Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes


That's how they get you! I came to check on news/speculation about d3, then I though I drop by spf to see what's going on...
Then I started to think about cool builds and most of all, awsome items... So the day before yesterday I installed 1.07 lod, hoping to start racking within a week, and I'm intending to create a 1.12 pit strafer today to get some mf'ing going to get my stashes back again.... Oh yeah I'm stcuk again :nod:
That, and I smoked the day after I had my wisdom teeth out. Gawd, that was one of the dumbest things ever. I've had plenty of tooth and gum pain, but that was the worst. And yet, because I had done it once and set the pain precedent, I kept it up afterward. I was in agony for something like ten days, but I refused to do the smart thing. That's just like me. :rolleyes:

Ah, I'm not looking forward to the part about not smoking. I had a friend who had his wisdom teeth pulled; and for three days he couldn't smoke, eat real food, or drink alcohol. And that's why I put off having mine pulled.

That just goes against everything I stand for.

@ Zarf: Good to see you back too! I trust you saved your ATMA stashes? Or do you need some gear?

I find the dental hygienist most annoying. There's a great Ed Byrne sketch about a horrible visit to the hygienist from his Pedantry & Whimsy tour.

I'm finally on a roll writing my first essay for the last year of my degree. It's slow, and my attention span is minimal, but i have words on paper. My screen is no longer blank!

Why does my wife insist on watching The Gilmore Girls, The OC and One Tree Hill when I'm trying to do the above? How am I supposed to write about youth justice and the rise of the welfare state in late 20th century England when all I can hear is beautiful Americans whining about who they want to sleep with and who they wish they hadn't slept with.


The new Tricky album is amazing! This calls for a celebration! Raspberry tea please!
The new Tricky album is amazing! This calls for a celebration! Raspberry tea please!

*rasp tea to the pass*

Aren't you glad I mentioned it? :smug: I almost bought it the other day, but I'm sure I could find it by other means if I looked around a bit... I think I'll have to do that soon. ...Along with the other ten albums/artists I saw while I was out and texted to myself. I love the Internet. :wink:

Those shows are freakin' ludicrous. If that's how the rest of the world sees America, it's no wonder there's a jihad on us.

And I found out a few hours ago that I got a Christmas bonus! It's more than a full week's pay! Man, I used to be a drug-addled college failure; now I've got health benefits and Christmas bonuses. How the hell did that happen??:crazyeyes:

EDIT: ...squid...? Squid?? SQUIIIIIIIIID!!!! *sob, sob*

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@ Zarf: Good to see you back too! I trust you saved your ATMA stashes? Or do you need some gear?

I didn't! Luckily I e-mailed a stash with my most valuable stuff to myself, but I'm missing all basic stuff and I kinda regret being so set on quitting d2 that I just Shift+Deleted all stashes, but hey, now I might get excited over finding it back you know! I'm actually starting up a amazon right now, hopefully she'll be ready to run the pits pretty soon (I did save my wf :smug:)

Since you're asking, I assume you didn't go wild with the break thingy and kept yours? :D

Edit: W00t, I've still got d2 installed on this computer! Why did I bother to delete all characters and stashes but not un-install the game, just deleting all shortcuts? xD

@zarf: Out of sight, out of mind? If I can't see it, it doesn't exist. That's why I smoke; there's no such thing as air, but I know I have to breathe in something to live. :wink:
Since you're asking, I assume you didn't go wild with the break thingy and kept yours? :D

Of course I kept it! No way I could delete Fortitude or Infinity. Or Windforce, Astreon's, or...

By the way, it turns out I lied to you guys. They didn't pull any teeth today, it was just a consultation. I go back on January 2nd and they're going to yank all four of my wisdom teeth.

Seriously, they charged me $100 for today's consultation. 100 bucks just to talk to a doctor for half an hour? What a ripoff. If this gets any more expensive, I'm getting some pliers and a bottle of scotch, and I'll pull em' myself.

If this gets any more expensive, I'm getting some pliers and a bottle of scotch, and I'll pull em' myself.

Ah, but then you don't get the drugs. You'll need something to keep the edge off without cigs or alcohol. If you load up on Vicadin, you might not even mind if you're eating steak through a straw.

*Not promoting drug use, kids. Just speaking the truth.*

Hey, it's better than a root canal. It's less painful, but I think I paid about $1,800. ...Maybe it was closer to $2,500. Whatever it was, forking out that much money at the age of 24 for a single tooth was more painful than the weeks of agony leading up to the procedure. I had been planning on buying a newer car up 'til then... instead, it forced me to drive an '87 Ford Escort until seven months ago because it totally drained my accounts. It was easy on my mouth, but hard on my wallet, hard on my ego and image, and super hard on my sex life. :D

*Not promoting sex, kids. Just speaking the truth.*

Of course I kept it! No way I could delete Fortitude or Infinity. Or Windforce, Astreon's, or...

