Autumn/Winter '06 OT Thread

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wow i havent popped in this thread for sooo long.... hi everyone!:wave: :wave:
She cometh, and she leaveth....

See ya later Al, good luck with school and everything.
Not many games have legitimately scared me. Let's see... Alone in the Dark (first one only), Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny (in the abandoned monastery... jooooin us Luuuuther... we're all around you...), REmake has made me jump a couple of times, Aliens vs. Predator 2 had some really spooky moments and was very atmospheric... there might be others but I can't remember them.


I was talking about cow in nm.

Did someone kill the king in the last cow game you were in?

You mean everyone's post just doubled in size?
I hate thermodynamics....
Tons of bloody equations to memorize. :hanky:

About the Resident Evil thing, I remember being actually scared when I first saw that "skinless" thing that was crawling on the ceiling. It was nighttime and I was alone in the house. Good times.

in RE2? oh man, I actually saw that thing scurry past the window outside before it attacks you... hehe... that was a very fun game

whats really fun is when you go through the no item pickup to get the key to unlock the costumes and you're super low on ammo and health when you fight the first licker and you'd probably get killed in one hit so you have to handgun him to death before he can touch you, thats awesome

I've seen four of the endings now, just have to go back and let Barry get killed by Lisa to see the other two. And then it's on to Chris... damn memory card, I need more save slots...
Huh, if I let Barry die the mansion won't blow up... but the self-destruct button is sitting right there in the elevator power room, why don't you press it you idiot Jill?
I ask myself how he knows that it's a she :scratch:

Looks more like a clay golem :laugh:
Yeah, it could use anything, it's been slower than the Pal forum lately.

Nah, that's just mean.
Now, what I want to know is why Gorny is stalking Dredd? :scratch:

That's a good question. He's always checking my profile when I'm online. I have no privacy at all when he's around. Well, who could blame him? I am pretty lovable, even I have to admit it.

Machina said:
There room for another regular in this here OT Thread?

There's plenty of room. :smiley:

Dondrei said:
Yeah, it could use anything

Yeah, like a topic. I don't think we've ever had one that lasted more than a page though - except for the really funny ones that unfortunately have to be deleted when they're over.

chinaboy1021 said:
who are the chicago bears?

Snoreball ... er, I mean football. ~*ZaP*~

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