OT: What are you listening to right now

@zticazzy I didn't do it yesterday, but today. Does that count?

I know Ayreon from their first 3 albums, so I was very curious about this one. It's definitely interesting to hear what he has put together again, and which 'cast' he used for his project this time. So technically it's an impressive album. But it doesn't really get to me. I hear a lot of variation, a story that's been told, but musically it's a bit too much various ideas put together, sometimes missing a clear line. At least for me. While I love technical skills, and I really dig music which can blend together technical skills and great compositions, in the end for me it's always good song > technical skills. In the end that's why this album didn't seem to do much for me. But I can definitely understand why people would find this kind of music awesome.

I have the same feeling about most albums that I know of Neal Morse. Not sure if that's something you like as well?

I'm writing a review of this album now :) They will be playing in Poland in this week (29th of July) ! I have everything arranged - the tickets, the trains and mind. I hope for a two hours long show in 3D (the last time I was at their concert in Poland, 2013, they played their first show with 3D visuals in Poland).
Another old one I dug up again, and now just can't stop listening to, just because it's so incredibly good:

Haven't written about the gig there ! :) It was cool but basically it was a same show as 3 years ago... Minus "Aero Dynamik" but they've added "Electric Cafe". Some new visuals, a lot of new effects and show-off during "The Robots". Enjoyable but too tiresome to go :( They were playing for 123 minutes. These extra 3 minutes were added as they were finishing "Music Non Stop" (whole suite, preceded by "Techno Pop" and "Boing Boom Tschak") encore.
To my surprise our local library even has the latest Carcass album in their collection. Enjoy :).

Actually listening to some tracks I'm soon to master for my band. Just have to even out some volume levels first, and polish the vocals a bit. Oh, and one guitar solo is still not recorded, so there's that.... But it seems to end up with really good sound quality.
Yesterday I was listening to good old SBB :) Their debut live album from 1974 -
(no intro + piano jazz track at the start)

Both songs incorporated in these lengthy tracks are sung in Polish.
Woohoo, new Meshuggah track from their upcoming album. Tremendous song, so now my expectations for the album are even higher ...

Good metal keeps coming this year. This is a new track from the upcoming Testament album:

New Crowbar single ... heavy as always:

Next to Marillion later this month and Meshuggah next month, this is the third album this year I'm so looking foward to ...
Figured I'd drop in here. Nice to see other supporters of metal. This is a band I first heard a few years ago and always come back to on a regular basis.

Nah, can't have that. You don't want people to go deaf, now do you?

Second song of the upcoming Meshuggah album:

I already liked the first one a lot, but this one ... unwordly !!! Will be a long wait until the album gets released in early October.
Along with the new Marillion (which btw, is nothing less than brilliant, really absolutely stunningly good !!!!) I also bought the latest Megadeth album. What a return to form that one is !!!

My copy of the new Meshuggah album arrived on Saturday. I almost didn't listen to anything else but it since then, and it's just stunning !! As in 'jar-dropping-good' !!! Their drummer is a machine, not a human, I am sure now. After listening to it all weekend, I still don't grasp most songs, and I probably won't for a long time from now, due to it's complexity. But it's so freakin' good !!!

To celebrate this, here comes the third video from the album, the opening track:

Hedonist, a Belgian band that I saw as opening act for Crowbar last summer

And after that Doom:vs, a wonderful Funeral Doom band. Very suitable for the time of the year:

My list of top 20 techno/trance songs. 12-13 were easy to pick, rest were hard to pick cause of huge amount of songs that could get there. Decided to start the list with a more easy-going songs and left more hardish songs for a second part of the list. Perhaps it is best to shuffle them.

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