The most useless unique out there

Re: The most useless unique out there

@nulio: Please post a discussion thread for your tourney idea. It sounds great, but there will be a big problem with getting those entry items. They can't be SC, as that would make this a SC tourney, whereas many only play HC in tourneys. Then some others only play Vanilla, which means my items would not be suitable.
I'm willing to donate some for it, but it'll need to go through a new thread and see what we can work out. If you need any help, send me a PM.

@nulio: there was a great tourney from Skunkbelly, the 99 items tourney which involved working with a limited pool of 99 items, from a while ago.

I won't have much time with the PvP Week, so if anyone wants to use the idea and start a tourney discussion I won't mind. If not, I'll try it for X-mas. :)

Re: The most useless unique out there

57,2 meters. Oh you basterds! You havent told me!!

Me: Le running ez-pz
Hurdle: Yo! Wazzup?
QWOP: Press space to restart...

Also, I refuse to participate any longer in this QWOP madness!! Metric system with a DECIMAL DOT ??!?!?!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!!

In one sitting you were able to get him running all the way to the hurdle? You my friend, are amazing, and I am not worthy. :thumbup:

Estimated market value