Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

So I just subscribed. Do I have to do anything or will it update automatically in a while?

*looks at Kitteh sceptically, protects her nose and cuddles*

*grabs a glass of wine*
The fear is consuming pharphis... The zods you own end up owning you. Sooner than you think, you'll be running for zods and will hear Bruce Dickinson singing powerslave in your head. True story :wine:

It is consuming him. He's already starting to look like Smeagol.

Btw, why is my name mentioned every time as the one to de-throne him. Am i the only one with a zod here or is it that i am the only one considered to be that crazy (besides pharphy that is)? :scratchchin:

I got to see it, although I needed a magnifying glass :rolf:

Oooh feel the burn. Kitteh's on fire! :fire:

For a course i took for my previous job (years ago) i had a textbook with a passage that was really badly written. After studying on the matter and also consulting a collegue i found about 4 or 5 different possible interpretations of that text. If that's the case, how the hell am i supposed to know what they mean?! In the end i wrote them about it explaininig all possible explanations i found and which way they better describe it if they meant case X (where X is the interpretation i thought was the one they actually meant it to be). At first i quickly got a reply that he didn't have time to do anything with it right now, but he'd come back to it. So i was thinking it was very nice of him to let me know i shouldn't expect a shortterm answer. But after that i never heard from it again.

Another thing i really hate is those multiple choice essays that have questions that state you should give the most accurate / best answer. If there is more then one accurate/good answer its all a matter of opinion. But with multiple choice you can't give a motivation on why you think C is better than B. So if they decide B is better you're screwed no matter how right you may be by chosing C instead. (Happened on the course mentioned above. Got a question where i thought one answer was better, but i gave a different answer as in some pratice questions i did i found out they thought the other answer was better. Totally disagreed with that, but as stated before you can't defend your choice in a multiple choice essay.)

Very well put, Cyrax! Now, come over and wash my windows! If you know what I mean.

In all seriousness, though, yes, especially in test questions, there should be definite answers. I always hated the multiple choice you described. As I'm going back to university/college, I hope I won't come across any of those.
I don't think I would take the time to break down a question that had multiple meanings, though. Does sound fun!

Quiet here. Where did everybody go. Hiding for squids?

Persistence in Baalrunning finally seems to be paying off. After getting a new no 1 yesterday, today i found another new best and also replaced the 3rd of the top five. At least now i have 2 items i don't have to be ashamed of to have in top five. Hoping for at least 3 more.

Also got close to losing my nice map yesterday. Pushed the wrong key. Luckily exiting with the taskbar got me to keep my map.
*cuddles Kitteh*

Just woke up again from a little nap on the couch and not too happy about that.

*grabs a glass of wine*
Damn trolls better watch themselves in D3 general. If I get sick and throw up I'm taking it out on someone.
Just found out I have to get up at 6:30 am at the latest tomorrow morning. That hasn't happened since 16th May and will be extremely difficult. I was used to getting up at 05:45 am, but then I also was used to be in bed before 23 pm. Now it's more 3 am bedtime. Ugh.

*orders a double espresso to be ready tomorrow morning at 06:45 am*
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