Breaking Bad Forum Mafia Game

So NOT Gomez then. Beard does not equal goatee. This is news to me! Plus this all sounds more like something Skinny Pete or Badger would do, ie post a dangerous phishing link!! Or Jesse, he messes stuff up all the time but he's still so gosh darned cute that it doesn't matter. Sorry - I'm the only girl in this game I think, so I have to crank up the girliness just on general principal.

I will probably base my voting on perceived cuteness, which means in the absence of Zokar, I'll be voting for Pyro every chance I get. :p ;)
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of me being Gomez. You will have to wait until the end.
Like flub said, this game does feel dangerous.
I'm noting anyone triple posting, or doing anything I deem unsavory or unflavory and especially anything unwaverly!!
Vote: Drixx

He's always scum, even when he's not so I can't go wrong here.

In my extensive experience, Drixx is allways a lying SK scumbag :point:.
As a matter of principle, we should start adding typos to our posts, simply to annoy him.

Alas, I couldn't get my friend to join this one...

Crawlingdeadmen? :badteeth:

(See: every game Sathoris has played in)

Too much work.

I should have checked it out before actually posting it.

I have that feeling after roughly 92% of all my posts :whistling:.

I'll remove it and assume you won't kill me for taking care of a potential problem.

No promises.

Nigerian Phishing Bot...

NPBs :evil2: have been the bane of many a laptop.

So where are we at now?

Caught me unawares :ponder:.
Seeing as how Bad Ash wanted around 20 people signed up, do you think certain roles were sacrificed in order to get this game underway? Perhaps second anti-town group found its way onto the chopping block?

Why would you think there is a second anti-town group in the first place?
There are several in the series.

So who are you proposing is town? Walt and Jesse and Saul and Mike? Badger and Skinny Pete and assorted low level guys? Hank and Steve and Marie and Skylar and Flint? The Salamancas? Who exactly are the good guys here? Hank is, and always will be IMO a shining example of a real hero, but there are no bright lines in this story.
Or the guys who kept Jesse as a slave, none of whose names I can remember?[spoiler/]

Who exactly would be who?
Or Lydia - I forgot her -
I cannot look at Stevia or sugar packets in a restaurant now without getting chills ...
So who are you proposing is town? Walt and Jesse and Saul and Mike? Badger and Skinny Pete and assorted low level guys? Hank and Steve and Marie and Skylar and Flint? The Salamancas? Who exactly are the good guys here? Hank is, and always will be IMO a shining example of a real hero, but there are no bright lines in this story.
Or the guys who kept Jesse as a slave, none of whose names I can remember?[spoiler/]

Who exactly would be who?
Moot point since we can't nameclaim or even hint at our characters.

Unvote: Drixx
Vote: Goldtru
Moot point since we can't nameclaim or even hint at our characters.

Unvote: Drixx
Vote: Goldtru

You are making quite a leap there. Just because we can't claim doesn't mean we can't sniff out other people's roles, or that roles aren't somewhat indicative of alignment. Maybe it said that in the rules and I missed it, in which case we should just throw out the Breaking Bad part of the game and start voting randomly. Do you have information on this?

[bVote: Sathoris[/b]
Joke votes early tend to reference more recent happeningThis game clearly is a hostile environment, I feel it is unsafe and someone needs to do something drastic!!!

his game clearly is a hostile environment, I feel it is unsafe and someone needs to do something drastic!!!

. Of course, Sathoris has a bit of a hard on for me basically every game since the first one I ever played in, so it could just be a continuation of that. Either way it seems he's done what he set out to do which was get a response from me and get someone else to nitpick my response. That's his M.O. He picks someone and does just enough to get others to obsess. (See: every game Sathoris has played in).

Quick question, was Pharphis in that game as well?

Opening discussion of game setup. Noted.

A day without any leads doesn't give us much to discuss.

flubbucket said:
This game clearly is a hostile environment, I feel it is unsafe and someone needs to do something drastic!!!

Got something specific in mind?

Why would you think there is a second anti-town group in the first place?

Knowing the show and the games played around here, I'd imagine it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

Could someone give goldtru permission to edit that spoiler tag? I'm sure no one wants to spoil this amazing show.
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