Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Cookies for everyone!

@'rax: You not only ate a bug that big but you managed to keep it down? Well now we know where your dog got the taste for CDs and DVDs....
I'm out of alcohol.

Well, I have a tiny bit of vodka but no mixer.

Red alert. This is serious.
*picks up Thy, places her behind bar*

Does that help?

A Dew for me, please. I've decided to get a bike, I havn't had one since I tried to ride Satan incarnate. I should point out that it was a bike, but after crashing it 4 times in 2 days I decided to call it Satan and never ride it again. It still lurks in the garage...
*pours Champagne*

To Maria. I love you. Rest well.

*raises glass*
I am so sorry, sweetie. Unfortunately nobody ever gets used to losing loved always hurts the same.

*raises glass in memory of Maria*
*raises glass*

To the ones that make us laugh, to the ones that make us sigh, and esp to the ones who never acknowledge their human slave unless the food is late.
*raises glass*

my condolences thy
Thanks guys. Had a bit of a wake yesterday. I think maybe the cat I knew was gone a while ago. I remember her chasing a ball (the ball usually won). Investigating a squirrel and the squirrel charging at her and her running off. Her frequent headbutting and almost permanent trilling/purr. She stopped purring on Sunday and hadn't really ran for a while so ...

Anyway. Before I totally kill the Bar ...

(It's an animation done for a competition.)
everning all, how is everyone this fine everning?? im so tempted to go out for a long walk dispite it being 1/4 to the 1 in the morning.
iv been doing alot of thinking, latly and decided its time to change my life alot, already working on the first, which is get myself some confedence.

and sorry to hear about your loss thy,

*pours a guiness*

*raises glass*
Hey everyone. Long time no see. I though I'd come here one last time before I left for good. So, lets drink ourselfs stupid! Give me a beer and keep em coming!
*plugs tubing into tap, inserts IV, connects the two*


A Grape Fanta for me, please. I'm dedicating my life to playing Assassin's Creed now. I love it so much, and I've only taken down one mark! In scope, the only thing I can liken it to is Crackdown, but it and Crackdown are such hugely different things I feel like I need a new word to describe it's awesomeness.
Assassin's Creed is indeed fun, but after a few days the gameplay gets rather repetitive.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat Thy :(
I just took out the second mark, and so far I've not noticed it getting repetitive. I think it's because if I'm getting bored of swordfighting with guards, I like to take to the roofs and stalk archers, or if I'm getting bored of wandering the streets, I exit the city and ride the horsey around. But I definitely see potential for it getting really old on the horizon, so I'm staying away from that.

I do have one minor complaint about the game, though: At the beginning, when the fortress is being attacked and you are standing at the end of that plank thingy, why do they stop the action when you are told to jump to show you how to jump? Why not give you plenty of jumping prompts earlier, so that when he points to you and says "Jump, you crazy bastard", or whatever it is that he says, you jump while the cutscene still rolls?

Kinda dumb.

Dew please.
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