Moor Tournament! 2v2 Odd Couples!

Team Mantis (nex/Sloth) vs Team Dark Sky (DeathMage/Bombs)

Twas a hastily organised match where nex was the only non-Aussie participant :smiley: the first round was a disaster and didnt count, i will refer to it as round 0..

Round 0: nex dropsout halfway through!

Round 1: 1.5-0 to Mantis
nex kills DM
Sloth kills Bombs

Round 2: 2.5-1 to Mantis
Sloth kills Bombs
DM kills nex
DM kills Sloth

Round 3: 4.5-1 to Mantis
Sloth kills both

Round 4: 4.5-2 to Mantis
DM kills both

Round 5:
nex kills bombs
DM kills nex
Sloth kills DM

Final Score 6.0 - 2.5 to Team Mantis, with the bonus points included 7-3.5 :thumbsup:

Was a good few close duels and was more on edge than the score suggests.. thanks for the duels guys :thumbsup:
I thought we agreed to Saturday 7pm? Sunday the tournament will be over. :rolleyes:

Erm then you misunderstood me,The tournament will end Sunday 23:59 Liquid evil time(-7 GMT iirc) as confirmed from Thyiad and Liq.As Aitrus said he wont be able to duel on saturday,so our only chance to duel Team Noobz is on sunday:undecided:

Edit:mad: Thyiad and Liq i think most of us would like a postpone of the enddate like a week or so,could that happen?

It was suggested that the tourney was put back a week when the dropouts and replacements were made. The answer then was no, the deadline stands. It's up to Liq, but I certainly don't think the tourney needs to be extended. It's been running for a while and the opening post said "don't leave all your duels to the last minute". :grin:
Team wolfsbane is awailable for duels tommorow (thursday) at 9 pm, gmt+2.
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Was a good few close duels and was more on edge than the score suggests.. thanks for the duels guys :thumbsup:

Agreed. Good fight team DarkSky :thumbsup:

Oh, and sorry for leaving so quickly after last round, I already had to be somewhere else, my phone was ringing during whole 5th round :smiley:

EDIT: it seems Europeans are at work/school/etc, Yanks are sleeping, only Aussies and Nex lurking here... any team that would be available tomorrow 11am-1pm (GMT+1)?

Any teams around at the moment? nex and I ( team mantis) are available for about an hour and a bit :thumbsup:
I told Naab in IRC, but I wanted to post to let the other two know...

I got called and have to go into work tomorrow afternoon before our scheduled duel. I will find out tomorrow when I'll be able to duel this weekend, so hopefully we can get it in.
Hey sablast your PM box is full, and IIRC we agreed to duel 21: 00 gmt +2

Heres IP :
hey,I'll be there in 5 minutes

Can we schedule something for Saturday sab? Maybe like 48 hours from this post? Would something like that work for you guys?

@ Ray- Could we be online earlier to duel Naab's team? A couple hours before our previously scheduled one? Would that work?

**Also note that this tournament concludes at the end of Saturday (my time). You'll only have 1 weekend day to do this, so finish up as best as possible.

Well then team Bloodlust has finished this "awesome" tournament with superb 5 points and 1 duel.I blame Aitrus:D
Team Carnage finished their duels. Someone will post results soon.

Thanks Liq for hosting this one, and thanks everyone for duels :thumbsup:

P.s I used Barb DooM ( thats strange isnt it?) :shocked:
gg doom, thy:)
good old barb DooM and his blondie...
I'll have to check with pedu, I hope will manage to duel before the end of tournament
[highlight]Carnage (Doomas (v) & Thyiad) v Wolfsbane (Sablast (v) & Pedu)[/highlight]

All duels taking place at Doomas' place. Thanks to Pedu for staying up, I know it was late and you wanted to go to bed.

Round One
An unfortunate start as Sab kills Doomas and then without my protector, me.

