Autumn/Winter '06 OT Thread

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Ah geez...
*shakes head*

Why'd I come back here again?
Ok... Both are acceptable reasons.
I would have also preferred that my brain waves make everyone else around Ash seem normal, and I am the queen of the universe, and even I must keep watch over my lowliest of minions.
I would have also preferred that my brain waves make everyone else around Ash seem normal
accept whatever you want, but no explanation can include the possibility that anyone is this thread is sane, you are all just fooling yourselves on that one

You see, point proven.:smiley: Now don't ruin it! :shhh:

I can't believe I read all that. When I see five unread pages I should know better than to look. :dizzy:
You should see the USWest trading forum OT...
You should see the USWest trading forum OT...

Should? I'm a daily WTFOT patron. :laugh:

But by then I'm well oiled on coffee and can handle the weirdness. This thread though - I'm usually still half asleep when I first check it. Star Trek ... wookies ... old guy trying to score ... something about engrish and China or whatever ...

If I went back to bed right now I'd have some weird dreams.

No, just would like to see a green name once in a while. A sea of red gets dreary, ya know? I've been trying for months to lure a blue name in there *coughEllycough*, but no luck.
Duck said:
No, just would like to see a green name once in a while.

That is the first time I have ever heard that! Nobody loves us - unless there's trouble (and even then).
Does he come in a cardboard box?

are you running low or something? :rolleyes:

Yeah, it's terrible - today I logged in after a whole day and there were only 100 new posts or something, it's like a ghost town.

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