Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

thanx Steve & Rocks :)

I came up with another question:
It`s about rule:
"-3 points if you forget to use randomization to choose a skill on a multiple of 3 level gain"

I forgot to use randomization on clvl 12 (dumbar :badteeth: ), but I used it on clvl 13. Do I still get negative points? I think I should, but I have to ask to be sure.

Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Yes, you did forget to randomize on a multiple of 3 so i should think that you are stuck with that -3 :\
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Character| Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  53  |49/32 |  15   |  149  |nermind          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  12  | 4/4  |  15   |  35   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  15  | 5/3  |  10   |  33   |Islandstone      |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

Vixen the Huntress has emerged to face the foul stench of evil. Carrying only an assortment of traps for wild game and demons and a 18 pack of Bud Light, she hopes it will be enough. Vixen's first move is to stab Gheed in the neck and proclaim him as a heretic. Drinks a 12 pack and off to the wilderness.
Fixxed table

|    Character| Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	    |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  53  |49/32 |  15   |  149  |nermind          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  12  | 4/4  |  15   |  35   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  15  | 5/3  |  10   |  33   |Islandstone      |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonah	       | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB       |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   | Umm             |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	    |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  12  | 4/4  |  15   |  35   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  15  | 5/3  |  10   |  33   |Islandstone      |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonah	       | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB       |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

Time for an update as i defeated Duriel although i forgot to take a screenshot of the crappy drop :)
The fights still haven`t got too hard (especially after some lightning resist charms dropped that helped against those thousands of beetles) so theres not too much to tell about them - the toughest enemy through the hole acta was tower!(these really have some insane hp at /p8, Duriel died faster at the same players setting:))
Some pretty useful founds:
-a 4%mf sc
-Io rune (though i have no idea what to use it for)
-great mf boots (shopped ^.^)
-first shael drop (but after i checked the requirements of an upped goldwrap i decided no to use it for this purpose)
-another skystrike (but both were sold because they have 2% ctc meteor which wont let me use it after the latest update of rules, well at least more space in stash ^.^)
-4 socket gothic plate (had 6 ptopazes by the time i found it in one of the tombs)
Also gambled Naj`s circlet which is my second set gamble, first being cathans ring in act1 :)
Some decent founds which i had no use for where Butcher`s Pupil, eth Steeldriver, Lycander`s Flank, Fleshrender and Tal`s mask.
I also found a use for some mf jewels making a funny mf toy for a bowbarb :)
In the beginning of act i finished maxing Battle orders and now the non-random points go to Battlecry.

Also one more question @Ohomemgrande - i think Kuko (or similar bow) with its explosive arrows would be fine for me to use as it says nothing about skills in the item description but i want to make shure :)

And Merry Christmas to you all! :))
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Also one more question @Ohomemgrande - i think Kuko (or similar bow) with its explosive arrows would be fine for me to use as it says nothing about skills in the item description but i want to make shure :)

And Merry Christmas to you all! :))

I'd agree with that!

Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

This sounds like a lot of fun! I'm normally a bnet'r but I decided to try this out. Using
I rolled 5-1, which would make that a Summoner Necro. I will not be using any mods for runewords or rune coloring.

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  12  | 4/4  |  15   |  35   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  15  | 5/3  |  10   |  33   |Islandstone      |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |proswimmer     |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

Leonardo the Necromancer joins the quest to stop ultimate evil!
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

:thumbup: I'm definitely going to enjoy this fun and challenging task ^_^

Here is the latest update of Leonardo's beginnings:
|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  12  | 4/4  |  15   |  35   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  15  | 5/3  |  10   |  33   |Islandstone      |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   |  1/1   |  15   |  23   |proswimmer     |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Well, exams and christmas is finaly over, and I had some time to play today.

Ingeborg has just killed radament (no cube jet). only "good" finds were 2 flawed topazes (which brings me to a whooping total of 8 topazes)
|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  21  |11/7  |  10   |  49   |Islandstone      |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  12  | 4/4  |  15   |  35   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|SingleTree   | BA/CS      |  25  |24/15 |  15   |  79   |SteveIgnorant    |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  21  |11/7  |  10   |  49   |Islandstone      |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

Getting close to mephisto, im pretty anxious cause my resists are very poor
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Upon reaching Lut Gholein Eillion bid farewell to Aliza and hired Emilio, a Defiance-aura mercenary. Some sort of tanking mercenary seems necessary with this character and the Defiance aura seems as good a choice as any. I may also give a barbarian mercenary a try, assuming I can make it to Act V.

