X-men mafia game thread

Ok, I get what you did but not how. Oh well. If the game involves unravelling hidden code then I am dead in the water. :p

he was pretty explicit in what to do, it just involved some minor guesswork. i tried quite a few roles before getting to that one, but it wasn't that bad.
someone's comment I saw in the morning saying that Magneto "has also led the X-men", yet this person is relatively wrong and I will elaborate on that next time I'm online.

Please do, considering you are 100% wrong. Do some research before throwing stones.

"Magneto joins the X-Men after being persuaded to give human/mutant co-existence a chance by Professor Xavier. This comes at a time when Charles is badly injured in battle and Magneto takes over the reign of his school, teaching young mutants to control their powers and use them for the betterment of both humans and mutants. He started teaching the New Mutants and fought alongside the X-men. This, at first was very difficult for many of the team-members, since they had done battle against Magneto more then once."


I'm not saying that the Magneto character in this game is pro-town. Whether you're lying or just flat out wrong, it's misleading to claim that in the comics he hasn't led the X-men. That doesn't help anyone.
Me too Goldtrue. I have no clue about such things.

I'm ok with a pharphis lynch. All I know about X-men is from a bit of reading the wiki. There Magneto is described as their enemy.

While reading I noticed what Drixx later pointed out, pharphis trying to get his excact ability and mutant power name. I think it was very well done by Drixx not to reveal that. I am assuming here that Drixx is town.

Before pharphis claim my vote would have been on logoutzero for that huge amount of roleclaiming while trying to look innocent. A NK-immune townie is usually a stumpy. He has a counting vote on Goldtrue, so I don't believe him. It's far too powerfull to give a fully functional NK-immune townie to town. It would make Lylo non-existant. So he's either scum or neutral.

Vote: pharphis
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Sorry, guys, I have to raid (WoW) in a few minutes, so can't stay and review / reply all the posts I've missed.

I saw Pharphis claimed, and I assure you... there is no chance in hell Magneto is a power cop unless the mods are either very clueless about the X-men or are heavily trolling us. I think Pharphis decided to claim based on someone's comment I saw in the morning saying that Magneto "has also led the X-men", yet this person is relatively wrong and I will elaborate on that next time I'm online.

My vote stays and so should yours. If he is Magneto, we'll take down the godfather on the first day. Rejoice.

Using wowcrack as an excuse to partial lurk is lame. I feel like I am being manipulated.

"there is no chance in hell Magneto is a power cop unless the mods are either very clueless about the X-men or are heavily trolling us."

Sorry, what was that? You either have results on Magneto and aren't sharing, or you know the game setup? Neither of those ideas sit well with me at all. I don't care how much you know about X-Men (hell, I don't care if you invented X-Men) but to say that because of what you know about X-Men means the mods couldn't/wouldn't have done something is just flat out wrong. X-Men is just flavor, just role-play, just a source of inspiration for the roles. If I hosted a Teletubbies game, and someone claimed the purple guy, does that mean automatically that the person who got the purple guy is *** in the game? No, and to assume that is absolutely absurd.

"I saw in the morning saying that Magneto "has also led the X-men", yet this person is relatively wrong and I will elaborate on that next time I'm online."

Relatively wrong? What is that supposed to mean? "Yes, Magneto has led the X-Men in at least 1 circumstance, but, I want him to be the badguy, so I refuse to accept reality"? Sorry, you either know something and aren't sharing with us, in which case, scum, or not-town, therefore policy lynch, OR you have insight to how the mods decided to setup their game, which you honestly have no clue about. I wish there was more than 1.25 hours left in the day, and you weren't a scummy partial lurker.
1 hour until end of day:

BipolarChemistC(0): (pharphis), (logoutzero), (BipolarChemist)
IWantNumbers(0): (Goryani), (IWantNumbers)
Valharous(0): (pharphis), (Zokar)
Phaphis(10): coju, Valharous, BipolarChemist, (crawlingdeadman), Jcakes, Goldtrue, Goryani, crawlingdeadman, Caluin Graye, CoolGuyBad, Moar
logoutzero(3): FredofErik, (CaluinGraye), Noodle, pharphis
flubbucket(0): (Zokar), (crawlingdeadman)
Zokar(0): (BipolarChemist)
Crawlingdeadman (1): BadAsh
Goldtru(1): logoutzero
Jcakes(1): Zokar
Last edited:
I think Val is speaking from a purely story based stand point.

