2018 Spring RFL Sign-Up and Running Thread: 1st Round


New member
Mar 24, 2007
Welcome to the second RFL! This thread is for signing-up and talking about the first round of the RFL.

What is RFL?

RFL stands for Rune Finding League. RFL is a free for all rune finding tournament that has three individual parts. You can participate for every three round or pick only one or two.

During this contest we farm runes in various areas during 3 weeks periods, with one week of rest and planning between each round. Players get points based on rarity of the rune (not its level) and at the end each player posts top 5 highest scored runes to get the final score.

For the first round we run Cow level, second is about running Travincal Council Members and for the last round we run area of one own's choice.

When is RFL?

  • 1st round, "Moo Moo Farm": 16.3. - 5.4.2018
  • 2nd round, "Travincal": 13.4 - 3.5.
  • 3rd round, "Areas" : 11.5 - 31.5.

So, this first round starts on Friday 16th March at 0.00 and ends on Thursday 4th April at 23.59

Sign-up is open for each round until the end.

General rules

These are rules that stand for all the three rounds. Specific rules for the first round are posted below

1. For each round, running time is limited to 20 hours of playing (when you mule to stash or in ATMA/GoMule, you can pause clock/counter/online stopwatch or whatever you use). However, when you finish your 20 hours of running, you can start a new batch of running which is again limited to 20 hours of playing. You can play as many batches as you want.

2. You are not allowed to start a new batch as long as you don't finish full 20 hours of the previous one.

3. Every batch is scored individually, and you will get points towards the league according to your best batch from each round.

4. Best batch is the one where your top 5 runes give the most scores. Scoring can be found below.

5. Screenshots of runes are not required, but I assume people would like to see them anyway. You are encouraged to post your findings...

6. ... but only after each round is finished! Don't post your qualifiers when the round is still going. You are warmly welcome to discuss your other findings however. But remember: Don't post your qualifying runes!

7. Runes qualified (giving scores) are all Pul+ runes.

8. Cubing runes into higher ones is not allowed. In other words don't cube Pul runes into Um to get a higher score.

9. Versions allowed: 1.13-1.14. Also version 1.07 is allowed.

Specific rules for the 1st round:

For the first round we will be running Moo Moo Farm AKA Cow level.

All qualifiers from Cow level area counts. Runes from Tristram or Stony Field (when picking up the leg), do NOT count.

Picking up the leg COUNTS toward the total running time however!


Scoring is based on rarity of runes, not level. System is the same as we had earlier during RFOs and Zodthon. Combine the points of the top 5 runes from your best batch each round.

Pul 3.4
Mal 5.0
Um 5.1
Gul 7.1
Ist 7.5
Ohm 10.1
Vex 10.6
Sur 13.7
Lo 15.1
Jah 18.3
Ber 20.5
Cham 27.5
Zod 71.8 (not available for the 2nd round)

Um 13.4
Mal 17.8
Ist 26.8
Gul 35.6
Vex 53.4
Ohm 70.6
Lo 106.0
Sur 142.3
Ber 213.4
Jo 284.3
Cham 426.4
Zod ?

Towards the whole competition, however, you will get points after each round depending on your placement.

Scoring towards the whole RFL:

After each round is done, you will get points toward the whole RFL depending your placement that round.

1st: 10 points
2nd: 8
3rd 6
4th: 5
5th: 4
6th: 3
7th 2
8th: 1

And remember, only your best batch from each round counts.

While we crown every winner from each round, the biggest champion is of course the overall winner.

[highlight]The Champion of the RFL is the player who has the most points given by placements total.[/highlight]

In case of a tie after three rounds, the winner is the one with a higher scoring rune from Areas. If that is a tie as well, we check the Travincal, and then Cows. If all three are still the same, it's 2nd best from Areas etc.

Sending results

PM me your top 5 runes from your best batch. Please do this immediately after you have stopped running so that we can have results and standings after each round ASAP. Also PM me if you didn't run.

Your PM should include: five runes, five scores, and the total score.


1. Zod 71.8
2. Cham 27.5
3. Lo 15.1
4. Lo 15.1
5. Ist 7.5

total: 137.

After receiving your results, I'll make the results thread for each round. There you can brag about your runes, and also post screenshots of your top 5 runes, at least. This is not mandatory however. Claiming to have found 5 Zods may seem strange without screenshots though.


Eternal glory and the seal of approval from the Zod God.


pharphis (1.07)
DiabloTwoinDC (1.07)

Please state IF you are running 1.07.

There will be a sign-up and running thread for each round individually. This sign-up stands for "Moo Moo Farm" only.

Please post if you have comments or suggestions.

You are also warmly welcome to discuss your builds, running tactics, finds apart from qualifiers etc.! Everything regarding the tournament in general.

