MFO Pre-D3 2012 Results [by jjscud]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @jjscud on May 9, 2012.
(link to original thread on

Sorry for getting these so late. I saw that I had all the results in this morning but didn't have any time on my computer until this night. Thanks everyone for participating.


1. frozzzen [1.13d FAM SC] - 319.9

Crown of Ages - 93.9
Ghostflame - 76.8
Earth Shifter - 76.8
Immortal King's Soul Cage - 39.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian - 32.6

2. Cyrax [1.13c FAM SC] - 250.0
The grandfather - 76.8
Gargoyle's bite - 76.8
Templar's might - 52.8
Bul-Kathos' sacred charge - 32.6
Halaberd's reign - 11.0

3. scrcrw [1.13d SC FAM] - 70.4
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - 32.6
Schaefer's Hammer - 15.3
Demonhorn's Edge - 7.6
Boneshade - 7.5
Head Hunter's Glory - 7.4

4. zemaj [1.13d SC FAM] - 39.3
Dragonscale - 19.5
Spike Thorn - 6.3
Widowmaker - 4.5
Thunderstroke - 4.5
Thunderstroke - 4.5

5. nubikoen [1.13d SC FAM] - 37.7
The Redeemer - 9.3
Boneshade - 7.5
Boneshade - 7.5
Head Hunter's Glory - 7.4
Leviathan - 6

6. horseheadnebula [1.13d SC FAM] - 22.9
Head Hunter's Glory - 7.4
Doombringer - 5.4
Eschuta's Temper - 4.4
The Reaper's Toll - 3.1
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - 2.6

7. Thomh [1.13c HC FAM] - 19.5
Gut Siphon - 6.1
Blackoak Shield - 5.6
Kira's Guardian - 4.7
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator - 3.1


1. Paradigmshift [1.13d SC FAM] - 82

Death's Web - 27.9
Astreon's Iron Ward - 27.8
Darkforce Spawn - 19.3
Alma Negra - 9.1
Demonhorn's Edge - 7.9

2. TheNix [1.13c SC FAM] - 59.1
Darkforce Spawn - 19.3
Shadow Dancer - 10.7
Shadow Dancer - 10.7
Ghostflame - 9.3
Alma Negra - 9.1

3. jjscud [1.13d SC FAM] - 49.1
Cerebus' Bite - 11
Boneflame - 10.4
Windforce - 9.3
Windforce - 9.3
Alma Negra - 9.1

4. jimsfriend [1.13d SC FAM] - 30.8
Demonhorn's Edge - 7.9
Soul Drainer - 6.6
Doombringer - 5.7
Horizon's Tornado - 5.7
The Gladiator's Bane - 4.9


1. Victus [1.12a SC Vanilla] - 69.2

Mang Song's Lesson - 27.8
Shadow Dancer - 10.7
Crown of Ages - 10.7
Crown of Ages - 10.7
Executioner's Justice - 9.3

2. pharphis [1.13d HC FAM] - 56.7
Stormlash - 17
Griswold's Redemption - 11.3
Griswold's Honor - 9.8
Death Cleaver - 9.3
Gargoyle's Bite - 9.3

3. Kimppi [1.13d SC FAM] - 54.6
Darkforce Spawn - 19.3
Halaberd's Reign - 10.4
Heaven's Light - 9.8
Arkaine's Valor - 7.8
Wolfhowl - 7.3

4. Nulio [1.13d SC FAM] - 48.7
Schaefer's Hammer - 11.6
Cerebus' Bite - 11
Boneflame - 10.4
Alma Negra - 9.1
Spike Thorn - 6.6

5. TheReadMenace [1.13d SC FAM] - 33.4
Head Hunter's Glory - 7.8
Blood Raven's Charge - 6.7
Soul Drainer - 6.6
Nosferatu's Coil - 6.6
Horizon's Tornado - 5.7

6. LiquidClear [1.13c SC FAM] - 27.6
The Cranium Basher - 9.3
Marrowwalk - 5
Thunderstroke - 4.7
Tomb Reaver - 4.3
Tomb Reaver - 4.3