Nothing really eventful happened in Act II. Towards the end of the act Emilio, who was using the Dimoak's Hew unique polearm that had dropped in Act I, was having more and more trouble staying alive. I think I need to find him a polearm that has some life leech.

The Druid elemental skills are still relatively new to me since I've been trying to let the merc accumulate most of the kills. Occasionally I would do some experimenting with them when Emilio needed some help, most commonly with a Greater Mummy pack of monsters. Fissure and now Volcano continue to be the most deadly attacks, although at times they fizzle out completely depending on monster placement and movement.

My early luck with random rolls has disappeared. Going back to Act I the last five consecutive rolls have gone into wind skills: Arctic Blast at levels 15 and 18, Cyclone Armor for level 21, Twister at level 24, and Cyclone Armor again for 27. Hopefully we'll get back to the fire skills in Act III!

[highlight]Eillion, level 28 Fire Druid, with Emilio the Defiance merc, 19 waypoints-11 quests-5 bonus points for a total of 63, Kurast Docks[/highlight]
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  21  |11/7  |  10   |  49   |Islandstone      |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  20  |10/5  |  5    |  40   |Thaurus          |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|STComb {RIP} | BA/CS      |  28  |33/23 |  25   |  109  |SteveIgnorant    |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

STComb (Previously SingleTree) died at level 28 by a mob of hell lords and a named hell lord that was "extra strong" in abaddon. :crazyeyes:

that was the farthest ive ever been with a HC character, and i found nice loot with him... too bad he died =(

this time around gave me a bowazon... hopefully she does better than my combat skill barbarian. lets see what STBowHoe can do :coffee:
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Duriel has fallen and Ingeborg is waiting at the Kurast docks.

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  60  |58/37 |  15   |  170  |Norcim105        |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  28  |19/12 |  10   |  69   |Islandstone      |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  28  |19/11 |  5    |  63   |Thaurus          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|STComb {RIP} | BA/CS      |  28  |33/23 |  25   |  109  |SteveIgnorant    |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Darkness has reclaimed the lead by slaying Mephisto. I was out of town for a while so this update will be short because I can't remember alot. I actually only had one problem while full clearing the entire act, which came from a champ pack of urdars, one of whom was possessed and couldn't be decrep'd. I couldn't split up the pack so me and Azrael had to get against a wall and chug potions while they beat on us. It took me 7 full rejuves and all my super healers to survive. Those 7 rejuves were the only ones I used all act.

Finds were pretty solid. I found another 4 os gothic plate in the spider forest but didn't fill it all the way up until the trav. I grabbed another heart carver, an angelic halo, 15 ias 6 MF jewel, Jade Tan Do, and a jav skiller. This chest drop I thought was pretty cool, though they all turned out to be crap. These though were the real finds for the act. This came in the great marsh, and could cover my resistance needs in hell. This dropped in the flayer jungle. Crushing blow, open wounds, and deadly strike, yes please. The fact that it was eth kind of pissed me off, but if I only use it on bosses it might last. I was all set about my shield choice for hell until this dropped. Nice resists, 74% blocking, integer pdr and mdr. If I can get my strength up I will probably ditch the mosers.

Gerke's Sanctuary
Defense: 248
Chance to Block: 74%
Smite Damage: 10 to 17
Durability: 45 of 172
Required Strength: 133
Required Level: 44
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 56
Fingerprint: 0xbaad176f
+214% Enhanced Defense
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking
Damage Reduced by 14
Magic Damage Reduced by 18
All Resistances +21
+100 Maximum Durability
Replenish Life +15

Meph was an easy battle. I used the Jade Tan Do to get 95% poison resist so I could help tank but it wasn't needed as decrep'd meph was a joke, requiring only a few reds for Azrael. Here is his drop, which could be nice because the spirit shroud has cbf which Azrael might need later.

Darkness, lvl 64 Curse Necro. 189 points. MF: 389

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	   |  64  |67/43 |  15   |  189  |Norcim105        |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  28  |19/12 |  10   |  69   |Islandstone      |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  28  |19/11 |  5    |  63   |Thaurus          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	      | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  6   | 1/1  |  10   |  18   |buraz            |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|STComb {RIP} | BA/CS      |  28  |33/23 |  25   |  109  |SteveIgnorant    |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|
Last edited:
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Okay, did Andy without problems. Found my first unique - Leadcrow crossbow, which Onion_Lady carrys with pride :D
Random org made me have 2 points in magic arrow, and 3 points in multiple shot. Darn. Not sure shall I go on with that multiple shot thing :scratchchin:. Anyway, rest points are in fire arrow/exploding one, and cold arrow wasn`t randomized yet.
Radament, here we come!

|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	    |  64  |67/43 |  15   |  189  |Norcim105        |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  28  |19/12 |  10   |  69   |Islandstone      |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  28  |19/11 |  5    |  63   |Thaurus          |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/5  |  10   |  42   |buraz            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	       | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|STComb {RIP} | BA/CS      |  28  |33/23 |  25   |  109  |SteveIgnorant    |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

Happy new year everyone :party:
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Happy new year, everybody! I have a quick update on my character's progress and a question.

