The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

If your so paranoid then I might advise you to put your screen behind your primary shoulder so you can be constantly looking over your shoulder.
It's not paranoia, it's principle. Data collection for the purpose of improving apps and whatnot is fine, but users should be allowed to opt-in rather than being forced to opt out.

You appear to have missed the bit where I demolished my own assertion after calling you "still paranoid" :)

That said, you re quite right. Users should be able to forego opting-in rather than be forced to opt out. In some respects, the "phone-home" behaviour of Win10 is prudent in that the system allows non-technical users to contribute to troubleshooting/improving the OS through automated fault-reporting ... but that should still be the result of conscious human choice rather than default behaviour on the part of the OS.

As for quietly reporting back on surfing and RL travel patterns, etc - that is just plain filthy and despicable behaviour.
You appear to have missed the bit where I demolished my own assertion after calling you "still paranoid" :)

"Missed" is a pretty charitable interpretation. It sailed right over my head. I think I was just eager to soapbox a bit. :oops:

In some respects, the "phone-home" behaviour of Win10 is prudent in that the system allows non-technical users to contribute to troubleshooting/improving the OS through automated fault-reporting ...

Totally agree. I willingly participated in Microsoft's "Customer Experience Improvement Program" (CEIP) for many years. That was a far more transparent initiative though. It was opt-in, you could (in most instances) look at what was being reported before sending it off, etc.
@krischan Since it's update night, I figured I'd share a screenshot of what the Windows updater looks like with everything locked down. Also, note that next to the Start Menu icon, a certain annoying AI is "missing" (replaced by old style windows search).

I love the Win10 default search facility. Not.

Unless you know better, the Windows Search will look on your PC and on the net for anything you are searching for. Thus when looking for that old MidgetClownPron.mpg file you saved to your HDD years ago, Cortana will helpfully engage Bing for a concurrent web search for files/sites/whatever with that name.

This is utterly despicable (although not as bad as losing such a file in the first place).

Needless to say, I have, like Dredd, turn off this *cough* "feature" on my Win10 machines. Just need to locate some decent clown movies now.
Elvis passed on! Elvis is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker!

'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! 'E'd be pushing up the daisies!
'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig!
'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!


If you believe TSS he's a Elvis snow cone.
He's not dead, just pining for the fjords!

@krischan Since it's update night, I figured I'd share a screenshot of what the Windows updater looks like with everything locked down. Also, note that next to the Start Menu icon, a certain annoying AI is "missing" (replaced by old style windows search).

For me, the update page says the same about not auto-installing on a metered donnection, but there are no new ones showing up and the last one I had was KB4034662, installed on Aug 9th. Whatever, that's somehow OK as well :).

I love the Win10 default search facility. Not.

Unless you know better, the Windows Search will look on your PC and on the net for anything you are searching for. Thus when looking for that old MidgetClownPron.mpg file you saved to your HDD years ago, Cortana will helpfully engage Bing for a concurrent web search for files/sites/whatever with that name.

I think I disabled everything in the control panel which appears like a breach of privacy, but a few things probably slipped through. It seems that Cortana has to be disabled in the group policies.

The normal search (like on Dredd's screenshot) doesn't reveal my secret desires to the outside, right?
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For me, the update page says the same about not auto-installing on a metered donnection, but there are no new ones showing up and the last one I had was KB4034662, installed on Aug 9th. Whatever, that's somehow OK as well :).

We may not be using the same Win10 build and thus may get different updates on different schedules. Just make a habit of manually checking for updates once a week.

The normal search (like on Dredd's screenshot) doesn't reveal my secret desires to the outside, right?

Nope. It can only search for files/apps on your system (which is the way it should be).
Are you sure you don't need any ointment or salve rubbed on the bruises or maybe first make some bruises and then the rubbing of salve or ointment?
Are you sure you don't need any ointment or salve rubbed on the bruises or maybe first make some bruises and then the rubbing of salve or ointment?

No, my butt is peachy (no pun intended)! But I do need someone to rub some aloe vera/cooling gel on the lower end of my back. I sunburned it over the weekend and I am certainly paying for it now! :'(
Estimated market value