Moor Tournament! 2v2 Odd Couples!

tell you what mate, dont post your email liek that, tis asking for spam :p do something like "noob [at] noobian [dot] com"

I prefer to post my email in readable form. I don't get spam in my inbox and so I see no reason why I should change my habits because someone else wants to inconvenience me.

On a side note, you realise that they use automated methods to collect emails, right? So all they need to do is add a little "| [at]" to their if statement while parsing the webpage and bam, they can collect an email address in your format too. Do you really think that their algorithms will only search for things with "@" in them? If they have a dedicated system whose only function is to crawl the web for email addresses, anything vaguely resembling one is going to be collected.

But thanks for the heads up.

Team Alpha Dog (Zhao/Aman) Vs Team Scorpion (Colony/Zarfen)

Round 1 (Zhao hosts)

Zhao kills Zarfan (1-0)
Aman kills Colony (1.5-0)

Round 2

Zhao kills Colony (2-0)
Zhao kills Zarfen (2.5-0)

Round 3 (Change to Colony host)
Zhao kills Zarfan (3-0)
Zhao kills Colony (3.5-0)

Round 4

Aman kills Zarfen (4.5-0)
Colony kills Aman (4.5-0.5)
Zhao kills Colony (5-0.5)

Round 5
Aman kills Zarfen (6-0.5)
Colony kills Aman (6-1)
Colony kills Zhao (6-1.5)

Final Score

Alpha Dog 6
Dark Sky 1.5

woof woof
Last edited:
We are team scorpion zhao! :p
GG team doggy.
Why doesn't pvp come in other flavours than zarfing ownage?

Nice matches, good luck in next duels
[Mongoose is purged, while Mantis surges.]					
[B]		Master		Padawan		GP	Pts	Total Pt[/B]
Alpha Dog	Zhao		Aman		5	27.50	32.50
Carnage		Doomas		Thyiad		5	13.00	18.00
Scorpion	Colony		Zarfan		3	12.00	15.00
Mantis		Nex		Sloth		2	10.50	12.50
Ravonous	Liquid		Ray		2	4.00	6.00
Bloodlust	Aitrus		Naab		1	4.00	5.00
Dark Sky	Deathmage	Hero		1	3.50	4.50
Wolfbane	Sablast		Pedu		1	2.00	3.00
Alright, I'm pretty much tired of feasting on Colony's smoldering carcass, I have a craving for sauteed Naab with Aitrus sauce.
[highlight]Carnage (doom (v) & Thy) v Darksky (Deathmage (v) & herobomber)[/highlight]

First two rounds hosted by DeathMage, last three by Doomas. Scores listed with the hosts' first.

Round one
Great start: Thyiad killed by DeathMage and bombs takes out Doomas
1.5 - 0

Round two
Thyiad takes bombs.
Deathmage kills Thyiad.
Doomas kills deathmage to end the round.
2 -1.5

Round three - doomas hosting
Doomas takes advantage of the better ping by killing deathmage and bombs.
2.5 - 2

Round four
Good round for Carnage, Thyiad kills deathmage and then bombs.
4.5 - 2

Round five
Delay for the start of this as I try and sort out some RL stuff. Unfortunately, I hadn't finished when the duel started and I deathmage was able to kill me within seconds.
Doomas was able to send bombs on his way to lunch before deathmage finished the round by killing doomas.
5 - 3

[highlight]End score[/highlight]
Carnage 5 - Darksky 3

We just need sablast & pedu to complete our duels; please let us know when you two are around.
Team Mantis,wolfsbane,Dark Sky and scorpion, any idea when you'll be ready for some duels with team Pwnage AKA Bloodlust?We are available every day this week from 6pm(GMT)

Arranged duels:
Wednesday 6pm GMT Team Pwnage vs Ravennous
Team Mantis,wolfsbane,Dark Sky and scorpion, any idea when you'll be ready for some duels with team Pwnage AKA Bloodlust?We are available every day this week from 6pm(GMT)

Arranged duels:
Wednesday 6pm GMT Team Pwnage vs Ravennous

I actually might hafta back out of this one. Got a call from my dad today, got some real life stuff. Will let you know.

Team Mantis,wolfsbane,Dark Sky and scorpion, any idea when you'll be ready for some duels with team Pwnage AKA Bloodlust?We are available every day this week from 6pm(GMT)

What about Team Alpha Dog? :scratch:

Sorry, but me and Aitrus have thought about it and concluded that it is a time waste to duel noob's.

Thanks for you thoughtfulness, but I don't think it would be a waste of time for us to duel you 2 noobs. I have pity for the sad and less fortunate people; the 1 point might help you later on.

Yeah I can't do it tomorrow Naab. Apologies. Maybe we can try Friday at the same time? Saturday, perhaps?
We're just giving you guys some more time to prepare your headstones.

Friday at that time (when was it again?) works for me. Weekdays before 4:00EDT are always good, and many times after that are still good.
Friday is good for us.I forgot to mention that unfortunately we can't duel on Saturday.So today,Thursday,Friday and Sunday from 6pm and after GMT we are available for duels:).

Arranged duels:
Team Pwners VS Team Ravenous Friday 6pm GMT
Team Pwners VS Team Noobs Sunday 7pm GMT
I agree with zhao_Yue , sunday the tournament is over

Im having internet/computer problems but will do my best to make the duel if it happens(on Saturday)
Well, I am sure it won't happen on saturday as I am far far away from my computer then :rolleyes:

Let the Naab speak :hide:

Today, tomorrow and sunday from 6pm GMT and for about 4 hrs, take your pick
Estimated market value