Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Still kicking and screaming...aka normal.

How are you doing? Have a nice break?

*pokes a hole in Pancakeman's love donkey*
Not my love donkey, that is poops'. Mine is back in the cabana.

I may have said too much....

I am now 100% sure that the Spider Cavern does not exist in the map I just rolled. I checked everywhere, no Spidey Cave.
I haven't been spa... contributing in this thread since July 11, and thought I'd come in and say hi. :wave:

How's everyone doing?
Hi, Llathias, I'm doing alright. I gotta run now though. Got a date with the misses tonight :thumbsup:
I haven't been spa... contributing in this thread since July 11, and thought I'd come in and say hi. :wave:

I don't think pancakeman has ever contributed to this thread even under the loosest definition of the word, so you're still doing fine.

Alas, donkey, I barely knew ye. :cry: :hanky:
Hi Llath! Bye erics!

Geeze the spam is so think in here... aaah, good to be back ;)

You know, one of the bits of advice some one gave me was to take a picture of the things that you keep to trigger memories. But I'm not thowing out some the baby clothes, those are just too cute as shower decorations. Re-use!
spam + spam = threads like this. In fact its more like spam*(spam*spam)to the power of spam. And thanks to all this spam I've now got my name permanently engraved in the back of my head. Here, have a look. Don't speak to loudly though, you could wake my brain up.

Feeling pretty miserable yesterday, lots better today. Taking a day off, meant to be working of projects. Yeah right.

Hey water_moon. Nice to meet you. Here try one of my specials. *passes water_moon a weird looking concoction*. Any one else want one. *makes up some assorted coloured concoctions and leaves them on the bar*. Just don't light them - BOOM!
Estimated market value