Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Arrived in Amsterdam this morning. Feeling a little jet lagged, but enjoyed the van gogh museum
Wait, what? Are you from Antwerp? Only 40 km from where I live :).

@Jcakes Could you please give back our good weather? It's terrible right now ...
Arrived in Amsterdam this morning. Feeling a little jet lagged, but enjoyed the van gogh museum
Cool. I'm in Amsterdam tomorrow for work, which is not the same. I've actually never been to the Van Gogh Museum as I always think of it too crowded and full of tourists, but I suppose the truth is I'm not keen on Amsterdam, though I work there often enough.

We normally don't get such bad weather btw.
Nice pic, Ariadne ;) I love Sunflowers. Mostly because I AM Sunflower and my (girl)friends are Sunshines. :> Just my way of dumbing and derping with few friends I have. :)
Thanks! Mine is for when I was upset and crying my heart out - I was heartbroken - and a complete stranger gave me a sunflower and told me to never lose hope. A small act of kindness but I've never forgotten that.
*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves sangria

I'm still playing AOE II with all the new add ons. It's pretty good.

*serves bourbon

*serves tea
*drinks bourbon

Yep, don't dig drama. Too much effort imo. Too lazy for that stuff hehehe.
Well I blame it on the way I was brought up. Because as I managed to put some distance between me and my family - well, that didn't stop the drama, but time and distance eventually did.

We just had a massive thunderstorm which I had hoped would clear my head but it didn't. Things still weigh me down.
I already got promoted last year. Now I'm just getting extra work on management level but without the pay, so I'm not aswell going to walk as a boss. Besides we have firedoors, designed so that in case of a fire, no one can escape. To make sure of that, they made the doors even heavier.
Getting hit with lightning i don't think clears ones head that way.
That's not what I was going for but I really should have tried that. Although to be fair it's never done any monsters any good, even when it wasn't chain lightning.
I'm looking forward to the day when my every day doesn't involve drama.

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