Family Tournament Begins


New member
Apr 30, 2005
Family Tournament Begins

[highlight] The Family Tournament Description [/highlight]

Natasha was finishing her daily housekeeping chores and noticed a team of adventurers passing by on the road to Lut Gholein. She watched them longingly as they laughed and slapped each other on the back, telling jokes and relating their tales of victory over the monsters in Kurast. Why did everyone else have all the fun in life? She was stuck here tending the house and raising their only child while her conservative husband, Morris, was eking out a meager living as a stable hand in Lut Gholein. She did not mean to belittle his efforts. She did not intend to ignore his dedication and his own sacrifices, but she would have to have a talk to him.

That evening, Morris was not in a very good mood. He was actually sulking as he finished his apricot cobbler. It was his favorite, and Natasha could not understand why it did not cheer him up. She intended to use it as a wedge to get him into a good frame of mind so that she could discuss their future with him. Instead, he just stared down at the bowl and stirred the cobbler with his spoon. Finally, Morris looked up and noticed that Natasha looked a bit concerned. Feeling guilty about his own moodiness, he decided it was time to tell her about his own concerns.

“Natasha, this cobbler is great, but I am not in the right frame of mind to enjoy it. Master Goodby at the stables pulled me aside this morning and told me that he was going to have to let the business go. The times are bad and people are cutting back. There are fewer travelers to serve, and none of the locals can afford to board their horses. Some have even slaughtered them for meat. I am afraid that we need to talk about our future.â€

Natasha was so shocked that she did not take advantage of this obvious opportunity to begin sharing her own ideas. Instead, Morris continued, “ I noticed the Formast family talking to Atma. You know them, they are the ones that live in that old cabin on the other side of the wasteland. Their backpacks were full of weapons and provisions. I was curious and I asked them if they were planning a trip. It seems that what they were planning was a lot more than just a weekend outing. They are going to join the adventurers that are headed for Kurast. They are going to seek their fortune and fame! The whole family! At first I was stunned that anyone would be so reckless. Mr. Formast is not exactly the sort you would expect to see heading into battle. He is a bit overweight and looks like he hasn’t wielded a sword in years. His wife has calluses on her hands from hoeing fields, and the axe on her back made her walk as though she was stooped over. Their two kids were barely in their teens and would never be able to stand up to a goblin or ghoul. Natasha! If that family can do it, we can too!†Felix is fifteen and needs to begin honing his fighting skills if he is going to grow up to survive in this accursed land. Well, what do you think Natasha?â€

Natasha smiled. Her eyes twinkled with delight as she studied the hopeful look in Morris’s eyes. He hadn’t looked that eager since their wedding night. “Whatever you say dumpling, if you think the three of us can do this, then we most certainly can. I will pack up a few potions and some roast spine lizard. My bow needs to be restrung and your tunic needs some mending, but we should be ready to leave a daybreak.â€

As Natasha turned and began gathering their provisions, Morris watched her with stunned relief. He had expected her to talk some sense into him. He had been ready with his own arguments. What a woman!

[highlight] Overview:[/highlight]

This tournament has variability similar to the Heptad tournament. That means that there is a design task that the participant must perform before entering his family into the fray. Trading is also possible as the family proceeds through their adventures so there is opportunity to gather equipment that may be useless for one character but very helpful for another.

There are five categories of tournament restrictions:

Attribute assignment
Skill assignment
Equipment selection
Mercenary utilization
Grab Bag of play options

Each category has three options. All options must be utilized by one of the family members. That means that each of your three family members will have five restrictions. Each option has a weight of from one to three. Each character will have five restriction (one from each of the five categories) and the sum total of the five weights will be the difficulty rating and it will be a factor in the scoring for each character (see the section of scoring).

[highlight] Attribute Restrictions: [/highlight]

These are the three types of attribute restrictions that may be selected. Each member of the family must select a different attribute restriction so that each of them is utilized by one of your characters. Alkor points must be assigned in accordance with your restriction selection.

(1) Attributes must be assigned evenly. This means that you may have attribute points that cannot be assigned until another level is achieved.
(2) No strength points can ever be assigned.
(3) No vitality points can ever be assigned.

