1.00 News, Info and Gossip

Well i muled some tps and javalins and now im getting ready to get them to hell. How long did you guys need to get a team of 8 untwinked to hell act 4? Im curious. I will try to do it as fast as possible. Hope i can do it in under 20 hours.
Took a while, but the good news is that some of the act bosses drop based on how many players need the quest (I think), so you should get pretty well geared in reasonable time.

I don't remember how long it took, I just remember that NM and Hell was a LOT easier than I had anticipated, and thus took much less time than anticipated as well.

It pays to include at least one sorc and two barbarians amongst the mules. Clear the entrance to the area with the main char, then move these three (or two if you're using sorc or barb) into that area as soon as it is safe. They'll get exp if partied, so you can level them alongside main char, saving a lot of trouble later on. Especially for NM and hell, where you may want high level static and/or BO to help. Beware, BO has diminishing returns and no synergies to extend timer.

Haven't really tried amazons in 1.00 just because WW barb with pike is so stupid good...
@helvete That's what I thought & I agree with your comment. A bit cheesy, but it is basically just twinking.
thx for the help guys, another speed related question, i remember picking up a horadric malus in normal and when i was in hell i droped it and got the quest there. Is it possible to for instance take eyes brains etc that are left over and using these in nm and hell. That would save a some time i think.
That is possible, and was common back in the day. Patch 1.10 blocked this, I think, along with restrictions on where you can portal.

As I understand, durimules is OK around here, so saving quest items should be along the same lines. I believe this isn't very far off regular twinking either, and it has definitely been done in the past. Even crafting quest items in 1.07 for the zero level req and vastly overpowered stats.

Cheesy, yes. Part of the game, yes. I don't remember reading a rule prohibiting this, but just to be sure, either re-read the rules, or check with a mod. @maxicek would be the mod with the final say, I'm pretty sure.

By the way. You're doing exactly what you should be doing: Asking before doing. That helps build trust, which is pretty much the foundation of this entire community. Keep it up!

EDIT: I don't remember if the completion of certain quests will destroy related quest items on characters in game / partied. 1.10+ sure does. 1.09 and earlier is very likely different in some way(s).

Oh, and good luck on your 1.00 journey! Mastering the game in that patch is difficult, but can be extremely rewarding with its sick rares with low lvl req, almost free SoJs, massive goldfind, strength on boots etc.
Yes, that is OK. Once you get to NM it is pretty easy though, so not sure there is a need.
Levelling to 30 in 1.00 is one of the harder things I have done in D2. Good luck with your journey.
About leveling:

The same rule as in 1.10+ applies -. the level difference. Lvl 1 characters get poor exp from lvl 7+ monsters. So just bring the mules you want to build on into the same area you're clearing (after it's safe).

After lvl 25, the above rule does not apply when killing higher level monsters.

ANY monster death provides experience. Even maggot eggs dying by themselves. This can be abused to make unpartied characters gain players8 exp by spawning a lot of eggs while no one is partied, but everyone is in the same area.

Big maggots are gold. From lvl 14(ish) you can level very fast in the Canyon of the Magi by leaving big ones, while killing young and have the eggs pop by themselves.

Same for River of Flame hell, except you want all characters partied.

A lvl 40 char can beat hell if properly attired. For real.
On the maggots subject, is there any trick to get them to lay eggs quicker?

I just do a circuit, RoF WP to CoD and repeat normally.
How do you guys use a barb to lvl with maggots at a low lvl. I use ce and maggot lair mainly. But i hear everybody talk about barbs. cant seem to get that to work at a low lvl.
People are talking mostly about lvl 30+ barb in RoF.

I've did canyon maggots at earlier levels but gosh is it slow and inefficient for awhile. I probably had my barb push too far ahead initially, though I don't quite remember.
yeah i think i have a super nice way to get to 24 quickly, maybe ill make a little video. im not good at explaining it in text but im sure anybody doing a untwinked run needs to know the maggot lair exp farm method. Its really good. I dont get that people would use a barb at selfrushing. But maybe i'm missing something^^
barb is extremely good for NM and hell RoF. Before you get whirlwind everything is slow... sorc has no easy access to mana pots, and barbs are single target. IIRC I leveled my barb to almost 30 from council and started using leap attack for higher dmg.
Does anyone understand how the monster HP bar overflow (where monsters seem to start at low HP, and suddenly seem to heal to full after taking some damage) works? My best guess is that something odd would happen if the game tried to display damage on a huge life bar (e.g. the bar wouldn't budge), so it splits it up in this really confusing way, but I'm curious if anyone knows the actual mechanics behind it.
Not entirely sure, but I reckon the HP may not match up client/server side. I've only had this happen in MP games, so there may be something buggy going on there as well.
One more question - were there any changes for Sorceresses between versions in Classic, other than the star bug -> short radius -> wide radius, and Andariel having her fire resist fixed? I don't see anything in patch notes, but dunno if there were unlisted/subtle changes across versions.
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