The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

The Noodle Detective Agency

Chapter One

I sat in my dim, dusty office, sipping desultorily from a smudged glass of moonshine and rain water. It had been a while since my last case, and my landlord was beginning to be less and less subtle with his reminders that the rent was due. The bloody cat head nailed to my office door with a note stating, “This is you if you don’t pay up!” was a nice touch, I thought. How he knew of my remarkable secret ability to turn myself into a cat, I’ll never know.

It didn’t help that I hadn’t been paid for my last case, but I was happy to have survived with my skin intact. (I would have preferred that my bones and internal organs had stayed intact as well, but you can’t have everything.) Not many can say they’ve escaped from the belly of a hammerhead shark, only to be ridden over by a parade float driven by a 94-year old camel with bad acne. Pretty much just me and my so-called friend Don, and he’s a habitual liar.

I sipped again at the moonshine and water, grimacing at the harsh taste of the water. “Stupid acid rain.” I thought to myself.

What I needed was a case, something easy, yet lucrative. Like that time I went undercover in the circus, and found the missing midget wedged under the seat of the clown car. I took all 117 of the clowns that were in the vehicle into custody, collecting reward money for 116 of them. (Ronald McDonald had a good lawyer.)

A shadow passed over my door, so I drew my .45 out of my top drawer. It may be my landlord, or yet another bear. Maybe if I was on better terms with the landlord, I could coerce him to spray the building for bears. One or two can be expected, but this was an outright infestation. The door opened, and a woman entered.

I’ve met a woman or two in my day, and a few even at night, but one glance told me this dame was something special. Midnight hair so black it was almost blue, eyes like emeralds, alabaster skin, and curves in all the right places.

She broke the silence. “You’re staring.”

Technically it was more of a leer, but she had a point. “Please come in. May I offer you a drink?”

“Thank you, I normally don’t drink before dark, but I’m a bit . . . shaken. I don’t suppose you happen to have any moonshine and rain water?”

I nearly dropped my jug of moonshine. Most dames, in my experience, go for cosmopolitans or white wine spritzers rather than the rather acquired taste of good back country ‘shine and precipitation.

“I assume this isn’t a social call – is there something I can help you with?” I asked, sliding her a mason jar full of the good stuff.

She bit her bottom lip, struggling to compose herself. “I don’t know if you can, but I’ve been told you specialize in . . . difficult cases.” I was a bit annoyed by this. The more that rumor gets around, the more difficult my cases tend to be. I silently cursed my so-called friend Don for spreading the word in order to make my life more closely resemble Hell.

“Well, I’ll do what I can. Why don’t you start by telling me your name?”

“My name is hard for humans to pronounce. I was raised by owls in the wild, and they referred to me as, “ At this point, she released a series of hoots and whistles.

“They referred to you as ‘She who falls out of trees’?” I asked.

“You speak owl?”

I nodded, and sipped at my ‘shine. “With me, it was mockingbirds, but there is some crossover.”

“That makes this easier.” She sighed, and looked down. “I guess I’ll start at the beginning.”

- End of Chapter One-
Well, yeah, I haven't started on the new stuff yet. Just some plotting. Not sure whether or not to make it a political thriller.
S1 EP 4: Brotherhood of Steel (East Coast)

S1 EP 10 Ghouls:

Skipping episodes, only posting what's relevant to Fallout 4.
TSS makes me want to go play fallout 4 but I'll need to wait till I have a new PC for that.

TSS and Noodle did kill the mood in here didn't they Leo.
S4 Ep 1: Mass Fusion

S4 EP 2: Commonwealth Raiders

S4 Ep 3: The Minutemen

S4 Ep 4: The Railroad

*Who let the fire in the hearth go out? It hasn't burned in years*


*kicks some old coals out of the fireplace and adds some fresh wood*

Now where'd that pipe go? Ah here it is.

The old stick is here too, leaning up against the wall where it was left years ago.

All we need is a lit pipe, a full tankard of ale and a seat in the corner

*Just like old times, he thought as he sat in his corner spot blowing multiple rings of smoke*

Yes...just like old times...
SE4 Ep 5: Old World Wars:

SE4 Ep6: Arthur Maxson:

Se4 Ep7: The Prydwen:

Se4 Ep8: The institute:

Se4 Ep9: The Synth
Se 4 Ep 10: An uncertain Future:

Se4 Ep11: Cats and Mole Rats (Optional)

Se4 Ep 12: Big Iron on Her Hip (Optional)

Se4 Ep 13: Right Behind You Baby (Optional)

Se4 Ep 14: Two Fists of Iron
Se4 Ep 15: It's All Over....

Se4 Ep 16: But The Crying....

Se4 Ep 17: One Fatal Slip...

/end vids
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