Eillion has progressed through the next two acts, and has sort of completed act IV.

What do I mean by "sort of"? Well, Eillion completed the first two quests, reached the River of Flame waypoint and was given the Terror's End quest by Tyrael. I started a new game after that. After clearing Chaos Sanctuary, defeating Diablo (on players 8, no less!), collecting the drop, and returning to the Pandemonium Fortress, I clicked on the red quest button and read "You cannot complete this quest in this game".

I saved and exited, started a new game, and confirmed that Eillion still has yet to complete the last quest in Act IV.

I find this most annoying, but at this point I don't know what else to do except to clear Chaos Sanctuary again, on players 1 this time, and not pick up any of the drops. I wouldn't think it possible for this to happen in single player but it has. Is there anything else I can do to continue to progress?

[highlight] Eillion, level 35 Fire Druid with Emilio the Defiance merc, 30 WP plus 19 or 20 quests plus 5 bonus points, total 89 or 90 points, still in Act IV normal [/highlight]
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Ingeborg died.
I was watching the tv while playing (one of the reasons i usually play softcore :whistling: ), and met two boss packs in the first level of the durance (cursed mummy (cant remember their name) and a extra fast dark lord), when i looked at my screen i suddenly had about half hp and a couple of meteors on their way down on me.

"Luckily" Ingeborg never got anything interesting. Her best accomplishment was a flawless topaz she managed to get with a gem shrine (she got hordes of amethyst though).
|  Character  | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Darkness     | NE/CU 	    |  64  |67/43 |  15   |  189  |Norcim105        |
|BowInMySoul  | BA/War     |  60  |58/38 |  15   |  171  |nermind          |
|Dogwhip      | DR/SS      |  57  |56/36 |  3    |  152  |Dogwhip          |
|Squire       | PA/CS      |  49  |44/31 |  15   |  139  |Borsk            |
|Vibeke       | AM/Bow     |  50  |44/31 |  10   |  135  |Thomh            |
|Winky        | DR/Elem    |  48  |40/27 |  15   |  130  |Machete          |
|Paranoid     | PA/OA      |  45  |39/27 |  15   |  128  |ILikeRocks       |
|Civil        | DR/SU      |  48  |39/24 |  15   |  126  |Ashmer           |
|FionaII      | AS/Trap    |  48  |40/27 |  10   |  125  |Gahzban          |
|SingleTool   | AM/Bow     |  45  |41/27 |  10   |  123  |ToolPerson       |
|DensAxis     | NECRO/PNB  |  48  |39/27 |  0    |  114  |iomanip (parked) |
|Ivy          | AS/SD      |  47  |39/25 |  0    |  111  |ginNtonic        |
|NewDanceCraze| AS/SD      |  34  |31/20 |  15   |  100  |iomanip          |
|Steve        | BA/War     |  33  |30/21 |  5    |  89   |Glorious         |
|Eillion      | DR/EL      |  35  |30/19 |  5    |  89   |Thaurus          |
|Firesorc     | S/fire     |  26  |19/10 |  15   |  70   |oneofakind       |
|JosefK       | DR/SS      |  28  |19/11 |  7    |  65   |Mostly_Harmless  |
|LulThyme     | NE/Sum     |  25  |15/7  |  5    |  52   |LulThyme         |
|Zeuhl        | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/6  |  15   |  51   |Culicidae        |
|Howl         | DR/SShift  |  20  |10/5  |  15   |  50   |Gimli            |
|Onion_Lady   | AM/Bow     |  20  |10/5  |  10   |  42   |buraz            |
|Melia        | AM/P&M     |  20  | 9/5  |  5    |  39   |Morathi          |
|Lil_Wayne    | Dru/Sum    |  17  | 6/4  |  10   |  37   |Dlav             |
|Kanubai      | NEC/PNB    |  15  | 4/3  |  15   |  37   |JCakes           |
|Guestlove    | NE/SU      |  17  | 4/6  |  10   |  37   |Neksja           |
|Zebo         | PA/CS      |  20  |10/5  |  0    |  35   |Ohomemgrande     |
|RacoonFastest| DR/SU      |  12  | 3/2  |  15   |  32   |Mezion           |
|Kuso         | DR/SU      |  17  | 5/4  |  5    |  31   |Carolus Rex      |
|Random       | Nec/Sum    |  16  | 5/4  |  5    |  30   |Dlav             |
|Summoner     | NE/Su      |  15  | 4/3  |  5    |  27   |rickcarson       |
|Dunham       | NE/Su      |  12  | 3/2  |  10   |  27   |kanadah          |
|Shemashi     | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/2  |  15   |  26   |Sardonic         |
|Leonardo     | NE/Summ    |  6   | 1/1  |  15   |  23   |proswimmer       |
|Leonah	       | S/Fire     |  7   | 2/1  |  5    |  15   |Leoner           |
|Ulf          | DR/Shifter |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |BartD            |
|Igrr         | NE/PNB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|TAYTAY       | BA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |HippyBRAIN       |
|Rhiannon     | AM/Bow     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Jason Maher      |
|IAmInsane    | NE/PnB     |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |Mooreyx          |
|Jetman       | PA/CS      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |Jetman           |
|OHNO         |	N/PNB      |  1   |  0   |  10   |  11   |sequoia          |
|Vixen        | ASA/TRAP   |  1   |  0   |  15   |  15   |The Lord of Darkn|