[highlight] Skill Assignment Restrictions: [/highlight]

These are the three types of skill restrictions that may be selected. Each member of the family must select a different skill restriction so that all three are utilized by one of your characters. All quest reward skill points must be assigned in accordance with your restriction selection.

(1) No skills above level 18 may be assigned.
(2) Single Skill Tree.
(3) The Scavenger's Apprentice method (pick a skill each act, then repeat in reverse order after act 3 NM). Here is an attempt to explain it.

[highlight] Scavenger’s Apprentice: [/highlight] You can only assign skill points to one skill in each act. Of course, prerequisites can be assigned to get to the skill that you want to use. This continues until you are done with Act 3 NM. At that point you have assigned points to 8 skills and whatever prerequisites were needed to reach those eight skills. After that, you have another chance to develop each of the first seven skills as you work in reverse. In Act 4NM you develop the same skill that you developed in Act 2 NM, in Act 5 NM you develop the same skill that you developed in Act 1 NM, in Act 1 Hell you develop the same skill that you developed in Act 5 normal, etc.

Note that in act 1 normal, you will probably want to select a level 1 skill, because if you do not, you will strand skill points that cannot be used until later in Act 5 Hell. For instance, if you picked a level 6 skill to develop in act 1 normal, you could not assign anything to it until you reached level 6. That would result in four stranded points. Finally in Act 5 Hell, you would get another chance to develop that skill and could immediately place those four stranded points.

In this skill assignment method, you can put quest reward skill points in any of the eight skills that you plan to develop. This could allow you to get a higher level skill prior to the time the act comes up where you had planned to develop that skill.

NOTE: only those eight skills can be used. The prerequisites cannot be used. If you finally max out one of your skills, any added points can be placed wherever you like, but you are still limited to only using those eight skills.

[highlight] Equipment Restrictions: [/highlight]

These are the three types of equipment restrictions that may be selected. Each member of the family must select a different equipment restriction so that all three are utilized by one of your characters. Starting equipment may be used only until they are replaced by equipment that agrees with your restriction. The Anya quest personalization reward is a wild card that can be used by your character. This may help to soften the very tough restrictions that apply to equipment. (Throwing potions are always allowed)

(1) You can only wear crafted, socketed or rune word items. Jewelry must be crafted. Socketed items do not have to have their sockets filled to be worn. Any item with sockets can be used (yellow, blue, gray, S/U). The socketing quest in act 5 could be very useful for the family member with this restriction.
(2) Set and unique items only. That includes jewelry.
(3) You can only wear ethereal items. Ethereal items that repair themselves will be treasured! This does not apply to jewelry, but it does apply to all weapons and anything you wear other than jewelry. If you embue an ethereal item, it may remain ethereal (it did for me, but I am not sure it always will).

[highlight] Mercenary Restrictions: [/highlight]

A mercenary may or may not be used depending upon the Mercenary Restriction that you assign to the character. The following restrictions tell you when you may acquire a mercenary. The mercenary equipment must conform to the character’s equipment restriction.

(1) You must use only a melee mercenary. That means that you go without a mercenary in Act 1 normal difficulty and then purchase the Desert Warrior immediately on arriving at Lut Gholein. Later you may switch to an Act 5 mercenary if you like. You can change back and forth between the two as often as you want.
(2) You must use only a range mercenary. You must use the rogue as soon as she is available, but you may replace her with an act 3 mercenary later if you like. You can change back and forth between the two as often as you want.
(3) You must use only the mercenary that is available in that act. Act 4 must be played with the act 3 mercenary. In some cases you cannot get the new mercenary until you reach a particular point in that act. Act 1 mercenary is available after killing Blood Raven; Act 2 mercenary is available as soon as you arrive in Lut Gholein; Act 3 mercenary is available when you bring back the Gidbin; Act 5 mercenary is available when you free the captured barbarian soldiers. You may continue to use the old mercenary until the new one becomes available, but you are not allowed to delay that point by ignoring the quest that provides the mercenary. Example: in Act 5, you must free the captured barbarians prior to proceeding on to the Anya quests even though it would be possible to skip it. Similarly, you must kill blood raven prior to moving on to free Cain.