Also there is an unspoken rule that we do not lie about personal life stuff. So it would be in very poor taste for someone to lie about why they wont be online.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk

Zokar for the win! I didn't think double quoting could get more annoying, but I should have had more faith. Bravo! *applauds wildly
1 hour until end of day:

BipolarChemistC(0): (pharphis), (logoutzero), (BipolarChemist)
IWantNumbers(0): (Goryani), (IWantNumbers)
Valharous(0): (pharphis), (Zokar)
Phaphis(10): coju, Valharous, BipolarChemist, (crawlingdeadman), Jcakes, Goldtrue, Goryani, crawlingdeadman, Caluin Graye, CoolGuyBad, Moar
logoutzero(4): FredofErik, CaluinGraye, Noodle, pharphis
flubbucket(0): (Zokar), (crawlingdeadman)
Zokar(0): (BipolarChemist)
Crawlingdeadman (1): BadAsh
Goldtru(1): logoutzero
Jcakes(1): Zokar

emph mine

is that an accurate count?
emph mine

is that an accurate count?

Math is hard?

BipolarChemistC(0): (pharphis), (logoutzero), (BipolarChemist)
IWantNumbers(0): (Goryani), (IWantNumbers)
Valharous(0): (pharphis), (Zokar)
Phaphis(10): coju, Valharous, BipolarChemist, (crawlingdeadman), Jcakes, Goldtrue, Goryani, crawlingdeadman, Caluin Graye, CoolGuyBad, Moar
logoutzero(3): FredofErik, (CaluinGraye), Noodle, pharphis
flubbucket(0): (Zokar), (crawlingdeadman)
Zokar(0): (BipolarChemist)
Crawlingdeadman (1): BadAsh
Goldtru(1): logoutzero
Jcakes(1): Zokar
Math is hard?

BipolarChemistC(0): (pharphis), (logoutzero), (BipolarChemist)
IWantNumbers(0): (Goryani), (IWantNumbers)
Valharous(0): (pharphis), (Zokar)
Phaphis(10): coju, Valharous, BipolarChemist, (crawlingdeadman), Jcakes, Goldtrue, Goryani, crawlingdeadman, Caluin Graye, CoolGuyBad, Moar
logoutzero(3): FredofErik, (CaluinGraye), Noodle, pharphis
flubbucket(0): (Zokar), (crawlingdeadman)
Zokar(0): (BipolarChemist)
Crawlingdeadman (1): BadAsh
Goldtru(1): logoutzero
Jcakes(1): Zokar

wasn't a math question.
Well, I have to go write a final exam and since it looks like I'm going to be lynched as usual I'm going to claim.

I'm Magneto
mutant power: metal control
role: power cop
Additionally my helmet provides some protection (?). Mods wouldn't elaborate on what that meant but I presume it applies to specific night actions. Maybe metal-related things.

I hope this explains why I've been looking at people funny for making assumptions based on character name before any real information is available to us. At least one person today said that Magneto is evil for most but not all of the series, but it looks as though we're either in a specific timeline where Magneto is not evil OR alignments are randomized for each role. (I forget who else suggested this - possibly town)

Last night I investigated Jcakes and will encode his role. No time to find an easier encoder to use, but if you put in the first half of your power ("mutant" if your power is called "mutantpower")
The difficulty lies in that I can't use repeating letters in the encoding key, so you can also just go until you hit a repeat letter if that makes more sense to you.

encoded message "Vasuek"

Jcakes can vouch for my ability if he likes but I figured I'd get it out there before lynch. if he refuses to decode it later in the game if I'm dead then he's playing stupid and is probably scum.

Unvote: Valerie
Vote: Forgoutzero

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Unvote: logoutzero
Vote: Pharphis

What the hell? I didn't ask him to make a claim? As a matter of fact, I explicitly said NOT to include his role, only, if he was active last night... Don't put words in my mouth.

Magneto is certainly a "bad guy" in most instances, but isn't always. For you to make this claim, with only 4 votes, makes me think you are trying to come off as town. Also, if you are actually town, this tells me that Names are not directly tied to what alignment "they should be" because, my name and alignment don't exactly match either.

I am against a Phar lynch today. If he turns out to be town, we are giving up a pretty powerful role. At least make the mafia decide if they are going to risk using their NK on him. Let's get some results on Phar first, perhaps tonight, and see what happens tomorrow. If we lynch him tonight, and he's town, ouch. If he turns out to be scum, then we've only lost 1 day, and he only potentially gets his team 1 "mutant power" read. Also, if it wasn't obvious, with a role like "power cop" I assume he isn't neutral, I don't think neutrals are generally aligned to one another, and "power cop" seems like a team role. At this point, I'm settled on town or scum, but 50/50. Too big a town risk to lynch him based on what we "know" at this point.

