OT: The Daily Thread

RL: Went out on bike again completing a 50 mile week.

D2: Yes various today, also counted how many i have. Its er 14 diff characters currently.

OVG: Minecraft, did floor plan for 3 buildings inside compound which will prob be guard houses. Also made a church too.
RL: weekend was busy as expected. Went to bad way too late on Saturday, so didn't go running on Sunday morning with the other guys, but on my own in the afternoon instead. Too bad, because apparantly they had a great time, and they also got some 1000 metres of altitude gain. Hopefully next time.

Tuesday is always the first day at work for me. I don't feel like working at all, so it will be a long day. Going out for a run in the dark afterwards with one of the buddies.

Belgium beat Gibraltar 0 - 6 yesterday. Not a big thing, considering how small a country and soccer nation they are, but we scored the fastest goal in a WC campaign ever: 7 seconds. That moment was quite hilarious !!!

D2: still LK. I checked with the SPF in another thread and it's official now: terrible luck on my part. So prepare to watch the goodies drop at a high rate soon ;).

OVG: installing D3 again, but normally only to accept someone from our guild who wants to get in the clan and community. Will be fun to see the game again though.
RL: The weekend was mostly kids activities, but we had fun. I did manage to take Monday afternoon off work Canada and India both had holidays so it was really slow at work.

D2: I played a lot in 4-5 days I have my Blizzard Sorc in Act 1 Hell.

OVG: Nope
RL: Long weekend was nice. Didn't go exactly how I planned it but it was still good. Had to bring my sister to the ER for a migraine on Saturday night which ate up a pretty good amount of time, but she got rid of the migraine so it helped. On Monday I wanted to watch the first episode of Luke Cage and 4 hours later I was 4 episodes in. Awesome show on Netflix if you are looking for something to watch.

D2: Didn't play as much as I thought I would, but I got my sorc to hell act 3. Doing runs in nightmare right now. I have had terrible luck finding anything useful for the last week.

OVG: Played a lot of 7 days to die, with my dad this weekend. They updated it and it's much better now.
RL: Just keeping the flow going as much as possible. My wife works at a school for grade levels K-3 and for Halloween they are going to do the lunchroom like Hogwarts(from Harry Potter for those not in the know). I've been trying to help her with some creations, and I must say it's been quite some time since I've paper mached. I am trying to make her a wand, but I might just order one from Amazon. She wants me to also make a Nimbus 2,000, but I doubt that's gonna happen. I am just waiting for some kids parents to say they are offended by Harry Potter because it's "witchcraft". The problem with kids these days is really the parents being complete idiots.

D2: Man, I have so much wanted to install the PlugY mod just to have more stash space, but I am not because it's against these forum rules from what I remember. I am trying to keep from hoarding gear, but it's so hard to keep runes and anything else. I found a nice Insight base for my NM Act 2 merc in Act 1 and it was a huge hassle to keep it until it was time since it takes up 8 spaces.

OVG: T72on1, good luck with D3. After playing Grim Dawn and D2, the character feels like it's walking in sand because of how slow the run/walk speed is.
@darkstarhub Just use GoMule for all your stash needs. So convenient.

About D3 ... you are probably right. Although there have been times when I played both D2 and D3, and I don't recall any of them feeling 'wrong' because of the other. But like I said, I probably won't be playing again (yet), so it will only be fun to see the visuals again after such a long time.
@ T72on1 it was actually 6 seconds which pleases me as it removes England from being on the wrong end of the old 7 second record in that game vs San Marino :p

RL: UKAS audit list appeared today at work, i only have 2 out of 6 methods getting auditted this year.

D2: Probably, will help pass the boredom inducing England game i suspect ;)

OVG: doubtful today, did do a Castle in inecraft yesterday and may stick a windmill somewhere too
RL: Just keeping the flow going as much as possible. My wife works at a school for grade levels K-3 and for Halloween they are going to do the lunchroom like Hogwarts(from Harry Potter for those not in the know). I've been trying to help her with some creations, and I must say it's been quite some time since I've paper mached. I am trying to make her a wand, but I might just order one from Amazon. She wants me to also make a Nimbus 2,000, but I doubt that's gonna happen. I am just waiting for some kids parents to say they are offended by Harry Potter because it's "witchcraft". The problem with kids these days is really the parents being complete idiots.

D2: Man, I have so much wanted to install the PlugY mod just to have more stash space, but I am not because it's against these forum rules from what I remember. I am trying to keep from hoarding gear, but it's so hard to keep runes and anything else. I found a nice Insight base for my NM Act 2 merc in Act 1 and it was a huge hassle to keep it until it was time since it takes up 8 spaces.

OVG: T72on1, good luck with D3. After playing Grim Dawn and D2, the character feels like it's walking in sand because of how slow the run/walk speed is.

Haha, I'm paper macheting a volcano to set off outside of the library on Thursday :p

RL: It is the annual biomarkers conference today, and I am SO excited, and SO nervous... Also, I've been invited to the after drinks and three course meal (free), which is pretty sweet :p In particular I'm looking forward to a talk on circulating tumours. Out at 7:30. home at 11, yey :D

D2: Nope.

