some may not,) as they don't consider it meat - the "it's a sauce; it doesn't matter that it was an animal" idea - maybe it's a culture difference but I don't know which use oyster sauce on vegetarian meals and which don't.

I would have thought Indian would be ok, vegetarianism is relatively common in Indian. I agree with you on the Chinese point though. I have a friend who does eat some meat (sepcifically only chicken), but calls himself vegetarian. His reasoning is that it is easier to say he is vegetarian and just eat vegetables, then to explain that the only meat he eats is chicken
Indian is generally fine, as yes, they do have a vegetarian understanding culture and places specialising in vegetarian dishes - I'm always slightly uncertain regardless of where I go though, as I can't see how they're preparing it (including local vegetarian pizzas - disregarding cross-contamination from the benchtops, and unknown cheeses (rennet,) which I'm not fussed about when eating out, there's still a chance something gets put on top - it won't stop me eating out or anything, but the thought is there.) I did not intend to lump it in with Chinese, but was just saying that we do eat there as well with work trips. As said, a lot of places, it's just better not to ask at times - regardless, it is usually quite a nice meal.

Jcakes said:
I have a friend who does eat some meat (sepcifically only chicken), but calls himself vegetarian. His reasoning is that it is easier to say he is vegetarian and just eat vegetables, then to explain that the only meat he eats is chicken
I can understand that it is 'easier,' but I still strongly disagree with it. The people he knows may not know many vegetarians, and will believe that vegetarians can eat chicken. Simply, it doesn't cross their mind and they don't consider it, so the misconceptions get reinforced. They will then ask vegetarians if chicken is okay, and even pork and other meats. He's contributing to the misconceptions and stupid questions we get asked. Tell him that for me, please. :)
I haven't got a clue, you could very will be a fire type and they could be normal types, I'm not into the pokemon scene at all I just saw some cartoons of it, cause in the beginning my brother and some nephews liked to watch it and play the game, since my brain absorbs alot of good for almost nothing things those are a few names of pokemon I remember.
I haven't got a clue, you could very will be a fire type and they could be normal types, I'm not into the pokemon scene at all I just saw some cartoons of it, cause in the beginning my brother and some nephews liked to watch it and play the game, since my brain absorbs alot of good for almost nothing things those are a few names of pokemon I remember.

LOL. Cyrax you are going to have to work pretty hard to keep up with this guy!

We have "pescatarians" here now, ie folks who eat fish. I think that's a good description. I wish there was a word for "I am serious, I have a horrendous dairy allergy, yes butter counts as dairy, there's dairy in those crackers, no I'm not lactose intolerant, have you ever seen a cow lay an egg". I've considered just saying "vegan" in certain circumstances because it's just the safest option.
Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week if not in person I'll be here in spirit, pitty though that my spirit cannot post.

Cow milk in any form is bad for you.
So you'd be a noncowmilkarian or nocomarian it has a nice ring to it, try it out, maybe it catches on.
Silly GT.

"Pescatarians" were the Roman soldiers who protected the Emperor.



Wait. No.

Those were "Praetorians" - they prevented the Emperor from eating shellfish and other potentially poisonous seafood items.

Kids today, they know nothing of the last century :no:

Woot! Loz is online same time as me! I shall now bug both of you!

Wait, I haven't really thought this through ...
Shall we give you the chance to think it over and back away? *pwook pwook, cluck cluck, CHICKEN*
Zoos would be cooler if you had to fight each animal before moving on to the next one. I'm looking at you, armadillo.
Estimated market value