Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I've never had a poptart. I'm not sure I know what a poptart is.
Me either until last week, grabbed em out of curiosity.
Thanks TRM!

They do look kinda disgusting.
There not that bad, but i only like the ones with fruit filling. The other ones are way too sweet. I dont eat em that often, they get old fast.
WE only eat the brown sugar and cinnamon ones around here. Although I haven't eaten one in a year or so myself.

I will have to check out the OMG thread I guess :p
They are like 200 calories a piece I think, with loads of sugar and fat, they are rather bad.
The grammar police in me is wailing... :(

TRM - The "LMGTFY" website is awesome. I definitely know some people that need to see it.
LMGTFY is a fun site, but for some reason people just don't know how to google things sometimes.
The grammar police in me is wailing... :(

Your not allowed too be meen to the foreigner's, just because you're language is the only allowed hear :coffee:

LMGTFY is a fun site, but for some reason people just don't know how to google things sometimes.


If you use chrome, u cant even use "Lazyness" as an excuse, as you can just type in whatever in the adress bar and it googles it for you :p

Good morning bar btw! Gief dew pl0x, working on my new druid for the s&s tourny.
I will still have to open a new tab! sigh.. Also, at work I use IE. It's just as horrible as one would think.

Your not allowed too be meen to the foreigner's, just because you're language is the only allowed hear :coffee:

lol. i see what you did there

yeah. i was then going to post their instead of there. but i figured it was a jerk move.

my custom arnis sticks were such a massive hit *ba dum chooch* that i now have orders for another 3 sets. i am that awesome
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