[highlight] Grab Bag Restrictions: [/highlight]

These are the three restrictions to be selected. Each member of the family must select a different grab bag restriction so that all three are utilized by one of your characters.

(1) You may not carry charms or use equipment if they enhance an attribute. However, the mercenary does not need to follow this rule.
(2) You must play act 1 on players 1, act 2 on players 2, etc. Play level increases like this until you get to act 3 of nightmare where you will play at players 8. Then it goes in reverse. In act 4 of NM you reduce to players 7, act 5 NM you are at players 6. Finally, you are back to players 1 to play act 5 of Hell. NOTE: There is one exception! The Ancients can always be played on Players 1.
(3) You [highlight] cannot[/highlight] wear any equipment or wield any weapon that is metallic. This rule applies to personalization items too! However, the mercenary does not need to follow this rule.

The following items and their exceptional/elite counterparts are considered to be non-metallic:


Quilted, leather or hard leather armor.
Bone shield and necromancer heads.
Sash, light belt, belt.
Boots and heavy boots.
Leather gloves.
Cap and bone helm.
Jawbone cap and fanged helm.
All druid pelts.

All jewelry. (yes, I know they are metallic, but they’re so small and have so much sentimental value...)

Javelins (We assume that the point on a javelin is bone.)
Gnarled Staves
Bows (not crossbows!)

[highlight] Trading [/highlight]

There will be carefully selected points in the game where your family will stop and you will be able to redistribute equipment between them. ATMA will be used for this purpose. For example, the first trading point is at the Outer Cloister way point. Create an ATMA file and name it something like “Family_OCâ€. When one of your characters reaches the Outer Cloister Way Point, dump any items that he has for trade into the ATMA stash. That character may continue on if you like, or you may decide to let him remain there while you work on other characters. Finally, when the last member of the family gets to the Outer Cloister, the items in that stash can be distributed to any characters that need them. If you decide to play your characters way out of sync with each other, you may need several of these way points. The key is that no trading can occur until all of your characters have reached the trading point, and no items found beyond that trading point can be included in the trading.

Note that you do not have to play the game in any particular order, nor do you have to hit every way point or do every quest. However, the trading points must be hit by each character that wants to participate in the trading. The Outer Cloister way point must be activated as soon as you reach it (feel free to clear out the local monsters first). The Act 2 trading point is prior to entering the palace cellar, so that one is obvious. The Kurast Bazaar way point must be activated, however, you can decide whether to complete the local quests (book and heart) before or after you activate the way point. Whenever you do activate it, you stop and dump your trade items into ATMA. The Glacial Trail Way point must be activated. One of your characters may play Act 5 in such a way that he hits the Glacial trail way point before he goes after Nihlathak; another one might hit the Glacial trail after killing Nihlathak; still another one may not do the Nihlathak quest at all. In any case, the trading point occurs for that character when he activates the Glacial Trail Way Point.

Trading will allow the characters to acquire equipment quicker because there are three characters searching for each of the different equipment types referred to in the “Equipment Restrictionsâ€.
You may trade at the end of each act and at a point in about the middle of each act (except Act 4). Here are the trading points inside the acts:
Act 1 - The Outer Cloister Way Point
Act 2 – After cubing the staff and before going into the palace cellars.
Act 3 - Kurast Bazaar Way Point.
Act 4 - none
Act 5 - Glacial Trail Way Point.

[highlight] Scoring [/highlight]

Your characters will score according to the following rules:

A character’s base points are calculated in a typical tournament fashion:
Plus one point for every way point that you activate (including the town way points).
Plus one point for every quest completed.
Minus one point for every level (that means you start at 0: +1 for rogue camp, -1 for level 1).

The base score is then multiplied by the character’s difficulty rating. Example: Jerubal is a barbarian who:
(1) Assigns no attribute points to vitality (difficulty 3)
(2) Puts points into only level 18 or lower skills (difficulty 1)
(3) Limits himself to ethereal equipment (difficulty 3)
(4) Uses only a range mercenary (difficulty 2)
(5) Uses no metallic equipment. (difficulty 3)

That gives him a difficulty rating of 3+1+3+2+3 = 12. At the end of act 3 normal he is at level 29, he has hit 25 way points and completed all 18 quests. His base score would be 25+18-29 = 14. His total score would be 12x14 = 168.