Round Two
A complete reverse of Round one as Doomas takes out Pedu then Sab to even the score

Round Three
It's novice against novice and then vet against vet, as Thyiad kills Pedu, then Doom kills Sab

At the end of round three or four I had 59 hit points at the end; I get 127 from harleys which I had put on that round. Scary stuff.

Round Four

Things look bleak for Wolfsbane as Doomas squashes first Pedu, then Sab.
3.5 -1

Round Five
I really shouldn't try and tank with it. I've done it three times and got killed every time. This time it was by Pedu. In a final act of chivalry, Doom took revenge on him before succumbing to Sabs attack. (Watching Dooms health bar on this was scary. It was very low for most of the duel, including when he killed Pedu.)

[highlight] And that's the final duel for Team Carnage.[/highlight]
I make that 29 points for us.

[highlight]Oscar Speech[/highlight]
I would like to thank Doomas for basically saving my rear many many times. His PvP tutoring has ensured I haven't made a total noob of myself.

A major thanks to Liq for hosting this and all of the other tourneys. It's fantastic how much work he's put in and been open to new ideas to get the novices involved more. Be on notice guys, the next Tourney you won't be getting any special treatment ... :evil:

Well done to all competitors. A nicer group of guys you couldn't hope to meet. Thank you for letting us less-than-perfects, in.

[highlight]The Character[/highlight]
Rincewind, level 85 Amazon - yes despite my "Blain is ready" speeches, I wasn't a sorceress this time :grin:

The Name

If you're a Terry Pratchett fan, you should recognize the anti-hero who spends a lot of his time running from one disaster to the next. I felt it was appropriate. :rolleyes:


Windforce & Shael
Titans and SS/gemmed monarch on switch
Duriels & IAS with trechary, duress also available
Rare gloves
Dual Ravenfrosts
Kiras & IAS with Harlys also available
Gores - infernos in the stash, never used
Cats Eye ammy
Charm: life, fhr, res and a skiller

Don't die. IE Hide behind Doomas. Basically without Doom I had a major problem. I won't make any secret that I hate zons. I'm amazed I killed a few people. Three times I tried to tank characters because I felt running wouldn't work. Doesn't work.

I know at least one unaabed person is puzzled by my bow. They weren't taking much damage, while someone else they were chatting with died in three hits. One probably got hit by Doomas' Widowmaker, the other by my Windforce. :grin: You can sleep easy now ...
[Alpha Dog cruises, while Bloodlust snoonzes.]					
[B]		Hero  		Sidekick	GP	Pts	Total Pt[/B]
Alpha Dog	Zhao		Aman		5	27.50	32.50
Carnage		Doomas		Thyiad		7	22.00	29.00
Mantis		Nex		Sloth		3	16.50	19.50
Scorpion	Colony		Zarfan		3	12.00	15.00
Dark Sky	Deathmage	Hero		3	9.00	12.00
Wolfbane	Sablast		Pedu		2	4.50	6.50
Ravonous	Liquid		Ray		2	4.00	6.00
Bloodlust	Aitrus		Naab		1	4.00	5.00

It's getting tight in the home stretch, can any more moves be made? Stay tuned and find out ...'s my deal. I'm going into work shortly, and will return around 1:30pm EDT.

At that time, I should be available pretty much for the rest of the day to finish up the duels. So, come take a break from your day and let Liq and I pwn you for 20-30 minutes :grin:

Since Aman and I have locked up first place for this tourament, we were just told by PM of an additional benefit for our success.

Aman has already chosen to to become the Assassin Moderator.

I haven't decided yet what post I'll be taking, but you'll soon see my name in green also. :grin:


Congrats you two! I didn't want to post that the winners would receive this extra bonus just to see how hard you'd duel without the extra awesome incentive. I also didn't mention that the bottom 2 get temp bans. So see you in a week, Naab and aitrus!
Awesome! Congratulations you two :grin:

Oh we get to deal with ZY being a mod...

::runs away::

Estimated market value