2017 Winter RFL Signup and Running Thread: 2nd Round


Specific rules for the 2nd round:

You can run Travincal Council members only. Runes dropped by other monsters or poppables from Travincal do not count.

Here is Gripp's post about the magic line. I just aim straight for that bottom corner right off the bat and get it right every time. The only times I've screwed it up is if I teleport "north" right off the WP.

Here is Gripp's post about the magic line. I just aim straight for that bottom corner right off the bat and get it right every time. The only times I've screwed it up is if I teleport "north" right off the WP.

Ouch ! I didn't see this !
So I found a Mal in a chest between the WP and the council, it's not good... :(
@Pb_pal Thanks for knowing what I should have! There goes my hopes of placing in the top 10 without any runes from kills.
All you need is one run and a lot of luck. Maximum potential is 66 Cham runes per single run done if all horks work! (I have no idea can single target drop runes of the same kind, like 2 Rals coming from a single kill etc.)
All you need is one run and a lot of luck. Maximum potential is 66 Cham runes per single run done if all horks work! (I have no idea can single target drop runes of the same kind, like 2 Rals coming from a single kill etc.)

Now that's what I call optimistic :). But yeah, you never know what happens.

I finally found the proper way to do my suboptimal map. Got me just below 24 sec average over 300 runs. Near the end it was probably close to 23.5 sec, and even then I still lose way too much time now and then. Anyway, glad I finally found how to make the map work. I'm at 10.5 hours now, so still have plenty of time to spare. Tomorrow and the day after I should be able to do some 8 hours in total, so by Friday evening I should be getting close to comleting the first batch.

As it always goes, now that I finally got my run times right, run drops / hour are actually worse than before. Just the drop gods showing their sympathy for Gripphon of course ;). I'll persist !!!
All you need is one run and a lot of luck. Maximum potential is 66 Cham runes per single run done if all horks work! (I have no idea can single target drop runes of the same kind, like 2 Rals coming from a single kill etc.)

Damn, so that 30 Cham drop I had earlier today doesn't seal the victory? Shoulda taken a barb!
I already knew about poppables not counting for final results, but it's too bad, because I just found a new Zod pattern on the superchest on my map ...
Now THAT would be a special drop, especially since A3 is limited to Ber and below for chests. ;)
Solid day of RFL


Farmed 60 small charms, 47 rings, 4 amulets and 64 jewels. This means I kinda miss ~15% of stuff that drops or something like that, so this fast running has its drawback that I don't really care about ^^. Not unique stuff and runes ofc, but charms and magic jewels. Rings sometime I deliberately don't pick up. I guess same is true for amethysts and rubies, I'm lazy to check how I stand with those now.

Not much to show, but here it is

Storm Scarab
Required Level: 29
Fingerprint: 0x270bbbd3
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+6 to Strength
+5 to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +21%
Attacker Takes Damage of 3

Camphor Jewel of Carnage
Required Level: 18
Fingerprint: 0x14b960f5
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+13 to Maximum Damage
Lightning Resist +14%

Order Circle
Required Level: 35
Fingerprint: 0x7db834d3
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+101 to Attack Rating
5% Life stolen per hit
+7 to Energy
+79 to Mana
Cold Resist +15%

Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0x8ccff6a4
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+222 to Attack Rating
Adds 15 - 45 Cold Damage Over 4 Secs (100 Frames)
+20 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
Cold Absorb 20%
Cannot Be Frozen

Storm Touch
Required Level: 66
Fingerprint: 0x821a4ca
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+93 to Attack Rating
+16 to Strength
+78 to Mana
Cold Resist +13%
Level 5 Fire Bolt (5/32 Charges)

Wisp Projector
Required Level: 76
Fingerprint: 0xa396abc0
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
10% Chance to cast level 16 Lightning on striking
Lightning Absorb 20%
10% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 7 Spirit of Barbs (5/11 Charges)
Level 5 Heart of Wolverine (12/13 Charges)
Level 2 Oak Sage (2/15 Charges)

Mara's Kaleidoscope
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0xf19e00dc
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +5
All Resistances +28

Amber Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x59a2dbf9
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Life
Lightning Resist +10%

+66 Cham runes I am not allowed to speak about


Tested what would average time be if gomule time is also included into running with conclusion runtime average would then be ~17.9 s, or lets say 18 s real life full running time. Normally only if you don't pick up grand charms, they will make you visit stash MUCH more often and would influence runtimes more. Hmmm, but with GC's you could simply use 6x4 empty space then to minimalize the effect... Anyway. Fastest way is to completely ignore ingame stash and Cain. Have gomule open, just go there fast, pick up stuff from your character and simply continue running. After several pickups (gomule saves picked stuff, but have it opened all the time anyway), stash it, then repeat procedure for more running etc. Really minimal time loss + you can also have pretty nice statistics going on since literally everything you picked up will end up in gomule this way. This is how I know how many charms I picked up etc.
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Diablo2inDC (1.07)
pharphis (1.07)
Big grin ...

