Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Good afternoon everyone. Once again I have nothing to contribute but worthless spam. Mmm... spam *drool*

I'll have an orage juice with an umbrella in it.
*serves umbrella with orange juice in it*

Hope I got that right!

Sin, it seems that Thy agreed to the marriage for the price of one Ber. Liq happily agreed, and I threw the wild bachelor party. You totally missed out, this time it wasn't zarf who jumped out of the cake.
Sin, it seems that Thy agreed to the marriage for the price of one Ber. Liq happily agreed.

I imagine he did - you'd have to pay anyone in their right mind a hell of a lot more to take Liq, and I'm sure he knows it.

And what mind am I in then, Sir_P?

Asti, please?
Depends what I'm trying to lie my way out of. :laugh:
I'd describe her as being creatively logical, or logically creative. :laugh:
I imagine he did - you'd have to pay anyone in their right mind a hell of a lot more to take Liq, and I'm sure he knows it.

Pshaw! I'm a total catch, a sexy piece of arm candy that Thy just loves to flaunt.

On a less serious note, somebody beer me. I've been into the oatmeal stouts as of late (try one if you never have, good stuff).

*Hands Liq a beer and grabs an Asti*

'Scuse me ... need to shove a cat on a piece of string and take it for a walk.
When I go for walks around the lake, my cats follow me from a few yards back and act like they don't know me.

I found a few grailers today, not uniques or sets, but part of my Ages and Cruel grail. I am especially happy for the Gilded Shield of Ages, I thought that one would take forever.
When I go for walks around the lake, my cats follow me from a few yards back and act like they don't know me.

I follow strangers around lakes to much of that same effect.

All seriousness aside, I went to my fridge for an oatmeal stout and poured myself a glass of cranberry juice instead. Then I had to chuckle to myself when I remembered that line from "The Departed" (had to search it out so you guys that haven't seen it can still be in on the laughs)

Billy Costigan: I'll take a cranberry juice.
Man Glassed in Bar: That's a natural diuretic. I know because my wife used to drink it during her period.
[pauses, Billy shrugs]
Man Glassed in Bar: What is it, your period?
Billy Costigan: Hahaha.
[Billy grabs an empty glass and smashes it into the other guy's face]

haha thats pretty funy :azn: but when ever i hear someone order cranberry juice or just mention it it always makes me thing of hot fuzz.
strongbow plz

*finds a nice chair and settles in for the night*
Aww Liq & Thy, you know I was just joking... I would've taken Liq for a Lum, an inflatable donkey, and a little bit of bean dip. Sadly, Thy beat me to him. :embarassed:

Speaking of bean dip, where are the tortilla's? I'm hungry.

BTW, Thy, how are the cats liking things (or settling down) after the move?
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I think you guys are focusing on the wrong angle. PvP Guru + PvP Master = PvP Prodigy Offspring.

"Can you say 'Dada'?"
"Even better." *beams with fatherly pride*

@ poops- Ohmigod. You had me at the inflatable donkey.

@ everyone else- Check out my Halloween plans thread and post something creative and insightful. Or just say what you're gonna do for Halloween. I guess that works too.
Spam Spam, eggs and Spam, on toast.

Speaking of cats, my housemates and i decided to get one :p
One of them has a friend whose cat had a litter, so we got one of those, all black, about three months old, and excessively lively :p

Someone give me a scotch coffee (like irish, only no sugar or cream, and with a quality scotch) I need a buzz, cause I' m pretty braindead after working on a general relativity assignment all day
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