Also RE:Helmet. In most iterations of the characters, Magneto's helmet prevents psychic interference, which is why Prof. X cannot stop him. I would equate Magneto to more of a Chaotic Neutral instead of a more true evil type.

Here's where I'm messed up. Your "mutant power" and your "role" don't seem to logically match. Which sorta solidifies Drixx' partial claim of "Iceman" and "Jailkeeper" (since I assume his "mutant power" would be freeze, or something to that nature) but, Jailkeeper can almost obviously be equated to a "freeze." "Metal Control" and "Power Cop" don't seem to line up at all.

And those voting for me, I ask you to remember last game. How convinced were you all that I was scum? It's just my posting nature, I sound scummy. Granted, last game I had a worthless role, but I could have at least been used to waste an NK and save another townie to fight another day.

This time around, I have a role that is far from worthless. And, I feel like you guys are about to rally against me. So, here is a partial claim, take it or leave it.

I am NK-immune.

Not sure if it is too late to stifle a rally against me, but with Phar's claim, I don't think we can afford to lynch him yet. Which leads me to believe I am the next logical choice. Don't do it.

First off, Drixx, leave out the stops. They are a formatting nightmare. They caused un-natural line breaks in the text, and even prevented me from adding line breaks where I wanted to place them. It only takes a few seconds to add spaces to the words, don't mess with a good thing.

Second, I don't think I agree, that he as hounding you specifically to fabricate a false claim. I see how you come to that conclusion, but, I don't arrive there with you. I think he is just panicking and throwing hail Mary's.

What os town need with an NK immune? Doesn't that auto-win for town? Granted, I could be lynched, but don't do that. Also, I could be killed in broad daylight, since this is a "PR heavy" game, it's safe to assume that there are kill shots on all sides of the proposed table. (town, anti-town, neutral, alien, human, whatever...)

I'm sorry, I posted too quickly, and I don't think I explained myself well enough.

Someone posting rapidly, without even discussing what is going on, is the most dangerous thing for us right now. Scum are going to nitpick her, and the entire end of the day is going to flood with useless posts that get us nowhere. Even if she is town, we can't afford to spend 3 days spamming like we did last game. This is the singlemost biggest threat to hit town thus far.

Using wowcrack as an excuse to partial lurk is lame. I feel like I am being manipulated.

"there is no chance in hell Magneto is a power cop unless the mods are either very clueless about the X-men or are heavily trolling us."

Sorry, what was that? You either have results on Magneto and aren't sharing, or you know the game setup? Neither of those ideas sit well with me at all. I don't care how much you know about X-Men (hell, I don't care if you invented X-Men) but to say that because of what you know about X-Men means the mods couldn't/wouldn't have done something is just flat out wrong. X-Men is just flavor, just role-play, just a source of inspiration for the roles. If I hosted a Teletubbies game, and someone claimed the purple guy, does that mean automatically that the person who got the purple guy is *** in the game? No, and to assume that is absolutely absurd.

"I saw in the morning saying that Magneto "has also led the X-men", yet this person is relatively wrong and I will elaborate on that next time I'm online."

Relatively wrong? What is that supposed to mean? "Yes, Magneto has led the X-Men in at least 1 circumstance, but, I want him to be the badguy, so I refuse to accept reality"? Sorry, you either know something and aren't sharing with us, in which case, scum, or not-town, therefore policy lynch, OR you have insight to how the mods decided to setup their game, which you honestly have no clue about. I wish there was more than 1.25 hours left in the day, and you weren't a scummy partial lurker.

Just a whole bunch of logout quotes. First you attack a very trustworthy claim, then you defend a super suspicious claim. Trying to safe your teammate much?

Also, lol NK immune. Nice explanation for the lack of you getting killed at night. You're next.
wasn't a math question.

That's only your opinion.

BipolarChemistC(0): (pharphis), (logoutzero), (BipolarChemist)
IWantNumbers(0): (Goryani), (IWantNumbers)
Valharous(0): (pharphis), (Zokar)
Phaphis(11): coju, Valharous, BipolarChemist, (crawlingdeadman), Jcakes, Goldtrue, Goryani, crawlingdeadman, Caluin Graye, CoolGuyBad, Moar, FredofErik
logoutzero(2): (FredofErik), (CaluinGraye), Noodle, pharphis
flubbucket(0): (Zokar), (crawlingdeadman)
Zokar(0): (BipolarChemist)
Crawlingdeadman (1): BadAsh
Goldtru(1): logoutzero
Jcakes(1): Zokar

pharphis has been locked and will be lynched in about 40 min.
Estimated market value