By the way, it turns out I lied to you guys. They didn't pull any teeth today, it was just a consultation. I go back on January 2nd and they're going to yank all four of my wisdom teeth.

Seriously, they charged me $100 for today's consultation. 100 bucks just to talk to a doctor for half an hour? What a ripoff. If this gets any more expensive, I'm getting some pliers and a bottle of scotch, and I'll pull em' myself.

$100 for a consultation ..... I got a full check up, teeth clean etc. for 80 AUD (first time I had been to the dentist in ~ 7 years - which is 1/3rd of my life :p). I don't really know how much getting wisdom teeth out would cost as the only thing I have done to my teeth is fissure sealants.

That was a really poor pun Swiller, I am still smiling *SIGH*
$100 for a consultation ..... I got a full check up, teeth clean etc. for 80 AUD (first time I had been to the dentist in ~ 7 years - which is 1/3rd of my life :p). I don't really know how much getting wisdom teeth out would cost as the only thing I have done to my teeth is fissure sealants.

Sounds awesome! They already gave me an estimate for the removal of all four wisdom teeth: $1500. Of course, that's before my health care is factored in.
So after that, I'll only be paying...well, more than I'd like to.

The crummy part is that they're being pulled on January second, and two days later is my birthday. Looks like I won't even be able to drink or smoke on my birthday; which makes me want to go stomp on pretty flowers.

Only just decided to pop in here and have a read.


I hear where you're coming from man, i've got a wisdom tooth pushing through all of my other teeth completely horizontal... it sucks...

Although I'm too afraid to go and get a check up, don't want to know how much it'll cost and without any private health cover I know it's going to suck...

Best of luck to you winning the lottery or just finding an easier way Swiller :grin:

But... it's friday! I'm at work it's easy but boring, where's my beer... ah well only 3 and a half hours to go right! Then I get to play some M:TG (I swear I'm not a geek, I suspect only a few people will even know what I'm talking about) and get seriously maggoted. Woo!

Joosh :thumbup:
I got a tooth filled, and the doc said that I shouldn't eat anything really solid or drink hot beverages. Off down the road, to some lovely little cafe in Summerville South Carolina, and I order turkey meatloaf. Sounds interesting. When I take a bite, it turns out the tooth wasn't properly smoothed out or something, that there was a little piece of filling sticking up and causing the teeth to not mesh. This sent bolts of puppy-stomping pain through my mouth, and generally ruined a great meal.

Long story short, I hate wasting good food. Thus, I hate dental work.

Anywho, Dew please.
*grants pancakeman a Dew*

Joosh, my bottom wisdom teeth were coming out horizontal, cramping and putting pressure the lower jaws' teeth. I ended up having all four taken out at once, and it wasn't the most fun thing I've done, but they had to come out.

It's an interesting memory though. I had to drink water through a straw immediately after, but my jaw was still numb. I ended up pushing the straw out of the cup onto the floor, and tried to ask a nurse for "a-ya-ya ffwar." Somehow she understood it (after a very short time) as 'another straw,' but only after I gave up trying to say 'another.' Great fun. :wink:
My brother got some dental stuff done, and since the (new) dentist's office is two minutes away, he got home and was still numb. We had some fun "testing" the concept of numb, consisting mainly of me slapping him as hard as I could and him not being able to feel it.

Drist, I actually laughed out loud at that story. I can imagine trying to say "another" with total numbness, it does sound impossible.
*drinks Dew*
I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 14, (they were becoming impacted in my jaw bone already)
but I KNOW I wasn't allowed a straw 'cause of dry socket, bleeding, and all. I did spend most of the
rest of the day sleeping waking up only for pain killers though it wasn't too bad the next day (still
worst. spring. break. evar.)

Goltar had his out last Jan because trying to get crowns on them would have been more expensive...
You should be fine for cake though if not smoking and drinking. *gives over basket of baked goods
to save the pretty flowers*
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Talked to my brother night before last, he's got leave for Christmas,
so he's taking a bus up here. From the Florida Panhandle. To North Carolina. ..... Factor in the 4
hour layover in Mobile, and that is a wonderful day of being totally bored.
MOBILE??? what kinda route are they taking?!
He'd be better off on Amtrack at that rate. But yeah, that's what I hate about public transport,
you can't control the route or when you go.

Still glad he can make it home for the hoildays, the grands are coming out here this year (plane
tickets for us to go in to see everyone $1200 + for "2" people which means keeping an ACTIVE
20 month old toddler still for most of a day.) I'll miss most of the rest of the family :(

Estimated market value