Autumn/Winter '06 OT Thread

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Blah... I'm late.. but Happy Birthday Q!

I'm 21 :thumbsup: ... but that's quite a ways away from Mississippeh I reckin'. Friends have some kinda night planned for the weekend. We're sposed to go to The Park (karts/laser/bumper cars/mini golf) then they say the rest is a surprise.. which if you knew my friends.. you'd know why that scares the hell out of me. :shocked:

Anyways, hope you guys have fun. :wink2:
*taps foot*

*paces back and forth*

Monday is such a long way away.
Impatient to get to Monday? Jerk.

Now that I'm working full time Monday is horrible again.
I thought today was Monday. I never know what day it is. So is it Sunday or Tuesday today?

EDIT: Wait, it can't be Tuesday if we're still "waiting" for Monday, so today must be Saturday or Sunday. Yeah.

My computer clock says it's Wednesday. It can't be Wednesday ... hmmm. This is kind of embarrassing. :embarassed:
Sunday. Well in *my* universe.
I love Mondays. The way my week works, Monday is my Sunday. The great thing about that is that everything's open on a monday, stuff like banks and shops and that.

...and Sunday is my Saturday. But the sucky part is that there's not too much one can do on a sunday nite here... and the fact that I usually finish work at 11pm+ on saturday nights doesn't help, cutting out valuable drinking time.

Dredd, your computer clock is almost as bad as my brain clock at telling what day it is..
There was snow on my car when I woke up, left and came from school.
My head hurts.
It's too bright outside.
I haven't eaten breakfast.
I feel sick.
I need gas.
My phone and visa bill are overdue.
My phone isn't working right now.
I dropped my phone on the weekend.
I had a good weekend.
I drank a lot on the weekend.
I felt sick on the weekend.
I feel sick today...
I haven't eaten breakfast...
It's too bright today...
There is snow everywhere...
My eyes and head hurt...
A couple bills are overdue--
There was snow on my car when I woke up, left and came from school.
My head hurts.
It's too bright outside.
I haven't eaten breakfast.
I feel sick.
I need gas.
My phone and visa bill are overdue.
My phone isn't working right now.
I dropped my phone on the weekend.
I had a good weekend.
I drank a lot on the weekend.
I felt sick on the weekend.
I feel sick today...
I haven't eaten breakfast...
It's too bright today...
There is snow everywhere...
My eyes and head hurt...
A couple bills are overdue--

so... we just imply that you're having a bad day(s)?

There was snow on my car when I woke up, left and came from school.
My head hurts.
It's too bright outside.
I haven't eaten breakfast.
I feel sick.
I need gas.
My phone and visa bill are overdue.
My phone isn't working right now.
I dropped my phone on the weekend.
I had a good weekend.
I drank a lot on the weekend.
I felt sick on the weekend.
I feel sick today...
I haven't eaten breakfast...
It's too bright today...
There is snow everywhere...
My eyes and head hurt...
A couple bills are overdue--

Somene's hung over.

Want a cookie?

/Huggles Qbi.

Awesome Jigglypuff avatar, Ash. :azn: This hungover feeling is comparable to what? I'm underage and I have no idea... :p

Feels like when you have been up for 30+ hours straight with a serious cold and minor fever :worry:

whining made me fat ,too much beer and pretty much i dont have time to exercise cuz i whine too much.
I don't have to worry about that, don't have a choice in the matter either. I have to excercise three times a week, like it or not! :thumbsup:

Yes, good to see. I noticed some minor things still askew, but this is still awesome.
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