Good luck and HAVE FUN!
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To sign-up, put your name between the brackets and copy it into your post



Please state if you are running 1.07


Probably with the venomancer, maybe trapper too.


FireSorc for Cows, Blizz sorc for Trav, Frenzy Baba for Pits

QUESTION: if you kill the cow king, are you allowed to start a new round with another char? I was thinking about rule #2.
@Kitteh, I take that as a sign-up and add your name to the first post ;)

@drmalawi you can switch your chars as much as you want, as long as you keep the clock ticking when playing. So in case of accidental King's death, just change the character, and timer continues where you left at. No new batches before the first 20 hours is done.
@Kitteh, I take that as a sign-up and add your name to the first post ;)

@drmalawi you can switch your chars as much as you want, as long as you keep the clock ticking when playing. So in case of accidental King's death, just change the character, and timer continues where you left at. No new batches before the first 20 hours is done.

Ah ok, I though a round was char-bound :)
drmalawi (will lose)

I'll be joining on my lvl 84 trapper as soon as I'm done with my 1.07 shako rack and find an eth base for infinity. Hopefully before this round ends, that rack is killing me (stopped keeping track after ~2000 unsuccessful runs).
drmalawi (will lose)
pharphis (1.07)

I'll try doing some cows in 1.07. In the other rounds I might change it up to 1.13d
At what player setting will you do the cows at?

I know Gripphons Rune hunt guide says "cows at p5" and "avoid holy freeze merc" but I will actually do players 3, holy freeze merc and Delerium on him. The reason is that I can't simply figure out how to deal with the item cluttering. Holy Freeze and the confusion proc makes the cows more spread out and thus less cluttering.

What are your thoughts on that?
Hype!! Back from vacation and ready to go for some D2 action again. Last year's RFL was the first tournament I played after joining so it has a special place in my heart :) hope there will be equally insightful discussions this time around!

Probably Java would be my best choice for Cows, especially after finding a 2/20 zon ammy recently. The CtA switch with 99% FCR is serious fun (last year I switched to Wizzy on switch as a workaround to hit for 99% FCR). Having also lucked a 2/20 P&B craft ammy recently, PN Nec is obviously very strong as well. In fact maybe best geared char I have, but I just enjoy the "Rambo Java" (shoutout to @Gripphon props dubbing my playstyle like that). :p

@drmalawi: It's pretty much P7 for Javazon, P5 for everything else, but it's really close and P7 might be better in individual cases. Also @Gripphon's numbers are with characters using gear very few people have, and while some builds are only marginally weaker with mediocre gear, for others it makes a bigger difference. So it requires own testing in any case. On a side note, after last year's RFL both Gripp and I did more testing and had a lengthy private discussion regarding cow calculation. Result was that the estimates in his rune finding guide could actually be more precise, in particular the average boss packs and minions those numbers are based on. But he never updated it apparently, though it didn't change much in any case. However, the correction I'd make is that I do believe Java should be in first place in theory :) some info on why is in this post if interested.

That being said, for Round 1 I'll probably go with untwinked Fishymancer as well. Only slightly less efficient than PN, I just enjoy playing those untwinked chars, and oh my would it be sweet if he found his third Zod. ;)
Thanks @ffs for the update! Yeah, I wanted to go with javazon now that I got Gripphons ... Griffons eye ;)

But, javazon is so boring to play with :/ (according to me). And I don't know how much this will influence her domination, the time it takes to get Wirts leg is also a run speed factor. My sorc can get it and make a cow portal in 30-35 seconds.
I will see what I can safely handle, but I expect players 5. For item cluttering, pick and drink potions.

I am concerned that the mentioned 25% more drops from p3 to p5 will slow down my overall run time with more than 25% :p Once I start to drink, there is no stop! :D
drmalawi (will lose)
pharphis (1.07)

Guess it's time to dust off Mercy and Hiatus, and respec my mat'ed fendazon to Fury (she's the only zon that hasn't killed the king for me). For Hiatus, I'm thinking about respec to fire, using the Phoenix shield to manage mana. Although not sure if the -eFR will help much with Infinity merc and thus whether Phoenix will be worth the tradeoffs with Spirit. Must. Do. Math!
drmalawi (will lose)
pharphis (1.07)

Definitely count me in !!!

Blizz Sorc at /p3 for Travincal, most likely PN Necro at /p5 for Cows (higher means too much cluttering of items to my taste) and for areas Blizz Sorc in AT or mix of Blizz Sorc in AT and PN Necro in Pits, both at /p7.

O yes, only one of these so far. A tread like this needs far more. So here goes ... HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE !!!!!!!
I said I wanted to do pits with frenzy barb for area of choice. To I have to contain myself with pit level 1 or level 2 or are both levels allowed? Same goes if I'd change my mind and do the Maggot Lair with Fire Sorc, can all three levels be done or do I have to stick to "one floor"?
Estimated market value