Banana members

Re: Banana members

I banned someone for TPPKing one of our members in a private game.

I don't really know what to say about that...

If you guys know someone "bad" is in the channel, please post here so they can be taken care of (brutally beaten with sledgehammers) so the channel stays moderately safe.

The Management
Re: Banana members

Well... I guess I will go ahead and make it official.
I've been playing a little again as well.

When I first started playing HC, this forum was where I made friends.
Our little co-op community grew and we "borrowed" a name from the Euro folks and called ourselves Gat-East.

Its good to see that the spirit lives on and that there is still a home for the HC forum players.

I'll be on the account BofW, asking all the noob questions in the channel.

Nice to see you're back playing again BofW. Recognized the account name immediately from my days toward the end of Gat. We had Bandit and Grockman stop by recently as well (though it seems Grock has made his presence known) so who knows, maybe before D3 launches we'll have enough oldtimers who want to play the game right to bring some life back to this game.

Whelp after a long stint in single player and a long stint not playing at all, I've decided to come back a and play on B-Net (in light of D3 eventually coming out someday.) I don't know if I'll be on "constantly" but I'm sure I will play a fair amount. 2-3 four hour sessions a week or so.

I remember playing with banana a loooong time ago like in 06 or 07 or something. Anywhoo...

Account is going to be ReiperXHC so hope to see u there, and may all your rune drops be ber's.


::edit:: ok it'll actually be a little while, just realised I have to complete normal on SC before I can play HC

Welcome back, not too much has changed with the channel recently though many of the regulars (such as myself) are primarily in troll mode.

well the legacy team is still working on the wc3 patch according to the last bashiok update. So, soon might be relative.

Then we have the PTR, and if that takes HALF as long as the sc2 ptr, it will be 1 month...

More time is in fact welcome on this end, real-life can be a snarling sexually frustrated b*tch at times. It would be nice if we saw progress while I'm still in Toronto, not sure the CTA would be the same if I couldn't mock Shaharris to his face...


Edit: Forgot that someone is guarding my CDs so I can't play, much less add people to the bot. Get to it minions.

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Re: Banana members

Thought I'd post up here and let you guys know I'm around. I used to play off and on in GAT and banana. My account is same as my username. My old account was boiwonder but I gave that away when I quit some 2 1/2 years ago. I guess this is an addiction that will never truly die.
Re: Banana members

hey guys. just started playing d2 again. getting used to the new runewords still lol. its been awhile. anyways im looking to play hardcore without getting my masterpiece ruined every two weeks... i heard this was the place to go.
bnet accnt: kevinmorrissey

i play a singer barb with a really difficult build until about lvl 70. Black_Zilla

idk if anyone picks up on that reference ^
Re: Banana members

The last few days I decided to give Harcore another try after not donig HardCore since the year 2001 lol.
Yesterday, Augost 19th, I came into op xbananax channel for the first time. I had just completed soloing act 3 and killing izzual using a barb. I asked for assistance in killing Diablo and I was estatic when I had a private message of someone offering help. Account name, Lord Nestor was kind in killing Diablo for me, lets face it iron maiden on a Barbian is death lol. I would of been more than happy with just Diablo killed but that individual did ancients for me, did a baal run, and saved anya for me. Thanks that kind help my spear weilding whirl windable barb is now fine and holding his own until he has to thwart through act 4 nightmare chaos sanctuary lol.

I just wanted to take the time to thank LordNestor in public for his kind help.

my account name for hardcore is ---rlstillshc

Currently level 31, if anyone wants help with anything in normal difficulty minus chaos sanctuary please let me know.
Re: Banana members


I used to play d2... (practically ran my life during highschool) and im looking to give it anothershot.. on a slightly lighter scale lol...

I noticed not many games in HC ladder normal games and maybe chilling with people here will help ease myway back into the community.

My account is: Nazka2002

Ill drop by the channel tonight if a. I can and b. I remember

Peace!! :)
Re: Banana members

So the bug has bit me too. After my super uber gaming laptop melted down at a time where I am hurting for funds, I've resurected an old Dell from 2004 from the grave. Fortunately it plays Diablo II just perfectly!

Anyway, the legendary BtK-Angel (you might also know me as the guy with the lv. 19 LLD assassin with the 6.8k tiger strike discharge)

I hope some of you old timers are still around and kicking.

The angel of death is back from the nether.... and yes I am still a stuck up *** :p
Re: Banana members

Hey guys,

I just picked up D2 again after a couple of years due to the 1.13 announcement. I've managed to do very well on hardcore until a hammerdin TPPKed my lvl 51 zon. Now I'm finding myself playing mostly in passworded games doing solo hell runs, but I'd love to join a group of players to tackle more difficult battles/quests.

