ultimate Pit-runner

mn4nu said:
Ah, Ok lone wolf I see your stuff now. It looks like you get a lot of mf from the baba, harley, war travs, and chains of honor, plus charms.

If I assume I have a lvl 80 hammerdin, then I could get roughly this much mf with a similar setup:

helm: Harley (74%)
armor: Enigma (80%) I love this armor!!
boots: War Travs (49%)
weapon: Hoto Flail (0) 40% faster cast(gotta get 75)
belt: gloomstrap/arachnidmesh (0) (0/20 faster cast)
I would need gloomstrap till level 80, or maybe a caster belt
ring: soj
ring: ravenfrost
gloves: magefist/chancies (37) (20/0 faster cast)
shield: HoZ

weapon: baba (80)
shield: rhyme (25)

That gives about 203 mf w/o any mf charms or weapon switch and no chancies. That will give me the 75% fast cast breakpoint too. I am sure I could get it to over 300 mf with charms. On the switch I will lose damage and fast cast, but pick up over 100 mf. This would be used sparingly.

I can see maybe 350 tops w/o swich and 450 w/ switch. Is 350 enough to get nice stuff on players 8? I’d rather kill faster and have a little lower mf.

i have 239 now without using dual ist ali baba

with the ali baba my mf% would jump a fair bit as white_fox is level 89

and my latest finds are these

M'avina's True Sight
Defense: 207
Durability: 11 of 20
Required Level: 64
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xb12b4dfd
+25 to Mana
+150 Defense
Replenish Life +10
30% Increased Attack Speed
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+1 to All Skill Levels
50% Bonus to Attack Rating
All Resistances +25
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***


Heaven's Light
Mighty Scepter
One-Hand Damage: 157 to 204
Durability: 27 of 50
Required Dexterity: 65
Required Strength: 125
Required Level: 61
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0xd686e0d
+294% Enhanced Damage
+3 to Paladin Skill Levels
+3 to Light Radius
20% Increased Attack Speed
-33% Target Defense
150% Damage to Undead
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
+16 Life after each Demon Kill
Socketed (1: 0 used)

i wouldnt say its bad.

its sort of like pindle in 1.09 dont expect godly drops areound every corner but once in a while you get great drops
mn4nu said:
weapon: Hoto Flail (0) 40% faster cast(gotta get 75)

Might I suggest a Wizspike? 50% fcr is a bit closer to the goal, +mana and mana regen are nice for a hammerdin, and you can't go wrong with 75% res all.
Gohanman said:
Might I suggest a Wizspike? 50% fcr is a bit closer to the goal, +mana and mana regen are nice for a hammerdin, and you can't go wrong with 75% res all.

...but there is no +3 to all skills on WizSpike...
Estimated market value