7. queenEm [1.13c SC FAM] - 19.4
Messerschmidt's Reaver - 4.6
M'avina's True Sight - 4.3
M'avina's True Sight - 4.3
Griswold's Valor - 4.3
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - 1.9


1. FredOfErik [1.13d HC FAM] - 65.0

Death's Web - 27.9
Griswold's Redemption - 11.3
Griswold's Redemption - 11.3
Steel Pillar - 9.3
Firelizard's Talons - 5.2

2. zgpmf [1.13d SC FAM] - 62.7
Darkforce Spawn - 19.3
Griswold's Redemption - 11.3
Templar's Might - 10.7
Shadow Dancer - 10.7
Crown of Ages - 10.7

3. kestegs [1.13d SC FAM FTS] - 59.8
Darkforce Spawn - 19.3
Shadow Dancer - 10.7
Griffon's Eye - 10.7
Griswold's Honor - 9.8
Ghostflame - 9.3

4. Fyourics [1.13d SC FAM] - 51.5
Griswold's Redemption - 11.3
Steelrend - 10.7
Halaberd's Reign - 10.4
Griswold's Honor - 9.8
The Grandfather - 9.3

5. Kaerion [1.13d SC FAM] - 45.8
Heaven's Light - 9.8
Steel Pillar - 9.3
The Grandfather - 9.3
The Grandfather - 9.3
Giant Skull - 8.1

6. CorruptedMollusk [1.13c SC FAM] - 42.6
Steel Pillar - 9.3
Death Cleaver - 9.3
Giant Skull - 8.1
Giant Skull - 8.1
Head Hunter's Glory - 7.8

7. VoltageR [1.13d SC FAM] - 38.6
Shadow Dancer - 10.7
The Grandfather - 9.3
Arkaine's Valor - 7.8
Dracul's Grasp - 5.9
The Gladiator's Bane - 4.9

8. janooo [1.13d SC FAM FTS] - 38.1
Templar's Might - 10.7
Ghostflame - 9.3
Blood Raven's Charge - 6.7
Leviathan - 5.7
Horizon's Tornado - 5.7

9. maxicek [1.13d SC FAM] - 36.2
Griswold's Redemption - 11.3
Boneshade - 7.9
Spike Thorn - 6.6
Firelizard's Talons - 5.2
Firelizard's Talons - 5.2

10. Verno [1.13c SC FAM] - 28.1
Crown of Ages - 10.7
Firelizard's Talons - 5.2
Griswold's Valor - 4.3
Griswold's Valor - 4.3
Razor's Edge - 3.6

11. Thomh [1.13c HC FAM FTS] - 13.2
Immortal King's Soul Cage - 4.3
Wraith Flight - 4.3
M'avina's Embrace - 2.3
Dangoon's Teaching - 1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher - 1.0

12. HeadKick [1.13d SC FAM] - 4.7
Wizardspike - 2.3
Laying of Hands - 1.4
Immortal King's Stone Crusher - 1.0


1. Team Kittens - Paradigmshift, kestegs, frozzzen, nulio - 35
1. The A-Team- Victus, fyourics, Cyrax, Thenix - 35
3. Bottom-Tier - zemaj, janooo, jjscud, queenEm - 22
4. As Of Yet Unnamed Team - Fabian, LiquidClear, jimsfriend - 12


The Looting Rules!

I have an additional Path of Exile Beta key available. PM me if you want it, I'll give it to the highest placing request tomorrow.

For each Category:

1st Place - picks 4 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant).
2nd Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
There's a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.

Make sure you realize the mod status of any items you take and act accordingly. Here's the final signup post with links to trade profiles.

jjscud's "good sportsmanship" suggestions. I won't enforce these but any reasonable person shouldn't have any problem following these.