The Reaper's Toll
Two Hand Damage: 61 - 717
Durability: 33 of 33
Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 107
Required Dexterity: 81
Fingerprint: 0x141a350e
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
33% Chance to cast level 1 Decrepify on striking
240% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 4 - 44 Cold Damage Over 1 Secs (35 Frames)
13% Life stolen per hit
33% Deadly Strike
Requirements -25%

2% life leech off from being perfect. I'll take it :).
8hours made... But it becomes really hard, I mean boring. Hopefully I dropped some nice stuff to give me the will to carry on, but still...
After having 3 NDE experiences in a row against conviction Travincal due to those lightning bolts, I've decided to "upgrade" sorc yet again. Removed 1 beta bkwb and replaced it with Wisp Projector while throwing Gheed out to replace it with a skiller. Damage dropped from 10k to 9.7k, MF dropped from 195 to 175, but now sorc is like a freaking tank. Bolts were the only dangerous thing there, now they are harmless, I can position myself close to minions even when conviction is out without the fear that unlucky streak of bolts will kill me. Now it is like a vacation to play with her, more relaxed too. Now nothing can kill me except wrong teleport in the middle of the pack which is still less dangerous than bolts :D
I might even consider leveling her to level 96 like this. Hmmm like 30k runs left to do though. Gogogo! Weak point is goldfind variant which has 700 life less and no maxed literes nor lite absorb...

Tested again does Griffon make a difference with conclusion it does not. Not sure is there anything else to test about her except to choose whether to go solid MF or go full damage and that's it. I guess someone could try Blizzard Ormus too, but safety sacrifice for so low and questionable improvement...

So, final form of travsorc I don't know how to upgrade anymore:

Helm: 1.13 Shako with Cham
Explanation: 1.07 Shako is okay, but with 1.13 Shako I have enough mana to NEVER drink mana potions by having ~1000 mana even when hit by mana burn. 1.07 Shako offers slightly better survivability though. In case you wonder how I get hit to get my mana burned, I tend to pick up items while minions are still not completely dead to save time, so I get in their range to hit me. As for Cham, clearly my intention is to pick items up fast and not be slowed by chilling since sometime sorc tends to go around the minion to pick stuff. This is clearly useless for most players who wait to kill everything first before picking stuff. Facet is arguably better choice for most players, though for me Cham does feel good to have.

Armor: CoH
Alternative: Vipermagi is promising alternative, but CoH is simply more desirable to have. 1.07 Ark is good too.


Weapon: Fathom with facet
Alernative: Hoto is good enough since damage is not of that big importance on sorc.


Belt: Arach

Gloves: Trang claws
Explanation: better than Magefists because of cold resist, but magefists are promising alternative if you lack mana

Boots: War Travelers
Explanation: MF ftw obviously. Alternative is to use resist boots with MF or just resist boots or whatever really. Aldur's are good option.

Rings: beta BKWB + 20sorb 19MF Wisp
Alternatives: SoJ if not beta BKWB, dual SoJ, one Dwarf Star etc... Though bolts are the only things I find dangerous at all, also those are the ones who lower my life more than needed, not hydras (if fireres is maxed). Once I dropped Wisp on sorc, I felt like nothing in Travincal does damage (almost). Before it conviction + wrong angle of bolts = run from there!

Inventory: 6x skillers + MF/additions small charms
By removing Gheed, now I can finally pick them up again after... 3 years of not doing so? Or was it two. Can't recall. Kinda cool.

Merc: Infinity + Fortitude + Steel Shade
Explanation: has damage to help me kill and has safety. What else do you need? Leech? Right. Your job is to kill minions fast and keep them from killing your merc. I didn't do math what is the fastest option to have here, probably Cham Steel Shade, but lol. You could try Vampire Gaze or standard barb merc aproach. But, this setup works excellently and offers highest damage output of merc at the same time from what I know. I guess Andy with ias/fireres is also possible, though don't have it to try it out. Could beat Steel Shade in theory. But it is not really important, merc is there as a minor help in killing sense.

As for me, this is as good as it gets. Alternative is to use damage setup via switching Shako for Nightwing's, but I don't like it more than Shako variant, also difference in killspeed is non-existent, but extra MF from Shako could make a difference across 10k runs.
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Big grin ...

The Reaper's Toll
Two Hand Damage: 61 - 717
Durability: 33 of 33
Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 107
Required Dexterity: 81
Fingerprint: 0x141a350e
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
33% Chance to cast level 1 Decrepify on striking
240% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 4 - 44 Cold Damage Over 1 Secs (35 Frames)
13% Life stolen per hit
33% Deadly Strike
Requirements -25%

2% life leech off from being perfect. I'll take it :).
Congrats on the lovely hurty stick! Maybe one day I'll find one.
@Gripphon - I use Infinity/CoH/Steel Shade on the merc. Is the extra 100% damage from Fort worth sacrificing the extra resists for safety? I just skip Ismail when he's unbreable CI. I guess it could make more of a difference for barbs where he uses Reaper's, as the decrep would amplify it, but I cant see a reason to run Fort over CoH really.

Another general question: would a Nova/CE Necro be any good at Trav runs? I know Infinity doesn't reduce pres (council memebers have 33% Pres in hell), but on /p3 once you get that first corpse CE would chain the rest of them, no? I'm not suggesting it would be anywhere near a sorc (especially since sorcs can be excellent on a budget too), but has anyone tested their viability?

