The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

Most excellent!!! :D I wouldn't mind living on a glacier right now... 100+ temps suck :(
Re: The Noodle Compound

Where in LA do you live again, Zokar? I'm in Redondo Beach, and the high was 80 today. Still warm, but not as bad as most of the country. Quite comfortable now.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Math problem: I have three apples, and am travelling towards you at 17 miles per hour. It's not really a problem, more of a warning. Apple time, b******!

I laughed, I cried and then I laughed some more. True story. :yes:

Here you are!


Here's another One!

View attachment 3116

I'm mad at Zokar now. Stupid penguin game.

Zokar is my new role model :nod:

I did manage to lodge myself into the side of a glacier though finally.

Another dream realised. *tick* :yes:

Re: The Noodle Compound

So what's new?

Well, I didn't think that you would need help with this... but here you go:

Not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time: "new crop varieties".
Newly; recently: "new-mown hay".
Synonyms:adjective. fresh - recent - novel - modern - young - green
adverb. newly - freshly - lately - just

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