1. Don't claim items for their trade value, claim items you want to use or as a trophy
2. If you want a trophy, please be considerate (i.e. no grailers)
3. if you claim an item and the player really wants it, give them a chance to trade back their self found item for a similar or better one or other item as you see fit.
4. If someone is claiming one of your items, you may personalize it before giving it to them.[/B]
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Congratulation to everyone for the effort, and especially those who got in first! Although I'm mad that I found my Mang song's 2 days before the MFO began during my preparation runs, I'm not TOO mad at you, Victus :p

I found all 3 parts of Griswold's that aren't easy to find, and for the first time, too. Somehow I didn't find the armor at all :/
I'd like to also mention that several of the really great items I found were from regular enemies, including the stormlash, iirc.
Let's see some haul pics!
Congratulations to the winners, those that found grailers, and to everyone who stuck through to the end!! Too bad there were no Tyrael's this time around, but I must give a special congrats to paradigm for nailing both a DWeb and an Astreon's together. That's impressive.

Well done to Victus for taking first in my category, as well. I have no qualms about people taking any of my stuff; my HHG has 3 sockets and max +lpk, iirc, though the resists aren't superb. Still, ask for an item or a readout, it shall be yours!

Again, thanks to everyone who participated, and to jjscud as well for heading up this heralded tradition of the SPF!!
VoltageR said:
Guys, I have a question, I have never found a "ladder" item, does it come with the RWM? Or is there anyway to install them?
They come with playing SP "out-of-the-box" :)

I seem to have fallen off the Baal category. At least I don't finish last.
Yay! luck > über MF chars 👅

Nice finds everybody. Personally I found quite a few grailers (never been much of an MFer). The Dweb came on the last day of running. Really a lousy roll (+1/-42%) but I don't care. It still beats blackbog's for the poisonmancer I just started out ;)

Since me and Thomh are the only HCers in my category, I won't claim anything from the qualifiers.

kestegs said:
Congrats everyone, especially foE.

Wish I had more time, but I can't complain too much as I has decent results for my 500 runs.

Don't feel bad about taking my stuff if y'all want anything, I don't need it. I won't be looting anything.

Thanks :badteeth:
pharphis said:
Congratulation to everyone for the effort, and especially those who got in first! Although I'm mad that I found my Mang song's 2 days before the MFO began during my preparation runs, I'm not TOO mad at you, Victus :p
There's nothing to be mad at. My top5 contains all TC87 uniques I've found. Everything else is below 9 points. But as Cyrax says: quality before quantity. :badteeth:

TheReadMenace said:
Well done to Victus for taking first in my category, as well.

Congratulations to A-Team and Team Kittens for the shared first place!:highfive:
I won't claim any items. No haul pic from me because of too little good drops.

Second MFO win with my zon :) Happy to see effort paid off.
Not much to speak about my qualifiers; they were as bad as expected from Baal. CoA has only one hole what makes me sad,
but Earth Shifter rolled eth and pretty high end, so it cracked +1000 maxdmg. Otherwise nothing fancy.

Won't be claiming anything from anyone, and my haulpics from Baal are always iffy without 50+ TC 87 uniques, so no haulpic from me :)

Tnx to jjscud for organizing MFO and to supervisors for doing their dirty work.
Congrats to all winners and thanks to jjscud for organising. I knew I wouldn't win with "only" DS as top qualifier but I was close, and I feel a little sorry for not running in Baal category for XP with my 99er but it's too late now.

Unique haul
Set haul

Now, let's see kestegs' DS and Griffon's eye and if enyone got perfect Boneshade let me know if you don't need it. :)

Edit: Nvm kestegs I saw it at IFT. BTW, my DS rolled 1,1,1.
Congratz to all category winners. Especially frozzzen. With that many runs it would've been cruel, if i still would've beaten you. Your win is very much deserved.

The gargoyle's bite is a grailie for me, so i'm very happy with that (and that it didn't get taken as loot). This puts me at grail -2. That's one less trauma. Seeing just about everybody and their mother finding one during MFO's and such really started to hurt.

I won't be taking any items from the other competitors.

Thanks to jjscud and supervisors for making all this possible.
Congrats to all the winners, especially FoE. Way to go man!!!

I do have one question about what people can take? Can they take anything they want from our stash or just items that we found? I have lots of items I will never use (windforces and azurewraths, etc) but they were found outside of this contest. Someone please let me know.
Estimated market value