Anyways, just reached the halfway point of my set, and it looks like I *SHOULD* be able to complete it in time, so that's good. Really looking forward to the results of this round, will be very interesting!
@Gripphon - I use Infinity/CoH/Steel Shade on the merc. Is the extra 100% damage from Fort worth sacrificing the extra resists for safety? I just skip Ismail when he's unbreable CI. I guess it could make more of a difference for barbs where he uses Reaper's, as the decrep would amplify it, but I cant see a reason to run Fort over CoH really.

Another general question: would a Nova/CE Necro be any good at Trav runs? I know Infinity doesn't reduce pres (council memebers have 33% Pres in hell), but on /p3 once you get that first corpse CE would chain the rest of them, no? I'm not suggesting it would be anywhere near a sorc (especially since sorcs can be excellent on a budget too), but has anyone tested their viability?

Anyways, just reached the halfway point of my set, and it looks like I *SHOULD* be able to complete it in time, so that's good. Really looking forward to the results of this round, will be very interesting!
Not sure you even need PNova, but I'm sure it would speed things up indeed, because after my mercenary creates first couple corpses maxed CE drops everything quick with my high cast rate. Without the skeleton warriors as my barrier I'm positive it would be a whole lot more chaotic, since my resists and DR are not maxed. I'll have to level my other next highest Necromancer afterwards and give it some test runs. But then I don't have all the ideal PNova gear yet though, e.g. DW, Trang's gloves and perhaps Bramble.
@Gripphon Thanks for sharing, interesting points. By the way, in case that 20/19 Wisp annoys you, I recently found a 20/20. Price is Zod. :) Regarding the earlier gearing discussion in this thread I've changed gear quite a bit and my current gear is quite similar:

Shako RBF
Death's Fathom RBF
CoH sup Wire Fleece (I'll win my personal side-tournament beauty contest for sure)
35 Spirit
Trang gloves
2x SoJ
+2 cold skills/10% fcr/15 all res rare amu. Must have dropped some 10+ years ago since was not aware of it and it was on a really really old crappy char, not in GoMule stash for some reason. This made me switch to 105% FCR for the most part of my runs.

Switch: 6 BO CtA + Spirit
Merc: Infinity eth CV - eth GA - Kira's
Inventory: 6 Skillers, scs: res, life/mana

I'm not really competing with those under 18 seconds guys in here, but I think I've learned a few lessons from runs so far (12 hours in first set) which might be useful to some, as well as some comments/opinions with respect to the earlier discussions in this thread regarding gearing for these runs:
  • Desirable Blizzard damage
    Stating the obvious, extremely dependent on map (duh). For me I've realized what I feel good with is actually closer to 10k than 9k, more than I previously thought, but that's on my maps only. And I'm not too picky about maps :) so might be very different for others.
  • NWV vs Shako
    Personally I've come to the conclusion that this is also dependent on map. I switched to Shako mainly because I accidentally rolled my map away after almost 4 hours. Luckily found a good map surprisingly quickly, but had to go closer to council to make the AI react in the dumbest way possible (i.e. stay in Blizzard)... and I suddenly bit the dust twice within 30 minutes. ;) I believe NWV is superior to Shako on a map where you can (always) kill from safe distance, because at the very least it means less skillers are necessary to reach the desired damage range. With NWV and some 1800 life I had no survivability issues at all on my first map. That's obviously not factoring in the Shako MF if you care for that.
  • 105% vs 63% FCR
    I didn't experience any noticeable difference in speed. However of course 105% is generally more comfortable running. Again, regarding the obvious "map > all" rule: On my first map I ran 63% and was a tiny bit faster than with 105% on second map. On current map, I am kind of convinced 105% is better because I'm a bit closer to the council and sometimes things go sideways. Anyway I feel it's a small difference and ultimately it's mainly a safety issue.
  • Snowclash (meaning 63% FCR)
    Underrated here I think. It's not only about the damage (though again, less skillers required). The defensive stats vs. cold are extremely useful. Important to remember that with 90% resist you can take 150% of the damage in comparison to 75% (with 95% it's 400%), and those cold explosions are pretty much the most dangerous thing in Trav, especially since as opposed to lightning/conviction etc., they occur all the time.
  • Lightning and fire absorb
    I understand the lightning absorb but not sure whether it's worth it. I don't know how often lightning/conviction spawns statistically speaking, but I feel it doesn't justify using the ring slot. Regarding fire absorb, my impression is it's really unnecessary even with 75% fire resist. In some 63% FCR setups Hellmouth might be most sensible gloves to use, but those Dwarf Stars I'll bury deep down in my stash. Also note that Waterwalk is a good fire resist (and life) option which doesn't come at the cost of either FCR or damage.
  • MF
    Well I was not a fan of paying particular attention to that, and still feel Travincal is not worth jumping through hoops for it, especially if doing time-critical runs to find runes. Shako + WT do net more rare rings and amulets, but quite a few also drop without. Personal preference how to balance this in general.
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Estimated market value