[highlight] Other Rules[/highlight]
1. Hardcore only.
2. Version 1.10, 1.11, 1.11b and 1.12a are permitted. The Rune Word Module may be used. The Red Rune Module may be used.
3. No Multi-Player permitted.
4. You may play on any players setting you wish, and change that setting as you see fit. Please do NOT engage in cheesy “kill monsters on players 1, open chests on players 8†tactics.
5. You may not use the escape key to bail out of a rough battle. If you cannot run away or portal out, RIP. Note: you may use the escape key to pause the game, but you must go back into battle after taking a breather.
6. ATMA is permitted to extend your stash, but no items may be used except items that you find in this tournament, buy at stores or gamble in this tournament.
7. You do not have to solve all quests or activate all WPs.
8. You can go back to previous acts to collect quest rewards or change mercenaries, but you cannot leave town. You also cannot go back to previous difficulty levels, so all quests must be finished off before moving on to a new difficulty level. Quests that have their reward delayed cannot be counted in the score until that reward is collected and the quest display grays out. If a character dies before collecting the quest reward or talking to the appropriate person (Asheara for instance), that score point is lost!
9. No rerunning of areas. This is a single pass tournament. When you do have to quit and come back later, play at P1 and do not open chests or loot the dead until you get back to where you left off. Careful selection of stopping points can avoid this problem entirely.
10. Replays are allowed, but you must select a different set of character types for each of your three team members. Example: If your original team was an Amazon, a Barbarian and a sorceress, then your new team would have to use 3 of the other four character types. A third attempt would have to use the last character type and one character type from each of the other attempts. If you have enough stamina to try a fourth family, just make it different from the other three.

[highlight] Posts[/highlight]

The first post for all contestants will be when they declare their entry. It will look like this:

I will be entering the “Jones Familyâ€.

Father is Brad, a barbarian; he will have even distribution of attributes (1), he will assign skills as the scavenger apprentice (3), he will wear only set/unique (2), He will use a melee mercenary (1) and he will use players levels progressively (3).

Mother is Alexis, an Amazon; she will have no strength (2), she will use only the passive and magic skill tree (2), she will wear only ethereal items (3), she will use a range mercenary (2) and she will use only non-metallic items (2).

Child (daughter), a sorceress; she will have no vitality (3), she will use level 18 or lower skills (1), she will wear only crafted/socketed/rune word items (1), she will not use a mercenary (3), and she avoid attribute enhancement in all charms and equipment (1).

Play can start as soon as you declare your family. After a signup period of about a week, I will devise a table to be used for scoring that will look something like this:
Name		Type	         Level    WPs   Quests   Score	Location
Jones Family						60	Rogue Camp
           Brad Barb (13213)	3	3	2	20	Rogue Camp
           Alexis Azon (22322)	2	3	2	33	Rogue Camp
           Kelly Sorc (31131) 	4	3	2	7	Rogue Camp

Unique designs are not a requirement of the tournament, but uniqueness is encouraged.

[highlight] Tournament End [/highlight]

The tournament will end when there have been no posts for 30 days.
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

I will be entering the “Wolron Family”.

Father is Bradley, a Necromancer; he will have no strength (2), he will assign skills at level 18 or lower (1), he will wear only ethereal (3), He will use a melee mercenary (1) and he will playing increasing players levels (2).

Mother is Alexis, an Amazon; she will have no Vitality (3), she will use only the passive and magic skill tree (2), she will wear only use crafted/socketed items (1), she will use a range mercenary (2) and she will use only non-metallic items (3).

Daughter is Arielle, a sorceress; she will assign her attributes evenly (1), she will use the scavenger apprentice skill methods (3), she will wear only set and unique items (2), she will rotate her mercenary by act (3), and she avoid attribute enhancement in all charms and equipment (1).

Bradley Necro (21312)
Alexis Amaz (32123)
Arrielle Sorc (13231)
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

I will be entering the "Addams Family".

Father: Gomez, Necromancer, he will have no vitality (3), will use 18 level or lower skills (1), will equip only crafted, socketed or rune word items (1), will use a mercenary of the current act (3), and will wear only non-metallic items (2).

