The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

Math problem: I have three apples, and am travelling towards you at 17 miles per hour. It's not really a problem, more of a warning. Apple time, b******!
Re: The Noodle Compound

What form of transportation goes 17mph? I'm guessing bike, or maybe horse?



Re: The Noodle Compound

dammit Zokar

To be fair, his pointiness is largely offset by his blindness. Do NOT, I cannot emphasize this enough, get in an elevator with Bayonet Rick.

The stuff they don't teach you in school.
I did, once. :nod:

Well, it wasn't an elevator, it was a Datsun 220Z. :no:

And it wasn't Bayonet Rick, it was Simon. :no:

So yeah. What Noodle said :yes:

Close enough.

I shall paint one immediately.


Re: The Noodle Compound

I use paint that has to dry, which is fascinating to watch.
Re: The Noodle Compound

I use paint that has to dry, which is fascinating to watch.

almost as good as watching grass grow.

Re: The Noodle Compound

That is not a very good one
Re: The Noodle Compound

Maybe you shouldn't have rushed me.

I think my son could paint a better one than that and he is not even conceived yet.

Re: The Noodle Compound

I think you're seeing it as just a painted number one, when it's also my tribute to Soviet era architecture.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Thank you, Zokar. Finally someone who can appreciate Soviet era architecture.
I'm mad at Zokar now. Stupid penguin game.

I did manage to lodge myself into the side of a glacier though finally.
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