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Guys. Something BIG is going on in janooos trade-thread. A valk in mind. :evil2::badteeth:
Valk would be pretty nice, always wanted one of those.

Yea, cows are much more popular on Bnet. If I ever want to find the set I will just self MP the cows.
Yeah! If i win it i will outfit my assasin with it. So hot with a winged helm on her.
Yea, very cool. What kind of sin are you working on?

Only a few cows left and the King now, I'm nervous to see his mods :scared:
Hmm it will be a LK-assassin. So it will be a sneaky one :D Will give her enigma and such things.. I wonder i should take some points into some trapper-skills..
No keys? How about how much time you spending on buying all those damn keys and waste so much space in the inventory? :D:evil2:

You do have a point there, but something tells me that it won't make up for it in the end. But I doubt it will make a huge difference.

Ughhh...just when I think I've got most of the cows I find another group of 20!
It will be awsome. I will upload a video when it's done and READY TO RUUUMBLE! :D

Good luck with that sir!
Poor kegsy having trouble with cows.

I do like the idea of a lksin, the other advantage is BoS if you run the docks.
Yup! That's another nice skill on her i have thought about. I will make a thread as fast as i have done everything right with her. Currently at act3 dock hell.

Cows are dead... every last one!

King was really close to a terrible roll. He got stone skin and then cold enchanted. Which meant he was LI/PI, if CE had spawned first it would have been tough!
Oh stupid barb.. He became level 10.. Damn this! I'm doomed, seems to be haha. :D Well, now it's time to outfit my little lady. :evil2:

That really sucks!

I think its best to keep him at level 1 until you have fully rushed him, just to avoid any accidents.
I was surprised at how much you offered for the valk helm, is it really worth that much?
Well i pm'd janooo about it.. I don't really need those runes. First i had planned a dualdream-build, but i changed my mind. I bet i can get some more hrs in any way on trav or at lk. I have so many plans, can't do everything in the same time.. :evil2::D I'm after the 30frw and 30fcr. It will be amazing on her! :D I trying to get a nice lkmap.. She run soo fast allready.

kestegs: Yeah.. It's sad, he was level 9 until meph hell. Damn Mephisto..
That is quite the offer, but they rarely come up for trade, so take that for what its worth.
Yeah, i will proud if i win it.. Some day i will try 1.07 out.. Maybe i get some in return from my offer.
Yea, 1.07 is interesting. Talk about a broken patch, that thing is soooo messed up its not even funny :p
Estimated market value