I'm on Hardcore Ladder USWest. I can play all three difficulties.

Fishs - Lvl 82 Burizon
AmandaLuvs - Lvl 42 Trapsassin
MrFish - Lvl 25 Werewolf

I don't mind sharing items or running anyone through quests. Whatever it takes to find people who won't try to TPPK me.
Re: Banana members

hey guys

i already posted saying hi :jig:

im just looking for people who want to do some nm baal runs... so if any1 is doing any priv runs... lemme know.. its been hard finding games when u dont know many people ><


acc: nazka2002
Re: Banana members

Hola, I've been playing d2 off and on over the years, but am frankly bored silly of std play. So I started giving hardcore a try, was having a blast intill I unfortunately experienced the joys of being tppk'ed (i was a medic pally too! who shoots nurses?!) While the fear of snuffing it is thrilling being paranoid of others in a SOCIAL game is not. Found out about banana from this site and was wondering if I could join in, playing in groups is what makes the game exciting. Maybe someone will walk act 3 with me?..everybody hates act 3 lol. account is loganEast other is loganj thats on west
Re: Banana members

Hej. Someone else been bitten by the Diablo bug after watching all these D3 videos :D.

Is there anything like this channel on Europe? I've started a Sorc there.

Re: Banana members

Yes there is, check out the Gaussmembers V2 thread. You will need a vouch from a senior member though :/
Re: Banana members

Yea, Gauss is great. I've run with several of their people in KTA's and the like.

If you head over there and need a reference you can see if they'll take my word for it as a Banana mod, not sure it will work but I know you're good for it.
Re: Banana members

As ur colleague hc-channel operator I would accept your vouch as a senior member vouch, but idk about the others, I suggest you give it a try!
Re: Banana members


I want to play with your group of non-retarded, pk-free peoples. I don't PK, I'm not a retard, I don't beg. I think I will fit right in! I just want to be able to play without holding my breath half the time listening for a hostile notification sound.

Account name is the same as my forum username, giantdumbass.

Hope to see you all soon.
Re: Banana members

Hello there

I'm also interested in playing with you guys. Got started in HC about a month ago, enough time to get TPPK'd once. Lost a lvl 44 character, and began rebuilding at once.

I'd love to play without having to worry about that happening again. And you guys seem to be very organised and retard-proof, which is a very good thing. If possible, I'd like to join and have fun ;)

My acc name is GlaucusMaximus, I usually play on USEast, but open to a realm switch if necessary.

Re: Banana members

Hey us fellow bananas play on us east channel is op xbananax

My account name for hardcore is rlstillshc, if see any new faces in channel i'll say hi and perhaps we could run a couple games together. I do have 1 character that is fully developed and 3 characters that still need to grow up a bit to use more:) This holiday weekend I'l be on a lot hoping to see you all online.
Re: Banana members

I'm still lurking around in the channel. I don't play much, just a lot of AFK.

But I am there!

Re: Banana members

I'm still lurking around in the channel. I don't play much, just a lot of AFK.

But I am there!


I was reading the chat log (stalker status!) and you said you were quitting. :(

I want to level another sorceressessess. Halp.

Re: Banana members

Hello there

I'm also interested in playing with you guys. Got started in HC about a month ago, enough time to get TPPK'd once. Lost a lvl 44 character, and began rebuilding at once.

I'd love to play without having to worry about that happening again. And you guys seem to be very organised and retard-proof, which is a very good thing. If possible, I'd like to join and have fun ;)

My acc name is GlaucusMaximus, I usually play on USEast, but open to a realm switch if necessary.


ditto what rlstills said ... he and i play together a good bit as well as others ... quite a few people have started hc recently and we have been banding together as we need to level new chars ... we help each other and share gear ... some old time players help and play with us too! i have met quite a few nice people on the banana channel ... but be aware it is a open channel now an occasionally pkers lurk in there ... after a bit u realize who is safe to play with ... also after one pk that pker is identified and banned from the channel by the administrators happened recently ...thx MYK... we suspected the guy before he did it by the way ... read teh section on tppk ... to understand what an how it happened (same thing happened to me by the way and i didnt have a clue what happened to me it was so fast)... look forward to playing with u ... my main acct is mastersx on EHCL

oh and thx so much for help from sara, BofW, sasidar, dune, lordnestor(gordos), rlstills(hoss), juggalo(jugz),grock (darkuncle)and many others but a special thanks to BESTOFME for his generousity and help!!!!

by the way several of us need some nm baal runs halp!!!

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