Mother: Morticia, Assassin, she will have attributes distributed evenly (1), will assign skills as the scavenger apprentice (3), will equip only set/unique (2), use a range mercenary(2), and she avoid attribute enhancement in all charms and equipment (1).

Child (daughter): Wednesday, Sorceress, she will have no strength (2), will use only the cold skill tree (2), will equip only ethereal items (3), will have a melee mercenary(1), and will use players levels progressively (3).

Gomez Necro (31133)
Morticia Assassin (13221)
Wednesday (22312)
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

@ Wolron / JayeM
In the first post with rules section it states that Non-Metalic is level 3 and Playing at increasing player settings should be level 2, but you have it the other way around.

Here is my team:

I will be entering the “Theban Triad”.

Father is Amun, a Necromancer; he will have no strength (2), he will assign skills to the poison and bone tree (2), he will wear only ethereal items (3), He will use a ranged mercenary (2) and he will use only non metallic items (3).

Mother is Mut, an Assassin; she will assign her attributes evenly (1), she will use only the scavengers apprentice method (3), she will wear only use set/unique items (2), she will rotate her mercenary by act (3) and she avoid attribute enhancement in all charms and equipment (1).

Son is Khonsu, a Druid; he will have no vitality (3), he will assign skills at level 18 or lower (3), he will wear only socket/crafted equipment (2), he will use a melee mercenary (1), and he will play increasing player levels (2).
[highlight]Theban Triad[/highlight]
[b][u]Character   Class              Attr Skill Equip  Merc    GB Skill Details   [/u][/b]
Amun(12)    Necromancer(22323)     2     2     3     2     3   See Note 1    
Mut(10)     Assassin(13231)        1     3     2     3     1   See Note 2    
Khonsu(8)   Druid(31112)           3     1     1     1     2   See Note 3
Note 1 Poison and Bone tree
Note 2: FB, CBS, SM, Fade, LS, DS, S.Web, CoS
Note 3: Probably fire claws/rabies wolf
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

[highlight]The Phailstones[/highlight]
[b][u]Character   Class              Attr Skill Equip  Merc    GB   [/u][/b]
Mr_Pa(11)  Necromancer(31223)    3     1     2     2     3       
Shakra(6)  Sorceress(12111)      1     2     1     1     1       
Lopan(13)  Druid(23332)          2     3     3     3     2

Mr. Pa Phailstone is haunted by the ghosts of his dead farm workers. These undead farmhands are fearsome!The plan: fishy - act3 merc will be used most likely.

Shakra Phailstone found the house dirty again and went into a rage. Shes like a force of nature when she gets this angry. The plan: Single tree Light sorceress praying for insight runes

Lopan Phailstone was born during one of his mother's fits of rage. As such he is one with nature. Able to not only befriend the forest creatures, but this powerful druid can open up the very earth itself. The Plan: Create a caster with a minion wall army. I'm not great with druids and we'll see how he does naked(most likely)
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

@phailstatus: Your mother and son merc restrictions are identicle in the description section. May want to correct that. One would have to use a melee merc.

Still working out what family I want to add.
Re: Family Tournament Begins

This will be a challenge, but here goes:

The Broflovski Family

Father: Necromancer - Gerald Broflovski
Gerald is old school, he doesn't believe in the fancy lvl 24 and 30 skills, he is a collector of all things shiny and can be a bit grumpy, so no one will stay by his side for long.

(2) No strength points can ever be assigned.
(1) No skills above level 18 may be assigned.
(2) Set and unique items only.
(3) You must use only the mercenary that is available in that act.
(2) You must play act 1 on players 1, act 2 on players 2, etc.

Mother Sorceress - Sheila Broflovski
Sheila is focusing on one thing at the time, and focuses on one typ of skills. She doesn't believe in hand to hand combat or metallic equipment.

(1) Attribute points must be assigned evenly
(2) Single Skill Tree.
(3) You can only wear ethereal items.
(2) You must use only a range mercenary.
(3) You cannot wear any equipment or wield any weapon that is metallic.

