Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

*wheels away from erics puns*
Are you tired of my wheel puns?

*ques rimshot*

ps. internet explorer crashed on me the first time I tried posting this. Do you suppose that should have been a warning.
Yes, it's a warning to get a different browser, in the squid's opinion.

Anyways, I need a beer, so place it on the jukebox, and I'll take care of it.
Ignores Smeg's pickup lines aimed at himself, and addresses the rest of the bar:

A note to all patrons: Whoever left the door to the cabana open, we now have a problem. It seems that that squid tentacle I used on Durf was indeed still attached, so now we have a temporary squid problem.
erics already got attacked, so everyone keep your eyes open.

That is all.
So someone left the door opened....

*Locks secret room entrance and barricades the door*

Guess I'll just have to be content with these light red wines.
And a bowl of milk for my tar. She likes milk.
Your dog thinks she's a cat.

I liked the other durf 'tar soooo much better, I'm afriad to look too closelyat this one...

@erics we got a new comp too, only this one's a laptop. And tonight I try HC MP! (even a laptop over a wireless connection will be better than our current 9 year old second comp...)

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