Dead Heros:
|Character    | Class/Tree | Lvl  |WP/Q's| Bonus | Total | Forum Name      |
|Storm(RIP)   | S/Light    |  77  |83/56 |  7    |  223  |ginNtonic        |
|Stine (RIP)  | AMA/JAV    |  60  |57/37 |  25   |  179  |Islandstone      |
|MaxHardcore  | PA/Com     |  55  |63/42 |  15   |  175  |ILikeRocks(RIP)  |
|Dr_Cabot  RIP| NE/PNB     |  51  |46/32 |  10   |  139  |kanadah          |
|Flames(rip)  | S/Fire     |  54  |51/33 |  0    |  138  |Vang             |
|Khali(RIP)   | AS/MA      |  45  |47/32 |  10   |  134  |Leoner           |
|STComb {RIP} | BA/CS      |  28  |33/23 |  25   |  109  |SteveIgnorant    |
|Challenger   | Zon/P&M    |  28  |31/19 |  10   |  88   |Dlav(RIP)        |
|Ingeborg     | S/Fire     |  32  |26/17 |  10   |  85   |Islandstone      |
|Borzoi(RIP)  | AM/Bow     |  25  |18/10 |  5    |  58   |ILikeRocks       |
|Flamezorz-RIP| S/Fire     |  15  | 4/3  |  0    |  22   |Umm              |
|Verminstein-X| PA/OFF     |  19  | 9/5  |  0    |  33   |The Lord of Darkn|

Thaurus: Strange problem, never had it myself. I would just rush through the chaos sancturay on players 1 and killing as little as possible and neglecting the drops. Diablo will probably drop the best drop you will ever see though :crazyeyes:
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

Islandstone, sorry to hear about your character's demise. You are certainly correct that HC can be quite unforgiving concerning multitasking.

As mentioned earlier I ended up just going through Chaos Sanctuary again on players 1, ignoring all drops. This time Eillion successfully completed the quest. I suppose it didn't take the first time because in that case Diablo actually died off-screen (Eillion dodged an attack from Diablo right after casting Volcano on him.) It's strange - the red quest button came up when Diablo died so the game must have thought that somebody completed the quest. In SP how can the playing character not get credited with the quest? It seems a mystery to me.

In any event Eillion proceeded to Act V. I tried hiring a Barbarian mercenary after completing the rescue quest. The idea here is that the merc will be able to knock back the monsters across casts of Fissure and Volcano and thus more damage will be done. I can see that knock back is working pretty well but I'll probably have to wait until late in nightmare to start getting any confirmation that this is a viable strategy -- at this point the monsters are still relatively easy anyway.

Eillion has just defeated Nihlathak so he will start his next session back on the Glacial Trail proceeding up the mountain.

[highlight] Eillion, level 44 Fire Druid, with Uther the Barbarian Mercenary, 36 waypoints -- 22 quests -- 5 bonus points totaling 107 points, Halls of Vaught [/highlight]
Re: Tournament: The Single-Tree Tournament

ive been working on my second character, a pure trapsin. im waiting til she surpasses my barb in points to put her in the table. first time ive used /player 8 before.
Estimated market value