Son Barbarian - Ike Broflovski
Ike is a bit ...reckless. And young and undecided on what kind of fighter he wants to be. As any young boy he likes to experiment and see what things he cant stuff in his weapons and equipment. He also sort of revolts at his mother by only fighting hand to hand and with other warriors who do so.

(3) No vitality points can ever be assigned.
(3) The Scavenger's Apprentice method
(1) You can only wear crafted, socketed or rune word items.
(1) You must use only a melee mercenary.
(1) You may not carry charms or use equipment if they enhance an attribute.

Gerald Broflovski (21232)
Sheila Broflovski (12323)
Ike Broflovski (33111)
Re: Family Tournament Begins

It would be nice to see a family where Dad isn't a necromancer. :)
Re: Family Tournament Begins

heh didn't notice that, first planned to make a assassin sorc "male-melee-dad" team, but had to change cause I couldn't figure out a good melee build with the restrictions left after the sorc and assassin.
Re: Family Tournament Begins

It would be nice to see a family where Dad isn't a necromancer.
Here ya go! Wolron: I like the adjusted rules...I think you are now on the knife edge of challenging but doable (not for me, of course, but for the better players out there!)
Subject to rethinking before I start, introducing...The Dead Kennedies!

Johnef, Paladin, even dist, 18 and under, S/U, current merc, no +attributes (8)

Jackie, Sorceress, No Vit, scav app, eth only, melee, no metal (13)

Junior, Necromancer, No str, single tree, crafted/sock/RW, Ranged, ch /p by act (9)

(sorry Caroline)

My goal was not only to be unique from the other entrants, but also not repeat any char I played (and am still playing!) in the Hept tourney. Current plan is for the Paladin to be a Freezealot (in Camelot?). Sorc will start with charged bolt and static, then think about the best way to get a second elemental attack AND lightening, CL and LM to decent levels. (suggestions for LI/physical I? are a few points in bliz and CM viable? Enchant + warmth + melee merc?) Necro is the one most subject to change, due to the potential boredom of playing a summoner with no curses (ctc amp on rogue bow and IG?).

I''ll see you all at the OC!

Confirming a couple rules:
1) no use of items with charges (to gain additional skills), but passive skills OK
2) is there an exception to the /p for the ancients, or do they have to be fought at /p5 (no big deal) and /p6 (maybe big deal) in normal and NM?
Re: Family Tournament Begins

I'm 99% sure he just copied that from an earlier tourney, pre-1.12a, and that 1.12a is what he and just about everyone else will be playing.
Re: Family Tournament Begins

@ Wolron / JayeM
In the first post with rules section it states that Non-Metalic is level 3 and Playing at increasing player settings should be level 2, but you have it the other way around.

Thanks for the correction. Since I have not started, it is easy to correct.

Good luck with your Thebans.

Re: Family Tournament Begins

I''ll see you all at the OC!

Confirming a couple rules:
1) no use of items with charges (to gain additional skills), but passive skills OK
2) is there an exception to the /p for the ancients, or do they have to be fought at /p5 (no big deal) and /p6 (maybe big deal) in normal and NM?

(1) The two basic rules about equipment and skill mods are these:

First you will never be denied a piece of equipment because of a skill mod that it has. Second, you cannot use skills that are contrary to your skill restriction limitations. This means that Chance-to-cast and passive skill mods will help you, but other skill mods will not help you because you cannot use those skills.

(2) Oh yes, I forgot that exception. The Ancients can be played on Players 1 all three times.

Re: Family Tournament Begins

Is there a particular reason why 1.12 is not permitted?


Holy cats! Is there a 1.12 patch??? I guess my time off from Diablo has resulted in a major miss. I will go and check it out, but if it is a general patch, it is allowed.

Re: Family Tournament Begins

Family Cius

Father is John Cius, a druid. From all those years of working in the stables he is good with animals. Also every Thursday he went to bowling and got pretty good at it.....

Restrictions will be: Even stat distribution (1), Scavenger (3), SU only (2), Ranged only merc (2), No attribute boosting equipment (1).
Scavenger skills: FireStorm, Dire wolves, Molten Bolder, Grizz, Volcano, Carrion Vine, Oak sage, Fissure.