OVG: Nope!
RL: Back from vacation. So good, caught Hitmonchan, Lapras, Hitmonlee, Tangela. Found the best spot in Maine to catch Pokemon. Unfortunately, no day trips because it's 6 hours away......

D2: Maybe.

OVG: Pokemon Go of course
RL: Conference yesterday, it was good. I didn't get to chat to all of the people I wanted to, everybody kinda went off into their normal groups... I got official conformation of my place in a lab at The Beatson Institute in SUmmer 2017, which is awesome, so now I just need to sort out personal funding.

D2: Things have been hectic recently (hence the lack of posting), so I haven't actually played D2 for a while :(

OVG: :(
RL: the ususal stuff ... some work, some running, listening to music a lot (mostly while at work), some gaming time, ...

D2: finally found that next HR in LK, after 1984 runs. A Vex :(. So still no Infinity. Back to CS now. Did some 60 runs yesterday, more to come this evening. That, or I'll continue the Necro in my Sept. He definitely needs some attention as well.

OVG: fired up D3 to get that guild member in the Clan and Community. Couldn't resist actually taking my Monk into a game for a moment, just to get that feel for D3 again. One thing Blizzard really did right with the game are the character and skill animations. So fluid, so vivid, and they really pack a punch. I actually felt like playing the game a lot, but I didn't, because in many ways it wouldn't make sense. I mean, I don't have the time to complete all the things I want to complete in D2 as it is, and with the current Season almost over, no one from our guild was playing or even had been playing recently. If I'd return to the game, the start of the new season would make much more sense.
RL: flew down to San Diego for the day, my 39th and 40th flights on Southwest Airlines so far this year. I've gotten enough flights that I earned a companion pass for my wife through the end of 2017 - anytime I fly, she can come along for free.

D2: Possibly when I get home tonight, although we have a friend visiting us for a week, so maybe not.

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RL: Yesterday spent most of day at Grans cos it was her 95th birthday friday and my brother had come up to visit as well. Tomorrow i go to Turkey for a weeks holiday.

D2: Been poking things with a spearazon recently, lvl 19 finishing act 1 from memory.

OVG: Yes was being lazy and did some Fm16 last night when i got home.
Well **** in My Hat and Thump It Mondaily!

RL: I did some push ups today, it did not feel good and I've felt crap since. Oops. On the plus side, I have a test tomorrow on necrosis! :) Also, we (Liverpool) play United tonight, always a great game.

D2: I did some CS runs with Fordyl today...

OVG: No, but... Is anybody keeping an eye on Tyranny? I'm not even going to consider buying it as i won't get played. I already have Epic Manager and Shadows of Mordor waiting to be played properly!
Aha Kitteh, Liverpool fan? It's my dream to watch a game in that stadium at least once, so legendary !!! You have 2 Belgians in your team, as well as a top coach, you should be good to go this evening ;).

RL: fun weekend, but eventhough it's always 3 days for me, it's always too short ... ;).

D2: CS runs with my Sorc. And our weekly group game in an hour from now.

OVG: nothing, but a friend of mine told me that the new Shadow Warrior 2 is very cool.
RL: Didn't feel well Friday, was full blown sick on Saturday. I missed my daughters cheer event and left a family gathering early. Sunday I felt 10 times better so that was good.

D2: Lots of time on the Sorc, hoping to get some more time tonight.

OVG: Civ 6 releases 10/21/16(woot), same time as D3 S8 starts:(
RL: I got a new job! I am now the boss. Over a month of interviewing and here I am. I never thought I'd be here. It's a weird thing when you get into a rut, working hard for years on end hoping for the final payoff, not knowing if anyone is noticing. Working in a not so prestigious position. Having your family have a low opinion of your job. Then bam. Suddenly on top. The work payed off. I gotta say, I feel pretty good.

I'm currently drinking a beer downtown getting some good food.

No video games today boys!
Holy cow, do I have a lot to catch up on, between reading of all your exploits, as well as what's generally been happening in my life... Time to jump on in!

RL: Been picking up fighting again. Hella fun, went to the biggest event in my region just a couple weeks ago. Fighting nerds--good times. Been planning more stories. I'm not dropping the book I was planning before. That's still coming along, but I'm currently accumulating more notes on it than I can put into writing. It's far more expansive than I had thought it would be at its conception. Just yesterday, I was watching Luke Cage. (thanks for the recommendation, Bry. I was on the verge of watching it, but seeing the wisdom of SPF pushed me over the edge.) Anyways, I started to dwell on a bit of dialogue from it, and I have another story on my hands. I planned out a loose plot, and today I've been working on developing characters and a setting. Things are coming along nicely, and it's much more straightforward than my other story, so I might be able to write more than just a prologue or couple of first chapters before getting lost in what the story will be halfway through the plot. ANYWAYS, simply put, it's looking like I will have more to show for that story sooner than my first one. I'm exceedingly excited for both of them, though. Work is going pretty well, working a special project to stock up some new buildings before they go live.

D2: Untwinked throwbarb still running around LK and the pits, looking for runes, crafting things, and finding bases for enhanced weaponry and the like.Things are going well, but D2 is starting to take a back seat again as I fight, write, and hang out with people more.

OVG: Meh. Checking out daily quests with hearthstone, doing the weekly tavern brawl for packs. Looking forward to Mass Effect next year.
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