Autumn/Winter '06 OT Thread

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No, just would like to see a green name once in a while. A sea of red gets dreary, ya know? I've been trying for months to lure a blue name in there *coughEllycough*, but no luck.

Hmm...... Maybe we can provoke Rushster???

That reminds me.. I've not seen Shap post in there for quite some time now. :shocked:

gorny...are you sure that was an unsolicted spam email you received? i can't believe she hasn't hit me up for cash yet(maybe she is looking for a greencard instead?)...she sounds sincere(and desperate too if she returns an email from a d2 gamer who lives in his parent's basement)...i removed some of the contact info she sent...this one has me puzzled....i think my next email should be job? what job i am poor or should i tell her that i never have to work again because i am uber rich from selling my d2 godlies on ebay?

Dear Superdave

So glad to hear that you are getting your visa there. Thing will goes well between us, as we are the honest people. Do you think so? Here it is my home address: Zhang Juan
xxxxxx ZhanXiQiao DongJie,
Chengdu 610081 Sichuan

My phone number is 86-1388193xxxx

How is your job going on? What do you like to do in your spare time there? Would you please tell me more about your living place? before we meet ini person, it is necessary for us to know each other better. Do you think so?

Hope to hear from you soon.
Have a nice day.

gorny...are you sure that was an unsolicted spam email you received? i can't believe she hasn't hit me up for cash yet(maybe she is looking for a greencard instead?)...she sounds sincere(and desperate too if she returns an email from a d2 gamer who lives in his parent's basement)...i removed some of the contact info she sent...this one has me puzzled....i think my next email should be job? what job i am poor or should i tell her that i never have to work again because i am uber rich from selling my d2 godlies on ebay?

It was in my spam folder

It was in my spam folder

ok...i'll string her along for a few more emails then...if the picture of smeg didn't scare her away nothing will.

Wow...that's a hawt car. I prefer black though.
And I quote.

did you tell her i was going to use her picture? i know enough not to ruffle her feathers...she has a stun gun...i wish i would have used yours now instead of smegs. :evil:

so any suggestions for my next email?

Yeah... In the next few emails you should go along with it, but start letting her down easy. Im counting on you dave. :thumbsup:
Oh... Right. :thumbsup:
That didn't last very long... Thought you were making a new one or something. And, is my memory is getting worse, or did you make some deletions before re-opening?

:shhh: you were not supposed to notice.

I'm looking at my post on #3035, and for some reason, I can't help but think I wrote more than that... Either that, or I really am losing my mind.

OR, Dreddy's got some crazy Jedi Mind haxx on me!!
Err... Yes. No? Square Root of Coconut Pie!?
Fine. Im not gonna bother trying to figure out this tom-witchery, im gonna go eat and keep myself occupied instead. :thumbsup:
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