Mother is Jean Cius, an amazon. She is physically weak but is great at making things including jewelry. She relies on her friends and is very passive.

Restrictions will be: No Str (2), Single tree (passive tree) (2), Socketed/crafted gear (1), Act specific merc (3), Reverse player settings (2)

Son is James Cius, a Necromancer. A dark and broody child he is a wimp who tends to hide behind others in a fight. He is also not too bright but seems a survivor.

Restrictions: No Vit (3), 18 and under skills (1), Ethereal items (3), Melee mercs (1), no metallic items (3)

[highlight]Cius Family[/highlight]
[b][u]Character   Class              Attr Skill Equip  Merc    GB   [/u][/b]
John(9)    Druid(13221)          1     3     2     2     1       
Jean(10)   Amazon(22132)         2     2     1     3     2       
James(11)  Necromancer(31313)    3     1     3     1     3

For now the build plan is as follows:
Dad: Act1 will be the hard part as he will be relying on the merc a lot. Firestorm will be his only skill and he is limited to Set/Unique stuff. If he actually makes it out of Act1 Act 2 will be a breeze as he will then get Dire wolves. Kudos to Insane Wayne for his green bowler druid from the Green tourney. I have had that build in my que ever since reading about him so this is it! The Scavenger skills will be tough. I do not actually want to develop Fissure much but have to pick an 8th Skill. Is it not possible to pick the same skill twice? Anyways, chances of getting that far are slim :crazyeyes:

Mom: Passivezon who will rely on her merc, her valk, and her decoy. As a socketed user I hope to also give here a decent ranged weapon that she can plink away with perhaps adding poison damage etc.

Son: The Fishyboy. I have never made a guardian ever so I picked builds that I thought where the easiest, not the most challenging. Hopefully at least one of my characters makes Guardian. No vit, eth equipment, and no metallic items will make this guys practically naked I would imagine. I think all imbue quests will go to him anyways imbuing eth items.

@JCakes: Borrowed your table. Thanks
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

Holy cats! Is there a 1.12 patch??? I guess my time off from Diablo has resulted in a major miss. I will go and check it out, but if it is a general patch, it is allowed.

Well, the only thing that it really does is that it adds official No-CD support. Otherwise it's identical to 1.11.

Re: Family Tournament Begins

I just got Papa Gomez started and while he was having fun throwing his teeth at the critters in the Den, a couple of questions occurred to me:

1) Do the equipment restrictions make throwing potions unusable?

2) Can we mule things off at other WPs as long as we don't take anything out of the stash except at the trading points?

I also realized that Gomez, with the socketed/crafted gear, won't have a belt until late in Act 2, since he not only needs the Cube, but a perfect gem for crafting. Eek! This applies to boots and gloves too, but they're not as important as the belt. Too bad Charsi's imbued item doesn't count as crafted...

<noob>Um, how do you set the players 1, players 2, etc.? </noob>
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Re: Family Tournament Begins

I realized that to when I started last night, playing my barb through act1 without a merc and without a belt could get dangerous.
on the plus side he does kill fast with no vit, all skillpoints in axe mastery and a chipped topaz + chipped emerald axe.
Re: Family Tournament Begins

Wolron, you had me at hello again. I'll have to intersperse these guys with my remaining Heptad, but that's ok because that tournament has technically finished.

To that end, I wanted to create my three characters based on the three that have died in the Heptad, so I'm going with a Zon, Pally and Sin (woo-hoo, a non-Necro daddy!)

It was actually quite difficult to plan something I thought could be viable in that combination without being too tedious...and I've come across a potential anomaly, which I can illustrate with your example:

If you have the following combination:
(3) Limits himself to ethereal equipment (difficulty 3)
(4) Uses only a range mercenary (difficulty 2)
(5) Uses no metallic equipment. (difficulty 3)

Then theoretically your merc will never have a weapon, as you can't get ethereal bows (for an act 1 merc), and you can't get non-metallic swords (for an act 3 merc). Can a ranged merc with the eth equipment restriction use a bow?

I'd actually played my first character through to the Outer Cloister, then started the second and realised the issue. If you could please clarify, I may have to replan and start again. :(

Butz. :coffee:
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